Krugerdorp police are hunting the killers of Anthony Scholefield, 64 and Kevin McAlpine 29, found in their carboots 3km from one another.
Two naked men's bodies wrapped in plastic sheeting and dumped in two car-boots...
29 May 2016 - Krugersdorp. Two murders. Two naked men's bodies wrapped in plastic sheeting and dumped in two car-boots.
Two insurance brokers killed. Two appointments with clients in the Key West shopping centre in Krugersdorp.
Krugerdorp police are hunting the killers of Anthony Scholefield, 64 and Kevin McAlpine 29, found in their carboots 3km from one another.
On Thursday-evening, the father, Chris Mc Alpine (54) found his son's body in the boot of his son's car. He was an insurance broker at InShoor in Centurion.
16 days earlier the police found the wrapped up corpse of Anthony Scholefield, 64, an insurance broker at Momentum Life in Krugersdorp, also in the boot of his car,
Both luxury cars were abandoned in streets near Krugersdorp's central business district.
McAlpine senior also said that 'the police expect that this isn't the end of the story, that more bodies can pop up.'
He's a volunteer patroller with the Krugersdorp community-policing forum.
He discovered his son's body after his car was traced: "I cannot describewhat I saw. I hope nobody has to go through such an ordeal,' said the traumatised father.
His daughter-in-law Kezia, 26, went into shock, and nearly suffered a miscarriage. 'We had to rush her to hospital, he said'
Kevin McAlpine had worked through quotes and proposals with a colleague for a potential client at his new house in Krugersdorp before he went to the Key West shopping centre in Krugersdorp to meet the client.
The young insurance broker's father Chris and mother Juanette started realising that there was trouble when their son hadn't arrived back by 21h00 and CPF members raised a missing persons alarm and started searching for his car.
The Scholefield family went through a very similar ordeal two weeks earlier when he hadn't arrived home by 20h00 from his appointment.
The CPF found Scholefield inside his car-trunk. The vehicle was parked on the wrong side of the road with the keys still in the ignition.
CloseCircuit TV videos in the police's possession showed that Scholefield's car had stopped at 20h50 in the road and that three men climbed from the car.
A Scholefield family member now believes that a killer-gang is targetting insurance brokers. The murders were identical. Both had to meet an unknown person at the same place,
they were killed in the same manner and both men were found wrapped in bags in their car boots. Even the colours of their cars were identifical'.
SAPS constable Lucky Matome told the news media that they 'are on the trail of two of the suspects which can be linked to the McAlpine murder'.
"We are still investigating the link between the two murders.'
■ #MURDER: UPDATE: The victim’s vehicle was found within 15 minutes after a missing alert was reported to CPF last night
■ ANOTHER #MURDER: VIDEO: Elderly man in boot of car identified as Anthony Scholefield, he was brutally murdered and dumped
■ #MURDER: UPDATE: The victim’s vehicle was found within 15 minutes after a missing alert was reported to CPF last night
■ ANOTHER #MURDER: VIDEO: Elderly man in boot of car identified as Anthony Scholefield, he was brutally murdered and dumped
The body of a 64-year-old man was covered with a black plastic bag. He had an injury to the head and his neck was blue presumably from being strangled...
