Here is an example from last year brought to ma attention about how Black newspapers fan the flames of hate towards whites with their psyops, but then two pages further talk about how whites do not do enough for reconciliation.
So if you see this heading on the front of a Black newspaper Farmer tortures man to deathWhat do you think? What Mental Model is created in your brain?
Of course you will immediately form a Mental Model of an evil racist white “Boer” who tortured his innocent black worker to death.
However when you read the story (which appeared on page sixteen) you will see that the farmer was black (his name is Tigwinita Luwantu)and that this is a black on black incident…a fact conveniently omitted from the heading on the front page of the Sowetan. How many buy the newspaper and read the main story inside and how many only read the headline?
Those who do buy the paper for the story are probably expecting to read about their expected and already formed mental model only to discover they have been fooled, conned by the Sowetan into buying a newspaper for a sensationalized piece of bullshit story.
But this is how Psyops work. They want to constantly create these mental models of white racists torturing innocent blacks so they can sell their fish and chips wrappers to the masses for more sensationalized bullshit. On top of it…it sows racial divide and tension playing into the hands of their ANC masters.
The truth is this:
The black farmer, his black wife and their black friends, caught three men gathering wood and accused them of stealing a sheep. They locked them up in a cold room for 12 hours and systematically tortured them, beating them with knobkerries and a car fan belt and pouring boiling water on their private parts. When the black police arrived on the scene they joined in on the assault. One man later died from his injuries.
■ #ATTACK? A 52 -year-old man was brutally attacked by three young men
A 52 -year-old man was brutally attacked by three young men....??? And that's that.... and again NO race was mentioned here except that we know the victim was white via the two photos in the article.... but the attackers.....? Well they were only named:
young men...students....Stellenbosch....
young men...students....Stellenbosch....
We can see colour when people are appointed in jobs. Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment is fine. Quotas are fine. Employment Equity is fine. Seeing race when allowing students into university is fine. Having a Black Business Association is fine. Having a Black Consciousness Movement is fine. Consider race when selecting players for a Springbok Rugby World team is fine. Calling out White Privilege is fine.
...but whatever we do, we must PLEASE not see colour when white people are attacked & murdered!!! We must PLEASE not see colour when journalists report on attacks on whites in South Africa...???
We live in South Africa. A country with more race based laws than any other country in the world and more than ever in the history of this country.
You cannot address a problem until you are willing to admit that there is one... and there IS one! It is called White Genocide or, if you prefer, ethnic cleansing and it is happening. Here, in THIS country RIGHT NOW!
Dries Laas na hy deur drie mans in die ooste van Pretoria aangeval is |
■ Those Murdering “Robbers” and “Intruders” againSince I started a campaign to expose the psyops and extenuating of black on white murders in South Africa by the Main Stream Media, they tend to choose their words carefully.
Remember how I have pointed out several times how the MSM euphemistically calls murderers “robbers”…even when so often nothing was stolen?
See examples below…
Those Killer "Robbers" and the liberal politics of greed
Those magnificent MSM psy-ops “robbers”
Those murdering “robbers” in the Media Psyops again
I see now they have wised up a little…When nothing was stolen they reverted back to euphemistically calling the killers simply “intruders”…like in the example below, where a 59 yo man was shot dead in front of his family and nothing was stolen and obviously no mention of the races of the killers or the victim was made. Intruders kill man in front of family
Or this one of a rapist and murderer, who raped an 89 yo woman, stabbed her to death and then stabbed her five year old granddaughter to death. Simply an intruder…No mention of race of perpetrators or victims.
Also notice how they do not even mention the rape and double murder in the headline, almost hoping people will skip the article about an intruder who simply kicked a door down. Intruder kicked down elderly woman’s door
Here is another example of how they call a white murder victim, Jacques Oosthuizen, who was stabbed and shot several times by this low life trash, a “robbery victim”… Waterfall robbery victim dies Hey?
The man was a MURDER victim not a “Robbery victim”. If he was a victim of a robbery he would have been only robbed not killed. Take note how nowhere in the article do they actually mention WHAT was stolen.
Man aangerand deur studente
’n 52-jarige man is in die ooste van Pretoria aangerand en byna bewusteloos geslaan, vermoedelik deur drie studente.
In ’n beweerde padwoede voorval, vertel Dries Laas, hoe drie jong mans hom in sy voertuig van die pad afgedruk het en hom wreedaardig aangerand het.
Laas sê hy en sy vrou was Dinsdagaand op pad terug na hul huis in die ooste toe die voorval op die hoek van Lois- en Solomon Mahlangurylaan plaasgevind het.
“’n Bestuurder in ’n silwer Mercedes het links verby my in die noodbaan gesteek,” verduidelik Laas.
“Dit is onwettig om op die geellyn te ry om verby ander motors te sny, en ek het toe my hoofligte vir hom geflits.”
Laas verduidelik hy was skaars verby die verkeerslig op die hoek, toe die Mercedes voor hom inry en dood stop.
“Ek kon gelukkig toe uitswaai in die regterbaan in.”
Laas sê na hy weer terug in die linkerbaan beweeg het, die Mercedes versnel het en die linkerkant van sy bakkie raakgestamp.
Laas het van die pad afgetrek saam met die Mercedes.
“Twee jong mans het uit die motor gespring en ons het toe woorde gewissel,” sê Laas.
“Hulle het my gedreig en een het gesê hy gaan sy prokureur en die polisie bel. Ek het eintlik gehoop hulle sal die polisie bel dat hulle dan die situasie kon kom beheer het.”
Dries sê die een man het wel ’n oproep gemaak, maar beslis nie die polisie gekontak nie.
“Ek hoor net hoe sê hy: ‘Hy is nog hier! Kom vinnig!’. Toe besef ek daar kom moeilikheid.”
Laas sê hy het terug in sy motor geklim, vir sy vrou gesê dat hulle polisie toe moet gaan en weggery.
“Ons het besluit om reguit Boschkop-polisiestasie toe te ry wat in ons gebied is,” sê Laas.
Hy het gesien hoe die Mercedes hulle volg.
Skielik het nog ’n voertuig, met sy hoofligte aan, by die Mercedes agter hulle aangesluit.
“Dié Ford bakkie het toe so teen aan my bakkie gery, jy sou nie ’n papier tussen ons voertuie in kry nie.”
Laas vertel hoe die bestuurder toe die ‘knipmes maneuver’ probeer het om hom beheer te laat verloor.
“Gelukkig is ek ’n ou bestuurder en het darem nie heeltemal beheer verloor nie, anders was ons dalk in ’n groot ongeluk” sê Laas.
Hy het weer langs die pad gestop. Dié keer het die bestuurders van die Ford en Mercedes hom vasgekeer.
“Die bestuurder van die Mercedes het my daarvan beskuldig dat ek probeer wegry het van ’n ongelukstoneel.”
Laas beskryf die twee jong mans en hul derde vriend wat in die Ford gery het as baie agressief.
Na Laas die registrasienommers geneem het as versekering bewyse het een van die mans ’n vuishou na sy kop gemik.
“Ek het net geskree: ‘Whoa! Whoa! Ek praat net met julle, ek wil nie baklei nie.”
Die volgende wat Laas onthou is toe al drie mans hom skielik oorweldig en ses vuiste op hom neerreën waar hy op die grond lê.
“Hulle het my geslaan en toe begin skop.”
Laas sê die laaste woorde wat hy onthou was toe een van die mans vir die ander sê: “Maak net seker hy sluk nie sy tong in nie.”
“Dit is toe dat ek weet hulle rand my met opset aan. Dit was nie die eerste keer wat hulle so baklei het nie.”
Die res van die gebeure het Laas se vrou later herhaal na hy by sy huis bygekom het.
Van die bietjie inligting wat hulle by die mans kon kry voor die aanval kon die egpaar aflei dat hulle studente van Stellenbosch is.
Laas se vrou het hom probeer help toe hulle hom aanrand maar is net weggestamp.
“Gelukkig het daar toe iemand verby gery en gestop,” vertel Laas.
Die onbekende man het gestop en uit sy kar geklim.
“Hulle (aanvallers) het hom toe aangevat en gevra ‘wat soek hy’ en dat dit ‘niks met hom te doen het nie’.”
Laas sê dit is danksy dié vreemdeling se aankoms dat hy kon wegkom.
“Ek weet steeds nie hoe ek self opgestaan het om in die bakkie te klim nie,” sê hy.
“Maar dit is danksy daardie een mens wat gestop het, wat verhoed het dat hulle my doodskop. Dit kon baie erger gewees het.”
Laas het na die voorval mediese hulp gekry en ook die saak by die Boschkop-polisiestasie aangemel.
“Gelukkig het ek toe die foto’s van hul registrasienommers en die polisie kon hul inligting kry.”
Laas sê hy verwag dat die polisie binnekort sy aanvallers sal aankeer.
Hy sê hy is gelukkig om geen blywende skade oor te hou nie. “Dit is wel vernederend dat my kliënte met wie ek besigheid doen my so moet sien met dié geswelde gesig.”