
June 1, 2016

Is the world now getting scared of the truth?...Steve Hofmeyr's address to the Dutch cancelled

Yeah. What a bunch of hypocrites. “Taken a stance against any kind of discrimination and racism”...My arse... 

Why don’t you idiots take a stance against Affirmative Action, Black Economic Empowerment, racial quotas in sport the brutal killing of thousands of white farmers in South Africa, the expropriation of white land, etc? 

Steve Hofmeyr in a scene from the film 'Treurgrond'
By Mike Smith
31st of May 2016

Tomorrow the 1st of June 2016, South African actor and musician, Steve Hofmeyr was scheduled to address the Dutch public about farm murders in South Africa and the genocide of whites in SA in general. 

His address has been cancelled. Ironically not so much by the Dutch, but by South Africans living in the Netherlands and mostly through the work of one Afrikaner called Johan de Villiers who has a website called African European Indaba : Bringing Ubuntu to Europe

According to Johan de Villiers of the African-European Indaba – a community for Africans living in Europe – the Hofmeyr talk was cancelled after he appealed to Studio Dudok in The Hague“not be associated with his racially provocative statements”. 

Weeks earlier, de Villiers had warned of Hofmeyr’s impending visit. 

On their Facebook page, Studio Dudok explained their decision to can the Hofmeyr talk. 

“We as Dudok have always taken a stance against any kind of discrimination and racism. We like to be a place where everyone feels welcome as a guest or employee.” 

Yeah. What a bunch of hypocrites. “Taken a stance against any kind of discrimination and racism”...My arse... 

Why don’t you idiots take a stance against Affirmative Action, Black Economic Empowerment, racial quotas in sport the brutal killing of thousands of white farmers in South Africa, the expropriation of white land, etc? 

And as for the liberal twat in Holland, Johan de Villiers...if everything is so nice in SA why did you and your followers/petitioners leave South Africa? Why are you now living in Europe and not in a township in South Africa. Tell you what you do mate. If it so OK in rural SA for whites, why don’t you buy yourself an African farm and live there without a gun, with burglar bars and without alarms? Let us see how long you last. 

Anything else...and you are a hypocrite. 

■ Steve Hofmeyr:
" Ek wil vandag jammer sê aan elke boer, elke boerfamilie en plaaswerker, elke slagoffer, elke verkragte ma, ouma, en kind. Die vryheid en uitnodiging om ons verhaal te vertel word nie gekortwiek deur Nederlanders nie - hulle het my dan genooi - maar deur Suid Afrikaners in Nederland wat weet ons is besig om iets gruweliks weg te steek. 
Om my 'n "rassis" of "ekstreemregs" te noem is 'n cheap shot en slegs 'n tydelike manier om vryspraak te fnuik en 'n paar mense op hol te sit. Genoeg verligte mense hier sien deur die liberale verkramptheid. Die dood van die oopgesprek en die snoer van Suid Afrikaanse slagoffers, verheug vir Max du Preez en vrinne, maar sal my grief solank as hierdie gruweldade toegelaat word. Plaasaanvalle in 2015 en 2016 het toegeneem... My oopgesprekke in Vlaandere en Den Haag gaan ongeag voort. Ons SAL gehoor word. "

www.timeslive.co.za › Entertainment
21 hours ago - Controversial Afrikaans singerSteve Hofmeyr is hogging headlines once again, after it emerged that a ...

Watch Steve Hofmeyr talk about his role in the #FarmMurder film Treurgrond
