The farmer was arrested at the scene &
his firearm was confiscated

A Koster farmer whose home was broken into allegedly shot a nearby cyclist dead after apparently finding his belongings in the man’s bag.
According to the SA Police Service’s Facebook page, the farmer, 48, pulled the man off the road a few kilometres from his farm on Friday afternoon.
It was alleged he asked the 35-year-old man to hand over his small bag so he could search it.
The farmer apparently found a first aid kit, a pillow, cap and a shoe which was allegedly taken from his house, the police page read.
“An altercation began and the farmer shot the man twice, and the cyclist succumbed to the shots on the scene.”
The farmer then alerted the police and was arrested at the scene.
His firearm was confiscated for ballistic tests.
He was expected to appear on a murder charge in the Koster Magistrate’s Court on Monday.