
March 22, 2016

#MURDER: UPDATE: Christine Reynecke (35) spoke about the death of her husband, W/O Morne Reynecke, who was shot by black killers

Adj-off Morné Reynecke is Vrydagaand oorlede, nadat hy vroeër die dag geskiet is. Saam met hom op die foto is sy vrou Christine (35) en die egpaar se twee kinders Chanté en Mario.
GENOCIDE VICTIM: Afrikaner W/O Morne Reynecke died on Friday after being shot earlier in the day while he was off duty. With him in the photo is his wife Christine (35) and the couple's two children Chante and Mario

Vrou en kinders van polisieman wat dood geskiet is kry kans om hom te groet
