
October 6, 2015

#CulturalGenocide: Statues Vandalised in Pretoria: Statues on Church Square were painted green again

Beelde op Kerkplein loop wéér onder groen verf deur:
Groen verf is oënskynlik op standbeelde van boerekrygers gegooi wat Paul Kruger op Kerkplein in Pretoria “bewaak”.
Die Kruger-standbeeld self het nie dié keer deurgeloop nie.
Donkergroen verf is op ’n boerekryger voor Kruger se standbeeld en op een agter hom gegooi. Dit lyk na dakverf.
Die verfhouer was Dinsdagoggend nog langs een van die standbeelde.
Nadat die Kruger-standbeeld vroeër met verf bemors is, is ’n omheining om die beeld opgerig. ’n Deel daarvan is verwyder. Dit was verlede week nog daar.
Dit is onbekend wie die verf gegooi het en wanneer dit gedoen is.


● Link

"We are not talking about apartheid now...We are talking about vandalizing and diminishing peoples history. All over the world where people tried to diminish a groups history, GENOCIDE FOLLOWED"~SABC-TV journalist Link


● F*ck boere' painted on statues defaced in Krugersdorp
Times LIVE | 15 April, 2015 14:20

A statue of Paul Kruger and another of JG Strydom have been vandalised in Krugesrdorp.

● Vandalising Statues: “The hammer approach is opportunistic, it’s anarchy, it’s dangerous.”

ANC’s Mantashe on vandalising statues: “The hammer approach is opportunistic, it’s anarchy, it’s dangerous.”
A student beats  the statue of Cecil John Rhodes with a stick as it is removed from the University of Cape Town (UCT), April 9, 2015.  The statue at the university, one of Africa's top academic institutions, has been covered up for the past few weeks as both white and black students regularly marched past with #Rhodesmustfall placards calling for its removal. They believe it is a symbol of the racism against blacks that prevails in South Africa two decades after the end of oppressive white-minority rule. REUTERS/Mike Hutchings

A black student beats the statue of Cecil John Rhodes with a stick as it is removed from the University of Cape Town (UCT), April 9, 2015

Julius Malema declares WAR & urges followers to TEAR DOWN ALL #Afrikaner STATUES 

● BREAKING NEWS: Three black men, believed to be affiliated to a political party, attempted to burn a war memorial statue situated in Uitenhage's market square

● Statues attacked countrywide after call by 'revolutionary leader' to 'tear it down-not illegal

#CulturalGenocide #Statues