Man shot at his home
Police spokesperson Captain Augustinah Selepe said the incident took place in Gurko street, Danville extension 5 around 02:30.“The complainant alleged that she was sleeping in the house with her husband when suddenly they heard some movement in the yard. Her husband (who’s the victim) saw three unknown men trying to break into the house. He then took out his service pistol and went to check.”
Selepe said the three men fired shots at the victim immediately when they saw him coming.
“He was shot in the stomach and in his left leg. The suspects then fled the scene.”
The victim was taken to hospital where he is in a stable condition, Selepe said.
“The three suspects are still at large.”
Netcare 911 spokesperson Athlenda Mathe said: “Paramedics stabilised the man on the scene before transporting him to a nearby hospita.”