A memorial service will be held on Christmas Eve for a Centurion teenager recently killed by a black attacker in KwaZulu-Natal.
The young girl will be cremated.
Van Zanten, a pupil of Hoërskool Eldoraigne and member of the Forest Knights hockey club, was murdered last Wednesday while on holiday with her father and friends in Trafalgar.
An identikit of the black killer accused of stabbing her to death has since been released by the Margate police.
The wanted killer was reportedly wearing a red T-shirt with knee-length black pants and oversize slops. He is short and between 25-30 years old.
The man spoke broken English.
The Trafalgar CPF has offered an R18 000 reward for information leading to the successful conviction of the killer. The police also posted a reward.
Provincial police spokesperson Major Thulani Zwane said Van Zanten and her friends were taking a walk when they noticed a man walking towards them in Falke Land Road.
The girls had turned back to their beach house, but the black killer blocked Van Zanten at the entrance gate. He demanded her cellphone but she refused. He then stabbed in the chest, groin and arm.
Shayleen van Zanten (15), ’n leerling by die Hoërskool Eldoraigne in Centurion, word Donderdag, ’n dag voor Kersfees en presies ’n maand voor haar 16de verjaardag, vir oulaas gegroet. Sy is Woensdag in Trafalgar naby San Lameer in KwaZulu-Natal vermoor. Lees meer http://bit.ly/1musmSs
A Hoërskool Eldoraigne pupil has been killed in Trafalga, KwaZulu- Natal while on holiday

Shayleen Van Zanten who was murdered while on holiday. Photo: Facebook