1 Oct 2015; Afrikaner farmer Fanie van der Westhuizen, 54, was arrested for attempted murder: however several hundred black squatters from an adjacent squatter camp had
assaulted an unknown black man who was plundering bricks from van der Westhuizen's farm-dam wall:
BRITS – 1October 2015 Fanie van der Westhuizen (54) was arrested for 'attempted murder' and 'pointing a firearm'
against a suspected thief. He was released on R5000 bail. He was not asked to plead to any charges.
He said in a statement that unknown black males were plundering bricks from his dam wall on Monday at 11am.
The security company employees chased the looters away after the police failed to respond to several calls.
Around 15h30 an unknown vehicle drove up to his homestead and dropped a man off at his dam wall.
That man also started plundering the bricks from the wall.
Fanie again called the security company and the police while driving to the dam.
The black man dropped the looted bricks when he saw the Afrikaner farmer and ran in the direction of the Sunway squatter camp.
Fanie said he followed the man in his vehicle. The man ran and fell. Fanie climbed out and said he saw the man make a movement
which had him believe the man had a stone or some kind of weapon he was going to assault the farmer with.
Fanie said he got his gun out but never pointed it. At that moment one of Fanie's workers showed up with Fanie's neighbour and
a large group of residents from Sunwayu also rushed up and started assaulting the suspected thief.
Fanie said the police showed up and arrested him: and refused to examine Fanie's vehicle nor take any statements from the neighbour
who had seen the entire event. Mr Van der Westhuizen's 'case' was postponed to next month to allow police to 'continue their investigation (PAGE GRAB)
White farmer arrested in Limpopo for public violence after 300 black workers torch their own hostel:
Afrikaner technician Sean Henry Bates 19, was charged with the self-defence death of a black attacker after a gang attacked and engaged the family in a fierce battle:
False arrest: Afrikaner farmwife Tina du Toit was arrested by an overwhelming force of 20 armed cops invading her homestead after she had shot dead armed
intruder in self-defence: The case was dropped.
A farmer and daughter were shot and injured by three armed black males who invaded their home - yet the family matriarch gets arrested for shooting back at three armed black males, injuring one
Critically injured farmer André van Greunen (who died of his wounds shortly thereafter), was attacked by 3 armed black males on his Danielsrus, Reitz farm:
yet police lodged a murder-case against the dead victim: "The SA Police Service recorded a case of murder (against the at that stage badly injured farmer) and a case of suspected murder (against the two suspects who got away). The farmer was shot in the stomach and right elbow when the three black gunmen stormed into his homestead, guns blazing. The farmer shot back, injuring one gunman in the elbow. When the paramedics arrived at the scene, the injured black attacker was declared dead.
■ #FarmAttack: Afrikaner farmer, Fanie van der Westhuizen (54) arrested for MURDER for trying to protect his property
● #FarmAttack: Limpopo Afrikaner farmer arrested after 300 black workers committed arson, looting and robbery on his farm
● Man arrested after killing ‘intruder’ http://m.news24.com/news24/SouthAfrica/News/Man-arrested-after-killing-intruder-20150718
● Afrikaner technician Sean Henry Bates 19, charged with self-defence death of black attacker after fierce battle at home
● False arrest: Farmers wife, Tina du Toit arrest by 20 armed cops after shoots dead ‘intruder’ https://m.facebook.com/723241771070811/photos/a.723248851070103.1073741828.723241771070811/1066489260079392/?type=1&fs=0&ref=bookmarks
● Farmers who shot robbers may be charged http://www.citypress.co.za/news/farmers-shot-robbers-may-charged/
● Survive: farmer and daughter shot and injured, mother gets arrested for shooting back at three armed black males, injuring one
Read more at http://www.censorbugbear.org/farmitracker/reports/view/2297#WjLkCYRtFeQTiIMX.99
Read more at http://www.censorbugbear.org/farmitracker/reports/view/2297#WjLkCYRtFeQTiIMX.99
● White family beaten and thrown in cells for no reason by black "police" https://twitter.com/N_ata6ha/status/488659599441264640
● Critically injured farmer André van Greunen (who died), was attacked by 3 black males, Danielsrus, Reitz farm
Daniëlsrus -- The SA Police Service have recorded a case of murder (against the badly injured farmer) and a case of suspected murder (against the two suspects who got away). The farmer was shot in the stomach and right elbow when the three black gunmen stormed into his homestead, guns blazing. The farmer shot back, injuring one gunman in the elbow. When the paramedics arrived at the scene, the injured man was declared dead.
Read more at http://www.censorbugbear.org/farmitracker/reports/view/2481#X6bbkJU1oxQr5BdS.99
Daniëlsrus -- The SA Police Service have recorded a case of murder (against the badly injured farmer) and a case of suspected murder (against the two suspects who got away). The farmer was shot in the stomach and right elbow when the three black gunmen stormed into his homestead, guns blazing. The farmer shot back, injuring one gunman in the elbow. When the paramedics arrived at the scene, the injured man was declared dead.
Read more at http://www.censorbugbear.org/farmitracker/reports/view/2481#X6bbkJU1oxQr5BdS.99
● #ATTACK: Innocent young Afrikaner man, Jaco Hanekom (19) illegally arrested & brutally assaulted with a shovel and bolt cutter by 3 SA police officers
● Video: White man raped by black police in Douglasdale, South Africa: Such hatecrimes against especially the tiny minority of 3million Afrikaner people in South Africa are increasing every day.
●The New Age newspaper reported the shocking details of a young man who was wrongly accused of murder. A case of mistaken identity was only discovered after the man had spent eight horrific months in jail. During that time the young man was repeatedly raped as a sex slave and forced into gang life within prison. - (Full details here) http://www.thenewage.co.za/46283-1007-53-Innocent_mans_prison_hell
● For ten months during 2007, the State had the wrong accused, but yet in their eagerness to finalize the matter and crucify Inge’s boyfriend Fred van der Vyver in the process, crucial evidence was not only tampered with but also fabricated. It has now come to light that some of the evidence simply ‘disappeared’ after being removed from a judge’s office, making it near impossible to reinvestigate the case and to find the real murderer(s). Fruit of a poisoned tree - A true story of murder and the miscarriage of Justice http://etrader.kalahari.net/referral.asp?linkid=5&partnerid=8971&sku=35562550
● After a years in prison this man ,Dieter Bergs was finally found innocent of murder & set free
Dieter Bergs spent a year being accused of murdering his wife in what he’d insisted was a home invasion
Dieter Bergs spent a year being accused of murdering his wife in what he’d insisted was a home invasion