How Media Censorship Affects the News You See...
SABC has announced its television channels will immediately stop broadcasting footage displaying violent protests by black rioters...
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SABC censors violent protests from news.

By Mike Smith
27th of May 2016
There comes a time in every revolution that the dictatorship censors the news. Censors the truth.
South Africa is no exception. That time has now arrived for us.
Footage of blacks burning schools down, blacks burning trains down, blacks burning other blacks down…will not be broadcasted by the SABC anymore.
SABC spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago says although some people will view this move as self-censorship, the public broadcaster believes it has made the right decision.
“You can call it whatever you want to call it, we’re clear why we made the decision. It has got nothing to do with self-censorship. People will have their own interpretations of what they want to interpret it to be.”
Funny how they will still broadcast all the footage of white vigilante farmers, white “racism”, and blacks burning statues of white colonial leaders down.
Oh well. T’was bound to happen. News24, IOL. Daily Maverick...all shut their comment sections down already. This is just another chapter in the attempts of the ANC to hide the truth of their utter misrule and corruption…and of course the simian behavoiur of their supporters.
The ANC so desperately wants the world to believe their bullshit propaganda. They want the liberal idiots of the world to believe that they are still in control, that they are doing a great job, that they “have a good story to tell” and that we are all holding hands and singing Kumbaya together in this wonderful “Rainbow Nation” of God Mandela even if it is burning down all around us and the economy is on the brink of junk status.
The more things change the more they stay the same. 40 years ago they were burning schools down during Apartheid and had no problem with it being broadcasted on SABC. Now after 22 years of misrule, theft and corruption they are still burning schools down…just now they don’t want the world to see.
This is blatant political suppression of the news. I must admit, I love it. You can almost smell the desperation and fear of the ANC. This move by them is ridiculous. Protestors can take pictures and film footage with cell phones and upload it to the internet and blogs like these within seconds. The ANC will still discover that you cannot suppress the truth and the more you try the more ridiculous you look.
The Constitution, the Bill of Rights under sections 16 and 32 guarantees our freedoms of expression, press, media and access to information. It is the job of the ANC government to defend our freedoms in that constitution, but that is not what they are doing. They are undermining our freedoms. The useless ANC wants to pick and choose what freedoms we can have and what not, which freedoms they will defend and which ones not. You cannot do that. You either defend all freedoms or you are against all. There is no middle way.
If there is no free press, then why buy newspapers? It is just going to be full of lies? Same with television. Why watch SABC news if it is censored? Why listen to bullshit and lies? You know for a fact your government is deceiving you. What more info do you need?
When Slobodan Milošević tried this shit in Serbia, the people came out into the streets and stood on the balconies of their flats and banged pots and pans for the entire duration of the news. They made sure nobody listened to the news and made sure the regime knew it.
Like Johannes Kerkorrel said: “Sit dit af! Sit dit af!”…. Just switch the damn thing off. Back then it was P.W. we have Jacob Zuma ten times worse.
Blood, Smoke & Violence; South Africa is Burning...
They are burning down our country and still we don't see...
No Justice, No Respect; Violent black rioters with no end in sight, are burning down South Africa
Is there a difference between revolution and rioting?
How does a liberal explain this mind-set? Apartheids fault?
SAUK gaan dié nuus sensor
SAUK gaan dié nuus sensor
Die SAUK het aangekondig sy televisiekanale sal onmiddellik ophou om beeldmateriaal uit te saai van die vernietiging van eiendom tydens betogings. Kaizer Kganyago, woordvoerder van die SAUK, het gesê die openbare uitsaaier het met kommer kennis geneem van die vernietiging van eiendom tydens gewelddadige betogings. “Die SAUK het besluit om met onmiddellik effek nie meer beeldmateriaal in enige van sy nuusuitsendings te wys waar openbare instellings, soos skole, vernietig word nie.” Hy het gesê hoewel die SAUK bewus is van mense se grondwetlike reg om te betoog, is die vernietiging van eiendom nie die beste manier om hul griewe bekend te maak nie. “Die optrede is betreurenswaardig en word gesien as agteruitgang van die ontwikkeling wat die afgelope 22 jaar plaasgevind het. Om voort te gaan met dekking kan ander gemeenskappe aanmoedig om dieselfde te doen. Die SAUK sal voortgaan om sonder vrees of guns nuus te dek, maar ons sal nie dekking gee aan mense wat openbare eiendom beskadig nie.” Hlaudi Motsoeneng, bedryfshoof van die SAUK, het gesê die openbare uitsaaier het ʼn mandaat om mense op te voed en as ʼn verantwoordelike uitsaaier kan hy nie mense bystaan wat hul eie agenda wil bevorder nie. “Ons het dus die besluit geneem om te wys gewelddadige betogings is onnodig. Die SAUK wil graag ʼn beroep op ander Suid-Afrikaanse uitsaaiers en die gedrukte media doen om hul solidariteit met die openbare uitsaaier te toon deur nie dekking te gee aan die gewelddadige betogings wat die vernietiging van openbare instelling tot gevolg het nie.”