
March 8, 2016

#ATTACK: #Hatespeech: UPDATE: Black Metro Police officer accused of assault and racism, is set to apologise to his Afrikaner victims this morning

JMPD officer: “I’m sorry”

A photo captured while the incident took place outside the Roodepoort Licensing Department in January this year. Photo submitted.
A photo captured while the incident took place outside the Roodepoort Licensing Department in January this year.

The Metro Police, and specifically an officer accused of assault and racism, is set to apologise to his victims this morning, Tuesday 8 March.
According to JMPD spokesperson Wayne Minnaar a meeting is scheduled to take place at their internal affairs offices in Selby, where the officer will apologise to Steven van Eeden and Dimpie Theron. The pair were verbally abused and Steven assaulted after Dimpie asked the officer to remove his marked vehicle from a disabled parking bay outside Roodepoort Licensing Department at Roodepoort City Hall in January.

Dimpie meant to use the bay to drop off a friend, who is disabled. Steven saw the officer arguing with her and stepped in, only to be shoved around and have racial slurs flung at him.

“The victim[s] had asked that nothing [serious] happen to the officer they reported to internal affairs,” Minnaar told the Record.
“An investigation followed, and the internal affairs department decided an apology is the best course of action.”

■ #HateSpeech: Black Metro cop gets racist after caught red-handed

“Don’t take your white tendencies out here,” the officer allegedly told a resident.
