‘n Lid van die Nederlandse parlement, oftewel die “Tweede Kamer van die State-Generaal“, mnr. Martin Bosma (Partij voor de Vrijheid), het gisteraand verklaar dat “Nederland Suider-Afrikaanse bevrydingsbewegings finansieel gesteun het wat vier volksmoorde gepleeg het”. Dié stelling het hy tydens ‘n begrotingsdebat in die Tweede Kamer oor “ontwikkelingsamewerking” gemaak. Nederland skenk jaarliks €4,1 miljard (ongeveer R60 miljard) aan derdewêreldlande, veral in Afrika. “Ontwikkelingsamewerking” wat as “OS” afgekort word, verteenwoordig ‘n eufemisme vir hulpgeld.
Die vier terroristebewegings, wat volgens Bosma nooit sonder Nederlandse finansiering aan bewind sou gekom het nie, is: die MPLA in Angola, SWAPO in Suidwes-Afrika (tans Namibië), Frelimo in Mosambiek, asook die ANC-SAKP in Suid-Afrika. Tydens die sewentiger- en vroeë tagtigerjare had Nederland ‘n verlinkse minister vir ontwikkelingsamewerking, Jan Pronk, ‘n lid van die linkse Partij van de Arbeid. Pronk was die seun van ‘n hervormde onderwyser en onderwyseres wat agterna ekonomie studeer het.
“Die PvdA het Frelimo en MPLA gefinansier. Sal die PvdA daarvoor om verskoning vra? Volksmoorde is met Nederlandse belastings gepleeg. Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp is verantwoordelik vir tienduisende dode in Afrika… Jan Pronk was verlief op Julius Nyerere. Daardeur is miljoene Tanzaniese boere van hul grond verdryf,” seg Bosma gisteraand.
Met Nederlandse en Skandinawiese hulpgeld het Nyerere die stelsel van “oejamaa”-sosialisme in sy land ingestel waardeur kollektiewe landbou op die kommunistiese manier ingestel is. Hy het ook sy weermag in die vroeë 1970’s gebruik om miljoene bestaansboere onder dwang na die stede en nuwe dorpe te laat trek en het hul ou statte afgebrand. Hierdie beleid het tot hongersnood in die land gelei en het Tanzanië van buitelandse voedselhulp afhanklik gemaak, wat toe deur Nederland op aandrang van Jan Pronk verskaf is.
Oor die volksmoorde in Suider-Afrika, het Bosma gisteraand in die Tweede Kamer verklaar:
“Progressiewe Nederland het die ANC gehelp om volksmoord op Inkatha uit te voer. Die ‘bevrydingsbewegings’ in Angola, Mosambiek en Suid-Afrika pleeg almal volksmoord. Suid-Afrika is nou die mees rassistiese land ter wêreld, danksy Nederland en Jan Pronk. Die land word regeer deur die intens korrupte ANC, wat ‘n kriminele organisasie is.”
Oor Zimbabwe seg Bosma: “Nederland steun die rassis Robert Mugabe téén suksesvolle blanke boere.”
Repliek op Bosma se stellings en vrae sal vanmiddag deur die vroulike minister van buitelandse handel en ontwikkelingsamewerking, Lilianne Ploumen, beantwoord word. Ploumen behoort, nes Jan Pronk destyds, tot die linkse Partij van de Arbeid en Bosma se aanmerkings kan haar dus kwalik aanstaan.
Nederland word tans deur die sogenaamde Mark Rutte II-koalisie geregeer, wat uit die linkse PdvA en die liberale VVD (Volksparty vir Vryheid en Demokrasie) bestaan. Die eerste minister, Mark Rutte, is die leier van die VVD, wat oor 40 setels in die Tweede Kamer beskik.
Video: Dutch development-aid money funded genocidal terrorist movements and brought criminal regimes to power: warning in Dutch parliament
Dutch development aid money funded genocidal terrorist movements and brought criminal regimes to power in five Southern African countries:
-- Dutch MP Martin Bosma alleges in Dutch Lower House of Parliament (Tweede Kamer) during a debate about the annual development-aid budget on 25 November and 26 November 2015.
VIDEO: Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp is verantwoordelijk voor duizenden doden in Zuidelijk Afrika: Martin Bosma: 27-11-15 video:
Praag, 26 November 2015 - A member of the Dutch parliament's lower house, the so-named "Tweede Kamer van de Staten-Generaal“, Party for Freedom MP Martin Bosma declared -- during the parliamentary debate about the current annual €4,1 billion Development-Aid budget -- that they should scrap all development aid because it remains problematic to identify exactly what the money is used for by donor countries.
He said that The Netherlands ' development-aid budgets funded the violent terrorist groups throughout Southern Africa where 'extensive genocides were conducted by the socalled 'freedom fighters" who now are in charge of these countries'.
His party wants to end all the development-aid to all the countries worldwide and want to scrap the department of development aid altogether because of the inability by the Dutch cabinet to keep control over the way the funds are used in the donor-countries.
He sharply criticised the current 800-page budget and said that it was difficult to determine exactly what those billions were used for and whether the money contributed anything positive to the countries who were the beneficiaries.
He pointed out that vague budgets have always been the problem in the past - referring to the socalled 'freedom movements' in southern Africa -- (which all were identified by the CIA as terrorist movements before 1994) -- namely the MPLA in Angola, the SWAPO in SouthWestAfrica (Namibia), Frelimo in Mozambique, and the ANC/Communist Party in South africa.
During the seventies and eighties of the previous century, the Netherland's had a far-left minister for Development Aid, Jan Pronk, a member of the far-left Labour Party.
Under his watch, those four very violent terrorist movements - who are on record as having carried out horrific genocides against their own people - were funded with so much money and hands-on help from the Dutch government that they managed to overthrow the existing governments - which were peaceful - and
replace them with regimes which, the record shows, have carried out far-reaching suppressive measures which have turned these four countries into third-world basket cases in short order.
Bosma: "The finances for the terrorist movements of Frelimo and the MPLA were provided under the watch of the Dutch Labour party. Will the Labour party now apologise for this?
"Genocides were committed with Dutch tax money. Dutch development-aid money is responsible for tens of thousands of genocidal deaths in
southen Africa. Jan Pronk was enamoured by Julius Nyerere and thanks to the Dutch funding of his regime, millions of Tanzanian farmers were driven from their land."
"With Dutch and Scandinavian development-aid money, Nyerere launched the socialist system of 'Oejamaa' in his country - collective agriculture set up in the communist style.
He also used his defence force in the early 1970s to force millions of subsistence-farmers into the cities and newly-created collective villages and had his soldiers burn down their old traditional tribal villages.
This policy by Nyerere led to famine countrywide and made Tanzania reliant on foreign food-aid - which then was provided from The Netherlands upon the insistence of the then-Minister Jan Pronk.'
He said about the genocides in Southern Africa in the Dutch Lower house on 25 November 2015:
"The 'progressives' in The Netherlands helped the African National Congress carry out the genocide on the Zulus of the Inkatha party in South Africa.
And all those 'freedom movements in Angola, Mosambique and South Africa all conducted genocide then and do so now under their regimes.
South Africa now has become the most racist country on the planet - thanks to the Netherlands and Jan Pronk. South Africa is governed by the intensely corrupt African National Congress, which is a criminal organisation. "
About Zimbabwe, Bosma said "The Netherlands also support the racist Robert Mugabe agáinst his (removal of ) succesful white farmers."
In response by left-wing members of the Dutch Labour Party and the Socialist Party in parliament yesterday to Bosma's accusations was 'rather muted', PRAAG reported.
One of the Labour Party members replied that he 'had read Martin Bosma's book (Minority in Own Country: how progressive struggles descended into genocide and ANC apartheid", available from bol.com)
but that 'he didn't think much of it'. On his accusations themselves, there were no responses during the debate: that response is expected from the current Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Aid, Mrs Liliane Ploumen.
She also is a member of the Dutch Labour Party, as was the former minister Jan Pronk.
The Netherlands currently is ruled by the so-called Mark Rutte-II cabinet - a coalition of the far-left Labour Party and the liberal VVD (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie).
The Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, is the leader of the VVD who currently has 40 seats in the 120-seat Parliament. report in afrikaans on Praag: http://praag.co.za/?p=35318