
May 29, 2016

#LandGrabsInSA: ANC's communist Expropriation Bill ‘will herald new era of intensified land reform’ and final destruction of SA

Above was the propaganda. Now read what's in store for whites in South Africa in this regard:  A black day for white private property-owners in South Africa - and it's moreover, a totally Unconstitutional Bill... 

"SA's parliament on Thursday approved the land expropriation bill to, in the propaganda-speak of the Mail and Guardian -- 'enable the State to make "compulsory purchases to redress racial disparities in land ownership." However, this isn't ONLY about farm-land: 

--- The Institute for Race Relations warns that this Bill "again empowers both the minister of public works and all organs of State to expropriate PROPERTY OF VIRTUALLY EVERY KIND' either ‘for public purposes’ or ‘in the public interest’.... 

https://www.censorbugbear.org › view
FARMITRACKER · Login ... of Race Relations has repeatedly warned that it's anUnconstitutional Bill:

https://stopwhitegenocideinsa.wordpress.com › ...
Genocide Reports: http://www.censorbugbear.org/farmitracker/reports ... The 2008 bill was clearly unconstitutional in seeking to oust the jurisdiction of the courts and make the ...
