"And so the truth starts surfacing...and no compensation were ever given to the Boer nation. Not even an apology. No apology for a GENOCIDE COMMITTED TO ROB A NATION OF ITS WEALTH BECAUSE it was the gold they were after. Unlike the Germans who are stil paying compensation. MAY OUR HEAVENLY FATHER REPAY THE BRITISH WITH THE SAME MEASURES THEY GAVE TO OTHERS...."
~Lew Labuschagne
Spin' on Anglo-Boer War British atrocities :
British officials considered launching a publicity campaign to cover up the true conditions of concentration camps in which thousands of women and children died during the Boer War, new documents have revealed.
Letters reveal British effort to cover up true horrors of the first death camps of the BOER NATION in South Africa
An archive of letters and photographs owned by Major Sir Hamilton Goold-Adams, a colonial official in South Africa, has come to light. The documents, to be auctioned this week, contain hitherto unknown confidential letters from Lord Milner, the man charged with sorting out the disastrous South African camps after news of their conditions had been exposed in Britain.
The letters reveal that the black arts of media manipulation were not just a feature of the modern political age. In one letter, Milner appears to suggest that ways of playing down the horror of the camps.
'It is impossible not to see that, however blameless we may be in the matter, we shall not be able to make anybody think so, and I cannot avoid an uncomfortable feeling that there must be some way to make the thing a little less awfully bad if one could only think of it,' he wrote.
In another letter Milner talks about trying to gather as many sympathetic statistics and figures as possible and passing them promptly back to the government to use in a media campaign.
'That's classic Milner - he was well aware of the need to manage public opinion. This is a very interesting archive,' said Dr Iain Smith, a South African history expert at the University of Warwick.
The British Army created the concentration camps as part of a campaign against Boer guerrillas fighting against the takeover of their independent republic. Civilians were herded into the camps from their farms, but the insanitary conditions cost many their lives as hunger and disease ran rampant. Between June 1901 and May 1902, of the 115,000 people in the camps, almost 28,000 died, about 22,000 of them children. The death toll represented about 10 per cent of the Boer population. About 20,000 black people also died in other camps.
'It is an episode that British people very clearly want to forget and brush under the carpet. It was grim and reprehensible,' said Roger Westwood-Brookes, a documents expert at Dominic Winter Book Auctions, the firm that is selling the archive.
Some of the correspondence reveals the horrific death rate the camps caused. One letter, written at the end of 1901, lamented the fact that the death rate among young children in the camps was still not dropping. 'The theory that, all the weakly children being dead, the rate would fall off is not so far borne out by the facts,' Milner wrote. 'The strong ones must be dying now and they will all be dead by the spring of 1903.'
The tragedy was exposed by British campaigner Emily Hobhouse and caused a political scandal. She was labelled a 'turncoat' for her activities by politicians.
Milner had been sent to South Africa to try to improve the situation, but the letters reveal some of the immense logistical problems he faced. Many of the camps were short of supplies because South Africa's railway lines and rolling stock were all taken up with supplying the troops.
One letter from November 1901 showed that officials seemed powerless to stop the rising death rates.
'I thought that we had begun to turn the corner and that after having reached unparalleled heights of mortality in October we should now show a heavy decline. Unfortunately, the figures have risen again alarmingly,' Milner wrote.
The archive has already generated interest from several institutions, including Oxford's Bodleian Library. 'In its entirety this collection is of historical importance. It makes a valuable contribution,' said Ian Shapiro, an expert at Argyle Atkins, which specialises in buying historical documents and is considering bidding.
ANC decides to rename Anglo Boer War ...concentration camps
The ANC government has changed the name of the Anglo Boer War to the “South African War”.
But in the period 1899 to 1902, during which the war took place, South Africa did not exist. South Africa is a concept which only came into being in 1910 with the establishment of the Union.
It therefore makes it problematic to refer to the war as the South African war. The war was declared between the governments of the Zuid-Afrikaanse Republic (Transvaal), the Republic of the Orange Free State (OVS) (two seperate BOER Republica with their own BOER Governments) and Britain.
The former Natal and Cape Colonies did not declare war against anybody, although the war also impacted on their residents.
The role of the black people in the war is highly problematic as British troops used them to rape Afrikaner women and pillage homes
Research has confirmed that there were some 65 concentration camps, 49 of them white. Tens of thousands of BOER women and children perished in these camps yet Britain has never apologised for the slaughter.
Researchers, historiographers and historians determine appropriate names which is then established through usage, says an opposition party member, dr Pieter Mulder.
In the last couple of decades, the name Anglo Boer War has been established and used widely.
The question is whether it is the government’s task to change history and an already acknowledged name in this fashion.
If the Board of the War Museum in Bloemfontein decides to change their name to the South African War Museum, it is certainly within their powers. It however does not mean that the war now automatically has a new name, Mulder says.
Historians were not consulted at all, not in the parliamentary portfolio committee or through public participation, about such a name change.
With the changing of town names, strict requirements are in place regarding the way in which and with whom consultation should take place.
The war has over the years had various names. The BOER Nation who suffered greatly in the British concentration camps, referred to the war as the “English War” or “Second Liberation War”, because they knew that the British had caused the war.
Most even objected to it being named the “Boer War”. The name “Anglo Boer War” has been established internationally and in South Africa in the past century.
The BOER GENOCIDE, the first concentration camps, the British war against women and children, and the suffering by blacks on the “wrong side” have all been airbrushed from school history books by the ANC.
The Holocaust is studied at South African school instead. ~praag
1. Inleiding
Die konsentrasiekampe waarin Brittanje gedurende die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog (1899 -- 1902)
27 000 Boerevroue en -kinders om die lewe gebring het, het vandag nog n verreikende invloed op die bestaan van die Boerevolk.
Hierdie volksmoord het weer sterk op die voorgrond getree tydens die koningin van Engeland se onlangse (jaar?) besoek aan Suid-Afrika, toe tien Boererepublikeinse organisasies onder leiding van Vryheidsaksie Boererepublieke, n boodskap van die Boerevolk aan haar oorhandig het. Die boodskap het geëis dat Engeland die onreg wat hy die Boerevolk aangedoen het moet regstel.
2. Agtergrond
Die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog het van 1899 tot 1902 plaasgevind toe Engeland, onder die valse voorwendsel dat hy die regte van uitlanders wat na die Transvaalse goudvelde gestroom het wou beskerm, sy hande op die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek se minerale rykdom gelê het.
Op die slagveld kon die Britse oormag geen hond haaraf maak nie, vandaar die besluit om eerder n volskaalse oorlog teen Boerevroue en -kinders te loods en sodoende deur n volksmoord die burgers tot oorgawe te probeer dwing.
3. Verloop van die volksmoord
3.1. Die stryd teen vrou en kind begin
Onder Kitchener, Milner en Roberts is meer as 60 000 huise en plase van Boeremense geplunder en afgebrand. Die Boere se diere is op die wreedse maniere denkbaar doodgemaak terwyl die vroue en kinders, wie se mans op kommando was, hulpeloos moes toekyk.
Die doel van hierdie optrede was om die plase te verwoes sodat die vegtende burgers geen voedsel kon kry nie, en om die Boere te demoraliseer deurdat hulle vrouens en kinders haweloos op die afgebrande veld gelaat is.
Engeland het hom egter met die staal van die Boerevolk misreken. Die vrouens en kinders het, ten spyte van die haglike toestande, in die veld oorleef en die burgers het aangehou veg.
Erger maatreëls moes getref word. Die Engelse het die Boerevroue en -kinders soos diere op oop veetrokke of te voet na konsentrasiekampe aangejaag.
3.2. Valse voorwendsels
Teenoor die wêreld het Engeland voorgegee dat hy vreeslik menslik optree deur die vegtende boere se vrouens en kinders in "vlugtelingkampe" te versorg. n Engelse skoolhandboek wat in 1914 in Johannesburg uitgegee, maar in Engeland gedruk is, Historical Geographies: South Africa, deur JR Fisher, maak die volgende bewering:
"During the later stages of the war, the relations, women and children, of those Boers still in the field, were fed and cared for at the expense of Great Britain, a method of procedure which, though humane, postponed the end of the war, at the expense of many valuable lives and much money."
Verskeie bronne weerspreek hierdie stelling. Die Cape Argus van 21 Junie 1900 sê duidelik dat die vroue en kinders se haweloosheid die gevolg van die Britte se plundering van plase was: "In 10 myl het ons (die Engelse) nie minder nie as 6 plaashuise verbrand. Tussen Bloemfontein en Boshoff is tussen 30 en 40 opstalle verbrand en heeltemal vernietig. Talle ander is ook afgebrand. Met hulle huise vernietig is die vroue en kinders in die bitter Suid-Afrikaanse winter op die ope veld agtergelaat." Daarvan sê die Engelse geskiedenisboek niks.
Vreeslik menslik van die Engelse om dié wie se huise hulle afgebrand het te versorg!
Breytenbach skryf in Kmdt Danie Theron: " Die vernietigingswerk is op diaboliese wyse uitgevoer en selfs mev Prinsloo, n 22-jarige vroutjie wat pas 24 uur tevore geboorte aan n baba in Van Niekerk se woning gegee het, is nie ontsien nie. n Groep ruwe tommies (Engelse soldate), waaronder n sogenaamde Engelse dokter, het haar kamer binnegedring en nadat die dokter haar kastig ondersoek het, het hulle haar die huis uitgejaag. Met behulp van haar suster het sy n paar stukkies klere aangetrek gekry en toe na buite gestap, tussen die soldate deur, terwyl haar moeder n kombers gebring het om haar teen die koue te beskerm. Ru het die tommies egter die kombers uit die moeder se hande geruk en nadat hulle geplunder het wat hulle wou, het hulle die huis aan die brand gesteek. Daarna is die oubaas te voet deur die berede kakies na Kroonstad aangejaag, terwyl sy eggenote en dogter (mev Prinsloo) en haar baba haweloos op die verbrande hoewe agtergelaat is."
Vir Engeland om te roem op die bewering dat hulle die Boerevroue versorg het, is soos iemand wat spog omdat hy n persoon wat hy self in die water gestamp het, weer uitgehaal en sodoende van verdrinking gered het. Daar is net een verskil: die volksmoord op die Boerevolk het eers in alle erns begin toe die Boerevroue en -kinders onwillig onder Britse "sorg" in die konsentrasiekampe beland het!
Ten spyte daarvan dat die Engelse beweer dat die konsentrasiekampe "vrywillige vlugtelingkampe" was, moet die volgende vrae gevra word:
-- Van wie af het die "vlugtelinge" gevlug? Tog seker nie van hulle eie mans en seuns af nie!
-- Hoe is dit dat die "vrywillige" vroue en kinders met geweld daarheen gesleep is?
-- Waarom sou "vrywillige vlugtelingkampe" met doringdraadheinings omring wees en deur gewapende soldate bewaak word? Kimberley-kamp se doringdraadheining was vyf meter hoog en sommige ander kampe het twee of selfs drie rye drade gehad!
-- Waarom sou een van die kampkommandante volgens Emily Hobhouse die volgende stelling gemaak het?: "Die wagte het bevele om nie met die inwoners in te meng nie, behalwe wanneer hulle sou poog om te ontsnap." Watter "vrywillige vlugteling" sou wou ontsnap?
Miskien is die woorde van die Walliese William Redmond in die Britse parlement nader aan die waarheid: "The way in which these wretched, unfortunate and poor women and children are treated in South Africa is barbarous, outrageous, scandalous and disgraceful."
3.3. Beplan vir dood
Die Engelse aanspraak op menslike optrede teenoor die Boerevroue en -kinders word voorts geloënstraf deur die ligging van die konsentrasiekampe. Die militêre owerhede, wat dikwels kampe vir hulle troepe moes oprig, moes sonder twyfel n goeie kennis van die noodsaaklike vereistes vir sulke kampe gehad het. Tog is die konsentrasiekampe op die mees onaanvaarbare plekke denkbaar opgerig.
By Standerton was die kamp op albei oewers van die Vaalrivier opgerig. Aangesien dit op die Hoëveld was, het dit verseker dat dit in die winter uiters koud en in die somer vol muskiete was. Die feit dat Standerton turfgrond en n hoë reënval het, het verseker dat die kamp in die somer een groot modderbad was, tot in die tente.
Veel van dieselfde omstandighede was te vind in kampe soos Brandfort, Springfontein en Oranjerivier.
By Pretoria is die Irene-kamp aan die koue suidekant van die dorp opgerig, terwyl die noordekant n baie meer geskikte klimaat het. Balmoral-, Middelburg- en ander kampe op die koue Hoëveld is ook telkens aan die suidoostelike hange van die heuwels opgerig om te verseker dat dit aan die koue suidoostewind blootgestel is.
Merebank-kamp is in n moeras opgerig waar n oordadige teenwoordigheid van alle soorte insekte was en water uit die grond gesypel het met die gevolg dat alles voortdurend nat en slymerig was.
Teen Oktober 1900 was daar reeds 58 883 mense in Transvaalse en 45 306 in die Vrystaatse kampe.
Die geriewe in die kampe was duidelik daarop bereken om so min as moontlik van die vroue en kinders te laat oorleef. Hulle is in verflenterde uitskottente gehuisves, wat geen beskerming teen die elemente gebied het nie.
Emily Hobhouse, die dame van Kornwallis wat haar vir beter omstandighede vir die Boerevroue beywer het, skryf: "Dwarsdeur die nag was daar n langdurige stortreën. Water het orals in poele gelê. Op die deurweekte grond het hulle probeer om hulleself en hulle besitting droog te kry." (Hobhouse: Brunt of the War, bladsy 169.)
Dr Kendal Franks skryf oor die Irene-kamp: "In een van die tente was daar drie gesinne; ouers en kinders, n totaal van 14 mense en almal het masels onderlede gehad."
In Springfontein-kamp is 19 tot 20 mense in een tent ingedruk.
Daar was geen beddens of matrasse nie en byna die totale kampbevolking moes op die kaal grond, wat gewoonlik klam was, slaap. Een persoon het aan die New York Herald om hulp geskryf met die volgende woorde:"Dit is in die naam van klein kindertjies wat in oop tente sonder vure, slegs met karige kleertjies leef, dat ek om hulp vra."
3.4. Laat hulle van honger omkom
Volgens n Britse joernalis, WT Stead, was die konsentrasiekampe niks anders as n wrede martelmasjien nie. Hy skryf: "Elkeen van hierdie kinders wat gesterf het as gevolg van die halvering van hulle rantsoen, om daardeur druk op hulle familie in die veld uit te oefen, is doelbewus vermoor. Die halwerantsoen-sisteem staan ontmasker en kaal en onbeskaamd as n koelbloedige daad van staatsbeleid wat in werking gestel is met die doel om oorgawe van vyande te verseker wat ons nie in staat was om op die slagveld te verslaan nie."
Die gevangenes het geen vrugte of groente ontvang nie; nie eens melk vir die babas nie.
Die vleis en meel wat voorsien is het van die wurms gewemel.
Emily Hobhouse skryf: "Ek het koffie en suiker in my besit wat deur n Londense ontleder soos volg beskryf is: In die geval van die eerste, 66% vervalsing en in die geval van die tweede, veegsels van n pakhuis."
Sara Raal skryf in haar boek, Met die Boere in die Veld, dat daar giftige vitrioel, fyngemaalde glas, vishoeke en skeermeslemmetjies in die rantsoene was. So wydverspreid is die getuienis wat hieroor gelewer is dat dit as n historiese feit beskou moet word.
3.5. Geen higiëne
Een van die aspekte van die kampe wat siektes en epidemies vermeerder het, was die gebrek aan sanitêre geriewe. In Bloemfontein-kamp was daar net 13 toilette vir meer as 3 500 mense. By Aliwal-Noord-kamp was daar een toilet vir elke 170 mense.
n Britse medikus, dr Henry Becker, skryf:"Eerstens het hulle n terrein vir die kamp uitgesoek wat ondoeltreffend was. Daarby het hulle so min water verskaf dat die mense ng hulleself ng hulle klere kon was. Voorts het hulle nie vir voldoende vuilgoedkarre gesorg dat die vuilgoed gou genoeg weggery kon word nie. En ten slotte het hulle nie voorsiening gemaak vir n voldoende aantal latrines vir die te groot aantal mense wat hulle in die kampe opgehoop het nie."
n Verslag oor n dameskomitee se besoek aan die Bloemfontein-kamp lui: "Hulle het aanskou hoe die vroue klere in klein poeletjies water probeer was en soms die water meer as een keer gebruik het."
3.6. Moordhospitale
Siek en gesonde mense is saam in ongeventileerde ruimtes geprop, wat die verspreiding van siektes en epidemies tot gevolg gehad het. Aan die begin was daar geen mediese geriewe in die kampe nie.
Later is dokters aangestel, maar te min. In Johannesburg was daar een dokter vir 4 000 siek pasiënte.
In n verslag oor Irene-kamp is gemeld dat daar uit n bevolking van 1 324 inwoners sowat 154 siek was en dat 20 in die vorige drie weke dood is. Tog het hierdie kamp net een dokter en geen hospitaal gehad nie.
In sommige kampe was dit nog erger. Die groot Bloemfontein-kamp het nie n enkele dokter gehad nie; net een verpleegster wat eenvoudig nie die toestand kon hanteer nie. In die Norvalspont-kamp was daar tydens die besoek van Emily Hobhouse nie eens n opgeleide verpleegster nie.
Die latere aanstelling van mediese personeel het nie die toestand verbeter nie. Hulle is nie om hulle bekwaamheid aangestel nie, maar om hulle lojalaiteit aan die Britse oorlogspoging. Hulle het die Boere brutaal behandel.
Emily Hobhouse vertel die verhaal van die jong Lizzie van Zyl wat in die konsentrasiekamp te Bloemfontein gesterf het: "Sy was n tingerige, swak kindjie wat goeie sorg nodig gehad het, maar daar haar moeder een van die undesirables was aangesien haar vader nie gehensop of verraad gepleeg het nie, is sy op die laagste rantsoenskaal geplaas en so verhonger dat sy na n maand in die kamp na die nuwe hospitaaltjie geneem is. Hier het sy harde behandeling ontvang. Die Engelsgesinde dokter en sy verpleegsters het nie haar taal verstaan nie en haar, omdat sy nie Engels kon praat nie, as n idioot bestempel ofskoon sy verstandelik normaal was. Eendag het sy droefgeestig in die hospitaal begin roep: Moeder! Moeder! Ek wil na my moeder gaan! n Sekere mev Botha stap toe na haar om haar te troos. Sy was net besig om aan die kind te vertel dat sy gou weer haar moeder sou sien, toe een van die verpleegsters onder wie se toesig daardie siekekamer is, haar bitsig in die rede val en sê dat sy nie met die kind moet sukkel nie omdat die kind n las is." Lizzie van Zyl is kort daarna dood.
Lizzie van Zyl
Treu, n mediese assistent in die Johannesburgse konsentrasiekamp, skryf dat siekes mishandel en selfs met n platriem geslaan is.
Siekes wat na die kamphospitale geneem is was so goed as dood. Een vrou het verklaar: "Ons is banger vir die hospitale as vir die dood."
Die volgende twee beskrywings gee n idee van die ondoeltreffendheid van die kamphospitale: "Dit het dikwels gebeur dat pasiënte wat slegs n geringe siekte onderlede gehad het, met geweld van die protesterende moeder of familielede se tente weggehaal is om hospitaal toe vervoer te word. Na n paar dae is hulle meestal grafwaarts gedra."
"Dit was eenvoudig n wonderwerk as n kindjie na die hospitaal gegaan en weer lewend uitgekom het."
(Albei aanhalings uit Stemme uit die Verlede - n Versameling van Beëdigde Verklarings van Vroue wat tydens die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog in die Konsentrasiekampe Verkeer het.)
3.7. Die hoogste offer
In die Britse helkampe het altesaam 27 000 vroue en kinders die hoogste offer gebring in die stryd om die vryheid van die Boerevolk. Mev Helen Harris wat die Potchefstroomse konsentrasiekamp besoek het, het gesê: "Stel jou voor dat n baba van een jaar geen melk kry nie, maar water of koffie moet drink -- daar is geen twyfel dat dit die oorsaak is van die swak gesondheid van die kinders nie."
As n mens dan daaraan dink dat dit dieselfde Engelse was wat die Boere se vee met bajonette doodgesteek het en die kinders so van hulle voedselbronne ontneem het, dan lyk die groot sterftesyfer geensins na toeval nie.
Ten spyte van skokkende sterftesyfers in die konsentrasiekampe het die Engelse niks gedoen om die toestand te verbeter nie en die Engelse nasie het doof gebly vir die geween in die konsentrasiekampe soos duisende mense, veral kinders, na hulle grafte gedra is.
Die Wallieser, Lloyd George, het gesê: Die sterftesyfer onder ons soldate in die veld, wat al die risikos geloop het, was 52 per duisend per jaar, terwyl die sterftes van die vroue en kinders in die kampe 450 per duisend per jaar was. Ons het geen reg om vroue en kinders in hierdie posisie te plaas nie."
n Ier, Dillon, het gesê: "Ek kan n eindelose reeks bewyse aanvoer dat die toestand in die meerderheid kampe skrikwekkend en wreedaardig is. Die sterftesyfer is myns insiens niks anders as koelbloedige moord nie."
Een Europeër het die volgende oor Engeland se optrede met die konsentrasiekampe gesê: "Great Britain cannot win her battles without resorting to the despicable cowardice of the most loathsome cur on earth -- the act of striking at a brave mans heart through his wifes honour and his childs life."
Die barbaarsheid van die Engelse kom sterk na vore as gekyk word na die manier waarop hulle kinderlykies sonder seremonie op hope op muilwaens gegooi het om na die begraafplaas te karwei. Die treurende moeders moes te voet volg en baie was weens siekte of uitputting nie in staat om vinnig genoeg te volg nie, sodat hulle hulle kinders se begrafnisse misgeloop het.
Volgens PF Bruwer, skrywer van Vir Volk en Vryheid, dui alles daarop dat die konsentrasiekampe, ook genoem die helkampe, n beplande en doelbewuste poging van Engeland was om volksmoord op die Boerevolk te pleeg.
4. Afloop
4.1. "Vrede"
As n direkte gevolg van die konsentrasiekampe is die "Vrede" van Vereeniging op 31 Mei 1902 onderteken, waarvolgens die Boererepublieke onder Britse beheer gekom het.
4.2. Opgevorder vir die vyand
Dit is 'n bitter ironie dat Engeland tydens die Eerste Wêreldoorlog dieselfde seuns wat die konsentrasiekampe oorleef het, opgevorder het om teen Duitsland, wat die Boerevolk goedgesind was, te gaan veg. So moes hulle vir die tweede keer hulle lewe vir Engeland se voordeel op die spel plaas.
Kroniek van die Kampkinders deur HS van Blerk beskryf hoe hierdie geslag na die Eerste Wêreldoorlog boonop uit die arbeidsmag gehou en verarm is -- bloot omdat hulle Boere was.
4.3. Verewig in ons letterkunde
In hierdie moderne tyd lyk dit of min mense besef watter ontberinge ons voorsate deurgemaak het ter wille daarvan om ons vryheid slegs sonder die verlies van ons volk se eer op te offer.
Daarom is dit gepas om te kyk na die weerklank wat die konsentrasiekampe in ons letterkunde gevind het, waar die grootsheid van ons voorouers verewig is.
n Nuwe liedjie op n ou deuntjie
C Louis Leipoldt
Jy, wat die hoop van ons nasie is;
Jy, wat ons volk so min kan mis;
Jy, wat moet opgroei tot n man;
Jy, wat moet plig doen, as jy kan:
Jy, wat geen deel aan die oorlog het;
Jy; wat moet sing uit pure pret --
Jy moet verdwyn in n kinderkamp,
Jy moet vir vrede word uitgestamp:
Vou maar jou handjies dig tesame,
Sluit maar jou ogies, en sê ame!
Kinkhoes en tering, sonder melk:
Bitter vir jou is die lewenskelk!
Daar is jou plek, by die graffies daar --
Twee in n kissie, n bruilofspaar!
Al wat jy wen, is dat ons onthou:
Meer was die vryheid as kind of vrou!
In die konsentrasiekamp
(Aliwal-Noord, 1901)
C Louis Leipoldt (uittreksel)
Hier sit jy en koes teen die wind wat daar suie
Yskoud deur die tentseil, geskeur deur die hael --
Jou enigste skuil in die nag teen die buie;
Die Junie-lug stort oor die stroom van die Vaal --
Jy hoor net die hoes van jou kind, en die luie
Gedrup van die reëndruppeltjies oor die paal.
n Kers, nog maar anderhalf duim voor hy sterwe,
Brand dof in n bottel hier vlak naas jou bed
(n Kafhuis gee makliker rus: op die gerwe
Daar lê n mens sag, en sy slaap is gered!) --
En hier in die nag laat jou drome jou swerwe
n Aaklige rondte met trane besmet.
Hier struikel die kind wat te vroeg was gebore;
Hier sterwe die oumens te swak vir die stryd;
Hier kom n gekerm en gekreun in jou ore;
Hier tel jy met angs elke tik van die tyd;
Want elke sekond van die smart laat sy spore
Gedruk op jou hart, deur n offer gewyd.
Vergewe? Vergeet? Is dit maklik vergewe?
Die smarte, die angs het so baie gepla!
Die yster het gloeiend n merk vir die eeue
Gebrand op ons volk; en dié wond is te ná --
Te ná aan ons hart, en te diep in ons lewe --
"Geduld, o geduld, wat so baie kan dra!"
Aangrypend dig Leipoldt ook oor n seepkissie na aanleiding van kinderlykies wat darem nog in dié luukse begrawe kon word:
Hulle het jou in England gemaak, seepkissie,
Om hier vir ons kinders as doodkis te dien;
Hulle het vir jou lykies gevinde, seepkissie,
En ek het jouselwe as doodkis gesien.
Ewe onvergeetlik is AG Visser se beskrywing van n weeskind in die konsentrasiekamp in sy gedig, Die Jongste Burger:
In die kamp van die vroue heers stilte en donker
Die ellende genadig bedek deur die nag.
Hier en daar in n tent nog n flou liggeflonker,
Waar die Engel van Meely -- die Doodsengel -- wag.
In die plaas van verdriet en van loodsware harte
Lê n knapie te snik in n troostloos geween.
O, wie tel al die trane, wie meet al die smarte
Van n weeskind verlate, op die wêreld alleen!
Later in die gedig beskryf genl De Wet die stryd aan die ontsnapte kind wat by sy kommando kom aansluit en sê:
Vryheid verg hier vanuit onse geleedre
Manne van moed wat gevare uittart.
Maar in die kamp ook die moeder, die teedre
En die onskuldige kind aan haar hart.
En die beloning? Miskien op die velde
Eensaam n rusplaas, benat deur geen traan.
Eenmaal, wie weet, eer die nakroos ons helde...
Seun, sien jy kans? Generaal, ek sluit aan!
4.4. Ons mag nie vergeet nie
Daar was altesaam 31 konsentrasiekampe. Die aanliggende begraafplase bestaan in die meeste gevalle steeds en word so dikwels as moontlik deur Boeremense besoek om ons geestelik daarop in te stel om ons volk se vryheidstryd steeds brandend te hou. Die konsentrasiekampe was by: Irene, Barberton, Volksrust, Belfast, Klerksdorp, Pietersburg, Potchefstroom, Vereeniging, Turffontein, Balmoral, Nylstroom, Standerton, Heilbron, Kimberley, Bloemfontein, Middelburg, Kroonstad, Heidelberg, Krugersdorp, Vryburg, Vredefort, Brandfort, Springfontein, Bethulie, Norvalspont, Port Elizabeth, Aliwal-Noord, Merebank, Pinetown, Howick en Pietermaritzburg.
4.5. Steunpilare
Te midde van al die ellende wat ons volk deur die Engelse aangedoen is, was daar tog steunpilare: eerstens die wete dat die Boerevolk se saak reg is en dat dit n geloofsaak is, maar daarbenewens ook mense wat groot offers gebring het om die lot van die Boerevroue en -kinders te probeer verlig.
Geen studie van die konsentrasiekampe sal volledig wees sonder vermelding van Emily Hobhouse nie. Te midde van al die smart het hierdie vrou van Kornwallis n lig laat skyn vir die Boerevroue en -kinders.
Emily Hobhouse het alles in haar vermoë gedoen om die vroue en kinders te help. As gevolg van hierdie pogings tot menslikheid en redelikheid, het die Britse owerhede haar uit Suid-Afrika verban.
Tot vandag bly die Boerevolk Emily Hobhouse egter ewig dankbaar vir haar pogings en haar oorskot rus op 'n ereplek aan die voet van die Vrouemonument in Bloemfontein.
Ander persone wat hulle teen Engeland se barbaarse metodes uitgespreek het was J Ellis (Iers), Lloyd George (Wallies), CP Scott (Skots), William Redmond (Wallies), Ramsey McDonald (Skots).
5. Gevolge
1. Die Boerevolk se getalle is vandag minstens 2 miljoen minder as wat ons sou gewees het as dit nie vir die volksmoord was wat Engeland op die Boerevolk gepleeg het nie. Dit ontneem ons volk van alle selfbeskikkingsmag in die nuwe sogenaamd demokratiese stelsel. (Inderwaarheid beteken demokrasie regering deur die volk en nie regering deur die gepeupel soos tans die geval in die RSA is nie.) (Kyk Handboek van die Afrikaanse Taal.)
2. Die volksmoord, tesame met die verraad van Afrikaners (Let wel: nie Boere nie) soos Jan Smuts en Louis Botha, het die Boerevolk gedwing om die Vrede van Vereeniging te onderteken, waardeur ons volk van sy vryheid ontneem is.
3. Die vreemde en minderwaardige Britse kultuur is op ons volk afgedwing.
4. Die verskillende inheemse volke van Suid-Afrika is ongevoelig in een Unie saamgesmyt, waar almal se identiteit en selfbeskikkingsreg in die slag gebly het.
5. Soos in die geval van die Boerevolk, is plaaslike swart volke van hulle vryheid ontneem, wat daartoe gelei het dat die ANC in 1912 (twee jaar na die stigting van die Unie) gestig is om vir swart nasionalisme te veg.
6. Die Britse stelsel van apartheid, wat hulle wêreldwyd toegepas het (ook in byvoorbeeld Indië, Australië en Nieu-Seeland) moes noodgedwonge ook hier toegepas word om die gemengde bevolking te orden. Die eerste tekens daarvan was bordjies wat gelui het: "Europeans" en "Non-Europeans". Geen Boer het hom ooit as n "European" beskou nie. Apartheid het rassehaat ontketen wat vandag nog hewig voortduur en die ironie is dat die Boerevolk, wat sedert 1902 nog nooit weer in beheer van sy land was nie en wat self n slagoffer daarvan was in die sin dat apartheid hom van sy land en van sy werksetiek beroof het, vandag daarvoor kwalik geneem word.
7. Die uitlander-mynwerkers, wat Engeland as voorwendsel voorgehou het om die oorlog te ontketen, is na die oorlog so sleg deur die Engelse en Joodse mynbase behandel dat dit in 1913 en 1922 (3 en 12 jaar na die stigting van die Unie), op algemene staking uitgeloop het waartydens talle mynwerkers deur die Brits-gesinde Unieregering in die strate van Johannesburg doodgeskiet is.
8. Die doeltreffende en regverdige republikeinse regeringstelsel van die Boererepublieke is met die onwerkbare Westminister-stelsel van regering vervang, wat tot eindelose ellende en onderlinge twis gelei het.
6. Gevolgtrekking
Die konsentrasiekampe was n berekende en doelbewuste volksmoord wat Engeland op die Boerevolk gepleeg het met die doel om die Boerevolk uit te wis en die Boererepublieke in te palm.
Indien die stories van die Duitse gaskamers tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog waar is, was dit n baie genadiger manier om mense dood te maak as om hulle van die honger en ontbering te laat sterf en te vergiftig. Daar is ook in verhouding minder Jode gedood (indien enige) as Boere tydens die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog.
Nogtans het Engeland genadeloos aangedring op die Neurenberg-verhoor waar die hele Duitse volk die beskuldiging opgelê is dat hulle n Joodse volksmoord sou gepleeg het. Op aandrang van Engeland betaal Duitsland vandag nog jaarliks kompensasie aan die Jode vir die beweerde volksmoord op die Jode. Dit beteken dat Duitsers wat tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog nog nie eens gebore was nie, vandag nog vir die beweerde oortredings van die Duitsers moet boet.
As Engeland dieselfde beginsels op homself toepas as wat hy op Duitsland afdwing, moet Engeland vandag alles in die stryd werp om die Boererepublieke te herstel en ook jaarliks vergoeding aan die Boerevolk betaal vir die onreg wat die Engelse teen ons volk gepleeg het.
■ Die Baken – Spesiale uitgawe oor SA KonsentrasiekampePosted by Webmaster CBBDie woord konsentrasiekamp is die eerste keer gebruik deur die Britse weermag tydens die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog(1899-1902). Onder gevegsdruk van die Boerekommando’s, het die Britte as deel van ‘n verskroeideaardebeleid dieBoerekrygers se vroue, kinders en plaaswerkers aangekeer en gestuur na 34 tentkampe dwarsoor Suid-Afrika.Sodoende kon hulle hul vyande toegang weerhou tot die kos- en ander voorrade wat noodsaaklik was vir die Boereom met die stryd voort te gaan.Die Redaksie wil met hierdie uitgawe hulde bring aan die duisende vrouens en kinders wat in konsentrasiekampegesterf het gedurende die Anglo-boereoorlog 1899 – 1902. Verskeie gedenkdienste word gehou waarvan ons diebesonderhede ook plaas.Volg asb. hierdie skakel om hierdie uitgawe af te laai in Adobe PDF Formaat – Die Baken
Die Redaksie vra dat ieder en elk van u, jonk en oud, ‘n konsentrasiekamp begraafplaas in u omgewing besoek, al is daar dan geen gedenkdiens nie, maar dat u u eie gedenkdiens daar hou. Miskien is dit vir u moontlik is om die begraafplaas dalk onder u vlerk te neem en mede boere te kry om te help skoonmaak en dit vandaar in stand te hou.
View Full Version : A petition for the Boer Republics and Tribes who lost their land
Ben Kruger
10 Feb 2012, 23:29
This is the Moment of TRUTH for South Africa! We need YOUR signature for us to survive!!
We are claiming that the land of South Africa was annexed by Great Britain illegally during which people who were born in South Africa were slaughtered and put into concentration camps by the British military companies by order of the British Government. By placing their own representatives into the political arena through a Westminister system of governance, they have remained in control of South Africa ever since. South Africans are still being murdered for their land today. The “Union” of South Africa in 1910 was illegal and has to be dissolved, and the land be given back to the people it belonged to before the Anglo-Boer war in 1902.
We, the people, and friends of the people of Southern Africa, also herein represented by the Independence Commission Africa NGO, call upon our right as specified in the Treaties and Protocols of the Geneva Convention, and also specified in the Constitution of South Africa dated 1994, for intervention by the United Nations Security Council to apply universal jurisdiction through an International Criminal Court, and also for consideration by the International Court of Justice, to establish stability within the country of South Africa during its transitional period wherein the citizens inside South Africa regain their freedom, their possessions, and the right to their land.
We will prove that our land has been annexed illegally and bound as a possession both directly and indirectly of the British Empire. Within this process, the war on the indigenous people of the land, in person and in groups, has taken on many faces but remains a constant attack on their lives and their possessions, and can only be construed as the genocide of a nation.
One of the most stark land marks of this war, was the Peace Treaty signed in Vereeniging on the 31st of May 1902, between the British Government, and the Government of the South African Boer Republic (ZAR), and the Government of the Orange Free Boer State (OVS), acting on behalf of their respective Burghers.
Before this time, the British Empire had already annexed two large portions of the land in Southern Africa and named it the Cape Colony and the Natal Colony, by military action as well as by enforcing dominion by land claims supported and endorsed by the British Sovereignty.
In 1897, The British Empire openly declared that they would annex the two Boer Republics, named The Orange Free State (OVS), and the Transvaal (ZAR). The Republic of the Orange Free State and the Zuid Afrikaanse Republiek were two seperate Boer Republics with their own Boer Governments. The sovereignty of the ZAR had been recognized by Britain at the Sand River Convention of 1852, and two years later, the Brittish Empire recognized the sovereignty of the Orange Free State during the Orange River Convention (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_River_Convention) of 1854. However, after the discovery of diamonds and gold, the annexation of the Boer republics, Matabeleland north of the ZAR and Griequaland, west of the ZAR and OVS, commenced.
The first diamond was discovered n 1867 near the Orange River,and subsequent placer diamonds were found between the Vaal and Orange Rivers, territories that belonged to the Griquas and the Boers. An attempt by Britain to annex this territory led to the first Anglo Boer war, the Jameson Raid and the Anglo-Matabele Wars.
After the British Empire lost the first Anglo- Boer war, the British Empire restored the independence of the ZAR in 1884 by signature at the London Convention (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Convention_%281884%29) . No one knew there would be the discovery of the colossal gold deposits inside the territory of the ZAR two years later, in March 1886. The first rocky outcrop of gold was discovered in March 1886 inside the territory of the ZAR. An unsuccessful raid by the British Empire, called the Jameson Raid, was followed up by the second Anglo-Matabele war. In every step taken by the Jameson company of the British Empire was the guiding hand of Brittish military leader and mining magnate, Cecil John Rhodes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Rhodes), whose interest was in the minerals of the land. This fact received recognition when, by a proclamation of 3 May 1895, the British Empire officially named the territory it received by his dealings the name "Rhodesia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodesia)". During this year there was great activity in exploiting Matabeleland. " Stands " or plots were sold at extraordinary prices in Bulawayo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulawayo) by the Brittish company of Rhodes. Within nine months the rebuilt town of Bulawayo had a population of 1,900 colonials and in the various goldfields (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_mining) there were over 2,000 colonial prospectors (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prospecting). The construction of telegraphs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telegraph) proceeded with rapidity and by the end of 1895, 500 miles of new lines had been constructed, making about 1,500 miles in all. A new company, the African Transcontinental Company, had been founded under the auspices of Col. Frank Rhodes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_William_Rhodes), brother of Cecil, with the ultimate purpose of connecting the Cape with Cairo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cairo). By the end of 1895, 133 miles of these lines had been laid. At this time too, the railway from Cape Town (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Town), in the Cape Colony (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Colony), had passed Mafeking (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mafeking) and was approaching the Rhodesian frontier. This railway reached Bulawayo in 1897. Meanwhile on the east coast the line to connect Salisbury (now Harare (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harare)) with Beira, Mozambique (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beira,_Mozambique) (then Portuguese East Africa Colony (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_East_Africa_Colony)) was under construction and this was completed in 1899.
A case for the annexation of the Boer republics was developed by the Cape Colony Governor Sir Alfred Milner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Milner), Cape Prime Minister Cecil John Rhodes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Rhodes), British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Chamberlain), and mining syndicate owners or Randlords (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randlord) (nicknamed the gold bugs), such as Alfred Beit (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Beit), Barney Barnato (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney_Barnato), and Lionel Phillips (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lionel_Phillips) under the pretext to gain improved rights for the “Uitlanders”, people who were not Boers and who worked the mines inside the Boer Republics. However, they could not stir an uprising by the Uitlanders, who enjoyed a good relationship with the Boers, as can be read in many letters, annuls, newspaper reports and books written by the people living in the mining communities of that time. Key British colonial figures laid plans for war with the Boers in order to annex their territories and espoused support as far away as the Australian colonies by using negative propaganda against the Boer nation. Confident that the Boers would be quickly defeated, they planned and organized a short war, citing the Uitlanders' grievances as the motivation for the conflict.
The Boers resisted, and a 3 year war known as the Second Anglo Boer war ensued. The British military company could not defeat the Boers, so they introduced the “Scorched Earth” policy. They burned the homesteads, slaughtered the livestock, and destroyed the farmlands of the Boers, of which the men had formed Commandos and were out fighting the war. Hired soldiers for the British military company raped, murdered and captured the farmers’ wives and children, and put them into 39 concentration camps, where 29,000 women and children died. In addition, they put the black servants and farm workers into 65 concentration camps, where 24,000 people died. Malnutrition, tinned food spiced with chips of glass inside, inadequate hygienic living conditions and disease were the main reasons of death. Emily Hobhouse, a British citizen, made a trip to Southern Africa at this time, and visited some of these camps. She was horrified at what she discovered, and made a full report to the Boer Commandos. See Attachment Emily Hobhouse.
We are claiming that the land of South Africa was annexed by Great Britain illegally during which people who were born in South Africa were slaughtered and put into concentration camps by the British military companies by order of the British Government. By placing their own representatives into the political arena through a Westminister system of governance, they have remained in control of South Africa ever since. South Africans are still being murdered for their land today. The “Union” of South Africa in 1910 was illegal and has to be dissolved, and the land be given back to the people it belonged to before the Anglo-Boer war in 1902.
We, the people, and friends of the people of Southern Africa, also herein represented by the Independence Commission Africa NGO, call upon our right as specified in the Treaties and Protocols of the Geneva Convention, and also specified in the Constitution of South Africa dated 1994, for intervention by the United Nations Security Council to apply universal jurisdiction through an International Criminal Court, and also for consideration by the International Court of Justice, to establish stability within the country of South Africa during its transitional period wherein the citizens inside South Africa regain their freedom, their possessions, and the right to their land.
We will prove that our land has been annexed illegally and bound as a possession both directly and indirectly of the British Empire. Within this process, the war on the indigenous people of the land, in person and in groups, has taken on many faces but remains a constant attack on their lives and their possessions, and can only be construed as the genocide of a nation.
One of the most stark land marks of this war, was the Peace Treaty signed in Vereeniging on the 31st of May 1902, between the British Government, and the Government of the South African Boer Republic (ZAR), and the Government of the Orange Free Boer State (OVS), acting on behalf of their respective Burghers.
Before this time, the British Empire had already annexed two large portions of the land in Southern Africa and named it the Cape Colony and the Natal Colony, by military action as well as by enforcing dominion by land claims supported and endorsed by the British Sovereignty.
In 1897, The British Empire openly declared that they would annex the two Boer Republics, named The Orange Free State (OVS), and the Transvaal (ZAR). The Republic of the Orange Free State and the Zuid Afrikaanse Republiek were two seperate Boer Republics with their own Boer Governments. The sovereignty of the ZAR had been recognized by Britain at the Sand River Convention of 1852, and two years later, the Brittish Empire recognized the sovereignty of the Orange Free State during the Orange River Convention (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_River_Convention) of 1854. However, after the discovery of diamonds and gold, the annexation of the Boer republics, Matabeleland north of the ZAR and Griequaland, west of the ZAR and OVS, commenced.
The first diamond was discovered n 1867 near the Orange River,and subsequent placer diamonds were found between the Vaal and Orange Rivers, territories that belonged to the Griquas and the Boers. An attempt by Britain to annex this territory led to the first Anglo Boer war, the Jameson Raid and the Anglo-Matabele Wars.
After the British Empire lost the first Anglo- Boer war, the British Empire restored the independence of the ZAR in 1884 by signature at the London Convention (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Convention_%281884%29) . No one knew there would be the discovery of the colossal gold deposits inside the territory of the ZAR two years later, in March 1886. The first rocky outcrop of gold was discovered in March 1886 inside the territory of the ZAR. An unsuccessful raid by the British Empire, called the Jameson Raid, was followed up by the second Anglo-Matabele war. In every step taken by the Jameson company of the British Empire was the guiding hand of Brittish military leader and mining magnate, Cecil John Rhodes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Rhodes), whose interest was in the minerals of the land. This fact received recognition when, by a proclamation of 3 May 1895, the British Empire officially named the territory it received by his dealings the name "Rhodesia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodesia)". During this year there was great activity in exploiting Matabeleland. " Stands " or plots were sold at extraordinary prices in Bulawayo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulawayo) by the Brittish company of Rhodes. Within nine months the rebuilt town of Bulawayo had a population of 1,900 colonials and in the various goldfields (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_mining) there were over 2,000 colonial prospectors (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prospecting). The construction of telegraphs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telegraph) proceeded with rapidity and by the end of 1895, 500 miles of new lines had been constructed, making about 1,500 miles in all. A new company, the African Transcontinental Company, had been founded under the auspices of Col. Frank Rhodes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_William_Rhodes), brother of Cecil, with the ultimate purpose of connecting the Cape with Cairo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cairo). By the end of 1895, 133 miles of these lines had been laid. At this time too, the railway from Cape Town (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Town), in the Cape Colony (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Colony), had passed Mafeking (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mafeking) and was approaching the Rhodesian frontier. This railway reached Bulawayo in 1897. Meanwhile on the east coast the line to connect Salisbury (now Harare (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harare)) with Beira, Mozambique (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beira,_Mozambique) (then Portuguese East Africa Colony (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_East_Africa_Colony)) was under construction and this was completed in 1899.
A case for the annexation of the Boer republics was developed by the Cape Colony Governor Sir Alfred Milner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Milner), Cape Prime Minister Cecil John Rhodes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Rhodes), British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Chamberlain), and mining syndicate owners or Randlords (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randlord) (nicknamed the gold bugs), such as Alfred Beit (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Beit), Barney Barnato (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney_Barnato), and Lionel Phillips (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lionel_Phillips) under the pretext to gain improved rights for the “Uitlanders”, people who were not Boers and who worked the mines inside the Boer Republics. However, they could not stir an uprising by the Uitlanders, who enjoyed a good relationship with the Boers, as can be read in many letters, annuls, newspaper reports and books written by the people living in the mining communities of that time. Key British colonial figures laid plans for war with the Boers in order to annex their territories and espoused support as far away as the Australian colonies by using negative propaganda against the Boer nation. Confident that the Boers would be quickly defeated, they planned and organized a short war, citing the Uitlanders' grievances as the motivation for the conflict.
The Boers resisted, and a 3 year war known as the Second Anglo Boer war ensued. The British military company could not defeat the Boers, so they introduced the “Scorched Earth” policy. They burned the homesteads, slaughtered the livestock, and destroyed the farmlands of the Boers, of which the men had formed Commandos and were out fighting the war. Hired soldiers for the British military company raped, murdered and captured the farmers’ wives and children, and put them into 39 concentration camps, where 29,000 women and children died. In addition, they put the black servants and farm workers into 65 concentration camps, where 24,000 people died. Malnutrition, tinned food spiced with chips of glass inside, inadequate hygienic living conditions and disease were the main reasons of death. Emily Hobhouse, a British citizen, made a trip to Southern Africa at this time, and visited some of these camps. She was horrified at what she discovered, and made a full report to the Boer Commandos. See Attachment Emily Hobhouse.
Ben Kruger
10 Feb 2012, 23:31
The Concentration Camp Memorial remembers those who were interned in the Kimberley concentration camp during the Second Boer War, and is located in front of the Dutch Reformed Mother Church in Kimberley. The world’s first concentration camp originates here.
When the Boer Commandos heard the report from Ms Hobhouse, they decided to enter negotiations for a peaceful settlement with the British Empire. Thus after more than half the Boer nation comprising of women and children died inside the British concentration camps in South Africa, the Boer Commando leaders signed a Peace Treaty in Vereeniging on the 31st of May 1902 to cease hostilities. Please note that all the different tribes and their leaders of Southern Africa were not represented at this meeting of Vereeniging, and the Boers were in no position to represent any tribe other than their own. Since then, to date, these tribes have never been given the right to repossess their land in full, which stretches from inside and beyond South Africa into Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
Clause 7 and 8 of the Peace Treaty off Vereeniging stipulated that the Boers would be given back control of their republics. This, to date, has never happened.
The British set up a military government after the second Anglo Boer war. The Boer Generals were court marshalled and imprisoned. Many of the impoverished Boers sought work on the mines and were looked down upon as a disgrace.
In 1907, General Jan Smuts sailed from South Africa to Europe and got international recognition for the independence of the OVS and ZAR. However, the British Empire had implemented a Westminster system of governance, keeping their own people in very prominent positions of governance
On the 31st of May 1910, the Union of South Africa was formed under British dominion.
The British Empire hereby successfully annexed the whole of the country in one foul swoop through deceit. The Boers who dared object against this, were called the “Bitter Einders” and were outlawed. This remained in place until the 31st of May 1961, when Britain handed over the governance of South Africa to a South African political party of the Brittish Empire’s choice, and according to its rules of inauguration, which denied many tribes in South Africa the freedom of vote. This political party, the National Party (NP), commonly known as the “Apartheid Government”.
In 1992, freedom of vote was introduced. Once again, the ruling Government of South Africa (NP) handed over the governance of South Africa to a political party of its choice, and according to its rules of inauguration. Strangely they chose the African National Congress (ANC), which had been outlawed as an “enemy of the State” in the 1950’s. In 1973, the ANC took up an “armed struggle” against the civilians inside South Africa, and opened military training camps outside the borders of South Africa such as the Mbokodo Quatro Terror Camp where soldiers, known as the MK, were trained in the art of interrogation, torture and murder. White South African young men were conscripted to the South African Defence Force on a compulsory basis to protect the South African borders against the insurgence of terrorists, and the ANC, in particular. The ANC were unbanned in 1990 and were hailed as the “freedom fighters” of South Africa. The borders between South Africa and its neighbouring countries were also relaxed, and the MK were welcomed as the heroes of the day, and as such incorporated in the South African National Defence Force, where they became the new protectors of South Africa. The South Africans that had fought against the ANC were now seen as the enemy, and many of their leaders were imprisoned. The white South African has been fingered out as the enemy of the MK, and attacks on their lives occur daily by these militant soldiers, and gangsters they incorporate. See Attachment South Africans Under Attack Physically – genocide.
True freedom still evades the people of Southern Africa. To date, none of the states, republics, kingdoms, towns, kraals or farms which were in South Africa before the Peace treaty which was signed in Vereeniging in 1902, have been restored to their rightful owners, and the citizens of the land have been forced to accept the political parties presented to them by the governance in force. Tribes who do not pay allegiance to these political parties, are still considered as the ‘enemies of the state” and their leaders are murdered.
Possession of the land in South Africa has been an ongoing scourge of the political parties who have ruled since the British Empire commenced with their colonization in 1795. At present, the reigning African National Congress party own 85% of the farmland in South Africa, yet they are calling for the appropriation of all farm land owned by Boer farmers, which is estimated at 6% of the arable land. An unofficial war has been declared on these Boer farmers, in which they have been tortured and murdered since 1994 at an alarming rate. This would not have occurred if the illegal Union of South Africa had not taken place. We, therefore, call for the Union of South Africa to be dissolved, and for the land of South Africa to be returned to its rightful owners. We call for the states, kingdoms and all other land that was in existence as independent entities before 1902, to have their rights restored, and their ownership be returned to their rightful owners.
We do not call for any displacement of the citizens of South Africa in any form whatsoever, nor for their loss of citizenship in any part of the country. What we do call for, is a “paper trek”. A system suitable to the vast country of South Africa, and its great assembly of different tribes. Built upon the foundations already laid by its forefathers, the existent municipal boundaries should be implemented to finalize the borders of the different states as already been formed. All citizens of South Africa would be entitled to dual citizenship. One for the area they presently live in, and another based on the land of their heritage. All states, kingdoms and other independent land will be controlled and governed by the people of that territory, and not by a central government. A confederation system whereby all territories co-operate with each other towards their progress is the only system that would suit South Africa.
The Cape Colony and the Colony of Natal, which had, in fact, gained its independence from British rule in 1961, should also be allowed its immediate freedom from the central government of South Africa, which was a system of rule introduced by the British Regime, under the guise of ‘Democracy”,and which still prevails.
Die Nieuwe Republiek, a country which was recognised as having full independence from South Africa, and which lost all its power due to the signage of the Peace Treaty of Vereeniging in 1902, should also be restored its full rights and powers.
Of interest to note in the urgency of this matter, is the fact that diamonds worth hundreds of millions of dollars were put on sale Friday, the 5th of December 2011 by a joint Chinese-Zimbabwean company with strong military ties. The auction followed the decision by the industry watchdog, the Kimberley Process (KP), a month earlier, to lift the ban on sales from Zimbabwe's Marange diamond fields despite objections from human rights groups. See Attachment Diamonds.
British politician Claudia Dalgleish has also called for a demonstration against the auctioning of Blood Diamonds by De Beers and the Botswana Government. It has been said that the proceeds of this sale will help fund suspended ANC Youth League President Julius Malema and other dissidents living in Botswana to attempt a regime change in South Africa. She further invited anyone who was interested in demonstrating against the sale of polished and unpolished Blood Diamonds to get in touch with her, and mentioned that The Article 1174 of UN Council for Angola is a precedent to stop these diamonds being sold to fund civil wars.
Also to take into consideration is that under the administration of said Julius Malema, an ANCYL army was incorporated during 2011, comprising of 8000 soldiers within South Africa. This army has not been disbanded since his suspension. See Attachment ANCYL Army.
An unprecedented influx of Somalian citizens into the Western Cape at an average 8000 people per month are presently experienced, which is creating instability and alarm for safety in that area. Take into consideration the history of Somalian warriors in African war fields. See Attachment Influx of Foreigners.
The economy of South Africa is presently drained through corruption in governance, which impose strangling taxation, The unemployment rate stands at more than 25%, yet the ANC import labour from countries such as Kuba. Our citizens have become embroiled in a modern genocide which does not only threaten the very infrastructure of our economy, but the very future of our lives as well! See Attachment South Africans Under Attack Economically – genocide.
When the Boer Commandos heard the report from Ms Hobhouse, they decided to enter negotiations for a peaceful settlement with the British Empire. Thus after more than half the Boer nation comprising of women and children died inside the British concentration camps in South Africa, the Boer Commando leaders signed a Peace Treaty in Vereeniging on the 31st of May 1902 to cease hostilities. Please note that all the different tribes and their leaders of Southern Africa were not represented at this meeting of Vereeniging, and the Boers were in no position to represent any tribe other than their own. Since then, to date, these tribes have never been given the right to repossess their land in full, which stretches from inside and beyond South Africa into Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
Clause 7 and 8 of the Peace Treaty off Vereeniging stipulated that the Boers would be given back control of their republics. This, to date, has never happened.
The British set up a military government after the second Anglo Boer war. The Boer Generals were court marshalled and imprisoned. Many of the impoverished Boers sought work on the mines and were looked down upon as a disgrace.
In 1907, General Jan Smuts sailed from South Africa to Europe and got international recognition for the independence of the OVS and ZAR. However, the British Empire had implemented a Westminster system of governance, keeping their own people in very prominent positions of governance
On the 31st of May 1910, the Union of South Africa was formed under British dominion.
The British Empire hereby successfully annexed the whole of the country in one foul swoop through deceit. The Boers who dared object against this, were called the “Bitter Einders” and were outlawed. This remained in place until the 31st of May 1961, when Britain handed over the governance of South Africa to a South African political party of the Brittish Empire’s choice, and according to its rules of inauguration, which denied many tribes in South Africa the freedom of vote. This political party, the National Party (NP), commonly known as the “Apartheid Government”.
In 1992, freedom of vote was introduced. Once again, the ruling Government of South Africa (NP) handed over the governance of South Africa to a political party of its choice, and according to its rules of inauguration. Strangely they chose the African National Congress (ANC), which had been outlawed as an “enemy of the State” in the 1950’s. In 1973, the ANC took up an “armed struggle” against the civilians inside South Africa, and opened military training camps outside the borders of South Africa such as the Mbokodo Quatro Terror Camp where soldiers, known as the MK, were trained in the art of interrogation, torture and murder. White South African young men were conscripted to the South African Defence Force on a compulsory basis to protect the South African borders against the insurgence of terrorists, and the ANC, in particular. The ANC were unbanned in 1990 and were hailed as the “freedom fighters” of South Africa. The borders between South Africa and its neighbouring countries were also relaxed, and the MK were welcomed as the heroes of the day, and as such incorporated in the South African National Defence Force, where they became the new protectors of South Africa. The South Africans that had fought against the ANC were now seen as the enemy, and many of their leaders were imprisoned. The white South African has been fingered out as the enemy of the MK, and attacks on their lives occur daily by these militant soldiers, and gangsters they incorporate. See Attachment South Africans Under Attack Physically – genocide.
True freedom still evades the people of Southern Africa. To date, none of the states, republics, kingdoms, towns, kraals or farms which were in South Africa before the Peace treaty which was signed in Vereeniging in 1902, have been restored to their rightful owners, and the citizens of the land have been forced to accept the political parties presented to them by the governance in force. Tribes who do not pay allegiance to these political parties, are still considered as the ‘enemies of the state” and their leaders are murdered.
Possession of the land in South Africa has been an ongoing scourge of the political parties who have ruled since the British Empire commenced with their colonization in 1795. At present, the reigning African National Congress party own 85% of the farmland in South Africa, yet they are calling for the appropriation of all farm land owned by Boer farmers, which is estimated at 6% of the arable land. An unofficial war has been declared on these Boer farmers, in which they have been tortured and murdered since 1994 at an alarming rate. This would not have occurred if the illegal Union of South Africa had not taken place. We, therefore, call for the Union of South Africa to be dissolved, and for the land of South Africa to be returned to its rightful owners. We call for the states, kingdoms and all other land that was in existence as independent entities before 1902, to have their rights restored, and their ownership be returned to their rightful owners.
We do not call for any displacement of the citizens of South Africa in any form whatsoever, nor for their loss of citizenship in any part of the country. What we do call for, is a “paper trek”. A system suitable to the vast country of South Africa, and its great assembly of different tribes. Built upon the foundations already laid by its forefathers, the existent municipal boundaries should be implemented to finalize the borders of the different states as already been formed. All citizens of South Africa would be entitled to dual citizenship. One for the area they presently live in, and another based on the land of their heritage. All states, kingdoms and other independent land will be controlled and governed by the people of that territory, and not by a central government. A confederation system whereby all territories co-operate with each other towards their progress is the only system that would suit South Africa.
The Cape Colony and the Colony of Natal, which had, in fact, gained its independence from British rule in 1961, should also be allowed its immediate freedom from the central government of South Africa, which was a system of rule introduced by the British Regime, under the guise of ‘Democracy”,and which still prevails.
Die Nieuwe Republiek, a country which was recognised as having full independence from South Africa, and which lost all its power due to the signage of the Peace Treaty of Vereeniging in 1902, should also be restored its full rights and powers.
Of interest to note in the urgency of this matter, is the fact that diamonds worth hundreds of millions of dollars were put on sale Friday, the 5th of December 2011 by a joint Chinese-Zimbabwean company with strong military ties. The auction followed the decision by the industry watchdog, the Kimberley Process (KP), a month earlier, to lift the ban on sales from Zimbabwe's Marange diamond fields despite objections from human rights groups. See Attachment Diamonds.
British politician Claudia Dalgleish has also called for a demonstration against the auctioning of Blood Diamonds by De Beers and the Botswana Government. It has been said that the proceeds of this sale will help fund suspended ANC Youth League President Julius Malema and other dissidents living in Botswana to attempt a regime change in South Africa. She further invited anyone who was interested in demonstrating against the sale of polished and unpolished Blood Diamonds to get in touch with her, and mentioned that The Article 1174 of UN Council for Angola is a precedent to stop these diamonds being sold to fund civil wars.
Also to take into consideration is that under the administration of said Julius Malema, an ANCYL army was incorporated during 2011, comprising of 8000 soldiers within South Africa. This army has not been disbanded since his suspension. See Attachment ANCYL Army.
An unprecedented influx of Somalian citizens into the Western Cape at an average 8000 people per month are presently experienced, which is creating instability and alarm for safety in that area. Take into consideration the history of Somalian warriors in African war fields. See Attachment Influx of Foreigners.
The economy of South Africa is presently drained through corruption in governance, which impose strangling taxation, The unemployment rate stands at more than 25%, yet the ANC import labour from countries such as Kuba. Our citizens have become embroiled in a modern genocide which does not only threaten the very infrastructure of our economy, but the very future of our lives as well! See Attachment South Africans Under Attack Economically – genocide.
Ben Kruger
10 Feb 2012, 23:31
We therefore call upon you to
I. Establish protection of the rights of all South Africans
II. Assist with the establishment of interim governance during the transitional period to freedom
III. Bring to book those guilty of the war crimes against the citizens of South Africa.
We realise that an interim system would be required during the transitional period to freedom in South Africa. There is only one system presently available in South Africa, and which represents all tribes in South Africa. This is the Federal system of governance. There is only one political party in South Africa who presently implement this system, and it is the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) who, in their Constitution, adhere to a Federal System. The IFP was formed by Dr Mongesuthu Buthelezi in 1973 at the time when the ANC decided to take up the armed struggle against the civilians of South Africa as an alternative for peaceful discussions. None of the IFP leaders have ever been found guilty of corruption, and they have proven themselves to be humanitarian and servants to the community. We therefore support the leadership of the IFP and their position to represent and corroborate with all the different tribes of South Africa in their transition to their freedom.
Furthermore, atrocities against all tribes in Southern Africa incurred by the Brittish Empire and their mining syndicate owners should be corrected by a Truth and Reconcilliation Court of Law within the borders of Southern Africa.
In our supplication, we submit the following documentation to substantiate our plea:
Attachment 1. Definitions of terms used.
Attachment 2. Our Right ² as specified in the Treaties and Protocols of the Geneva Convention
Attachment 3. Our Right as specified in the Constitution of South Africa
Attachment 4. Genocide of the South African nation.
Attachment 5. Peace Treaty in Vereeniging on the 31st of May 1902
Attachment 6. Events leading up to the second Anglo Boer War.
Attachment 7. The African National Congress (ANC) and MK
Attachment 8. The Apartheid Government 1992.
Attachment 9. States & Kingdoms in Southern Africa before the Union of South Africa in 1902.
Attachment 10. Die Nieuwe Republiek,
Attachment 11. A confederation system.
Attachment 12. Thw Inkatha Freedom Party.
Attachment 13. The interest of the British Empire in Southern Africa
Attachment 14 Emily Hobhouse
Attachment 15. Diamonds
Attachment 16. Jameson Raid
Attachment 17. Anglo-Matabele Wars
Please note that these Attachments do not exclude any additional Attachments which may be forthcoming to this matter.
This petition was drawn up by Memory Grace Pieterse. Do you endorse it? If so, please write your name, and under the comments column, your ethnic identity, and country, if applicable.
I. Establish protection of the rights of all South Africans
II. Assist with the establishment of interim governance during the transitional period to freedom
III. Bring to book those guilty of the war crimes against the citizens of South Africa.
We realise that an interim system would be required during the transitional period to freedom in South Africa. There is only one system presently available in South Africa, and which represents all tribes in South Africa. This is the Federal system of governance. There is only one political party in South Africa who presently implement this system, and it is the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) who, in their Constitution, adhere to a Federal System. The IFP was formed by Dr Mongesuthu Buthelezi in 1973 at the time when the ANC decided to take up the armed struggle against the civilians of South Africa as an alternative for peaceful discussions. None of the IFP leaders have ever been found guilty of corruption, and they have proven themselves to be humanitarian and servants to the community. We therefore support the leadership of the IFP and their position to represent and corroborate with all the different tribes of South Africa in their transition to their freedom.
Furthermore, atrocities against all tribes in Southern Africa incurred by the Brittish Empire and their mining syndicate owners should be corrected by a Truth and Reconcilliation Court of Law within the borders of Southern Africa.
In our supplication, we submit the following documentation to substantiate our plea:
Attachment 1. Definitions of terms used.
Attachment 2. Our Right ² as specified in the Treaties and Protocols of the Geneva Convention
Attachment 3. Our Right as specified in the Constitution of South Africa
Attachment 4. Genocide of the South African nation.
Attachment 5. Peace Treaty in Vereeniging on the 31st of May 1902
Attachment 6. Events leading up to the second Anglo Boer War.
Attachment 7. The African National Congress (ANC) and MK
Attachment 8. The Apartheid Government 1992.
Attachment 9. States & Kingdoms in Southern Africa before the Union of South Africa in 1902.
Attachment 10. Die Nieuwe Republiek,
Attachment 11. A confederation system.
Attachment 12. Thw Inkatha Freedom Party.
Attachment 13. The interest of the British Empire in Southern Africa
Attachment 14 Emily Hobhouse
Attachment 15. Diamonds
Attachment 16. Jameson Raid
Attachment 17. Anglo-Matabele Wars
Please note that these Attachments do not exclude any additional Attachments which may be forthcoming to this matter.
This petition was drawn up by Memory Grace Pieterse. Do you endorse it? If so, please write your name, and under the comments column, your ethnic identity, and country, if applicable.