Christianity is the only religion in the world where a man's God comes and lives inside of him...
As jy die sleutel tot christenskap nie het nie, is
christenskap op aarde, die moeilikste ding om te doen. Sonder die' sleutel sal dit gaan: Hoe harder jy
probeer hoe harder sal val jy!
Jesus se “My volk gaan ten gronde weens n gebrek aan kennis”… watse kennis? Kennis van DIE BYBEL !!!!!!!! Hoekom verstaan jy nie die Bybel nie? Jesus het dan belowe Hy stuur vir ons n Helper….? Wies die helper? Die Heilige Gees…
Die woord “Wysheid” in Hebrews “chokmah” Strong's #2451 Beteken: die mees algemene gebruik van chokmah verwys na wysheid in die daaglikse lewe. Die woord "wysheid" word gebruik in die hele hoofstuk van Spreuke, wat leer dat ware wysheid behels nie net intelligensie nie, maar ook morele integriteit
Die woord "Kennis" in Hebrews "da`ath" (pronounced dah'-ath) Strong's #1847 Beteken: wysheid, vaardigheid, waarheid (Spreuke 8: 7-9)
Jesus se “My volk gaan ten gronde weens n gebrek aan kennis”… watse kennis? Kennis van DIE BYBEL !!!!!!!! Hoekom verstaan jy nie die Bybel nie? Jesus het dan belowe Hy stuur vir ons n Helper….? Wies die helper? Die Heilige Gees…
Die woord “Wysheid” in Hebrews “chokmah” Strong's #2451 Beteken: die mees algemene gebruik van chokmah verwys na wysheid in die daaglikse lewe. Die woord "wysheid" word gebruik in die hele hoofstuk van Spreuke, wat leer dat ware wysheid behels nie net intelligensie nie, maar ook morele integriteit
Die woord "Kennis" in Hebrews "da`ath" (pronounced dah'-ath) Strong's #1847 Beteken: wysheid, vaardigheid, waarheid (Spreuke 8: 7-9)
Die bron van wysheid is God, wat ALLEEN mans en vroue kan
voorsien van wysheid om regverdig te lewe... (Spreuke 2:6; Job 11: 6)
Die voorwaardes om wysheid te bekom is: n mens moet soek soos n prospekteer sou soek vir goud...
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding”
(Prov. 2:6)
The conditions for obtaining wisdom are given first: one must earnestly seek it, as a prospector would search for gold (vv.1-4). It is not an undirected search, however, since the parent’s instruction is the basis. The consequences of obtaining wisdom are then listed (vv.5-22): knowledge of God (vv.5-8) and right conduct
The conditions for obtaining wisdom are given first: one must earnestly seek it, as a prospector would search for gold (vv.1-4). It is not an undirected search, however, since the parent’s instruction is the basis. The consequences of obtaining wisdom are then listed (vv.5-22): knowledge of God (vv.5-8) and right conduct
Blessed is the one who finds wisdom and the one who gets understanding Proverbs 3:13
Hoekom het Jesus aarde toe gekom? Hy het gekom om ons die waarheid te bring. Wat is waarheid? Die waarheid is dit wat jou sal vrymaak. En Hy het gekom en gese: "WE ALL FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD". Maar ons word sonder verdienste deur genade deur Hom geregverdig, deur Sy kosbare bloed (Rom. 3:24). Luister mooi..... SONDER VERDIENSTE. Dit beteken dat die hof van die heelal jou onskuldig verklaar nog voor jy bewys van jou onskuld gelewer het. And THIS is the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST!!!!! JESUS het reeds alles betaal.
Mens as jy die naam van Jesus wil gebruik, "Use His name in a Relationship". . . m.a.w dat ek Hom mag ken, in n persoonlike verhouding. Relationship/Verhouding: Ginosko; to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of
Strong's #1097: ginosko (pronounced ghin-oce'-ko) Beteken: om te weet, leer, besef
Ons moet n intieme verhouding met ons Skepper he ,n Intieme Pa en kind verhouding elke liewe dag.
Sodat ons Sy hart kan ken en Sy wil verstaan. Dis hoekom Jesus vir hulle gese het nie almal wat vir Hom se Here Here sal in die koningkryk ingaan nie, net hy wat die wil doen van die Vader wat in die hemel is (Matt.7:21)
Strong's #1097: ginosko (pronounced ghin-oce'-ko) Beteken: om te weet, leer, besef
Ons moet n intieme verhouding met ons Skepper he ,n Intieme Pa en kind verhouding elke liewe dag.
Wat is die wil van die Vader.... ? Dat jy in Hom glo, Hom volkome vertrou, om te groei in 'n intieme verhouding met Hom, sodat Hy jou kan doop met die Heilige Gees (Markus 1:8) dat jy Sy skrif (Bybel) en Sy wil volkome verstaan. (Johannes 5: 30-41)
Johannes 3:5: Jesus antwoord: Voorwaar voorwaat Ek se vir jou, as iemand nie gebore word uit water en Gees nie, kan hy in die koninkryk van God nie ingaan nie...
John 15:12
Johannes 3:5: Jesus antwoord: Voorwaar voorwaat Ek se vir jou, as iemand nie gebore word uit water en Gees nie, kan hy in die koninkryk van God nie ingaan nie...
Slegs diegene wat verstandig is, is waarlik en volkome lewend (Spreuke 8:35)
(The Scripture affirms that true human wisdom is a gift from
God and points out the folly of trusting in mere human wisdom (Daniel 1:20)
need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive
what He has promised... Heb 10:36
Listen to Danie Botha's testimony:
#JESUS design was that we should bear ▶FRUIT◀, and HIS command was that WE should ▶LOVE◀ each other ...
JESUS reaffirmed the importance and nature of
The FATHER'S love for JESUS was the model for JESUS' loveof the disciples; HIS obedientlove for the FATHER was to be the model for their love for HIM; HIS self-sacrificing love for them was to be the model of their love for each other.
The initiative in all this was HIS. HE chose them and not they HIM. HIS design was that they should bear fruit, and HIS command was that they should love each other...
The FATHER'S love for JESUS was the model for JESUS' loveof the disciples; HIS obedientlove for the FATHER was to be the model for their love for HIM; HIS self-sacrificing love for them was to be the model of their love for each other.
The initiative in all this was HIS. HE chose them and not they HIM. HIS design was that they should bear fruit, and HIS command was that they should love each other...
Also Read:
It's IMPOSSIBLE to follow GOD unless we are LED by the HOLY SPIRIT
☆ Want soos die liggaam sonder gees dood is, so is ook die geloof sonder die werke dood.
☆ Want soos die liggaam sonder gees dood is, so is ook die geloof sonder die werke dood.