
July 20, 2016

ANC Activist, Thamsanqa MthimKhulu who wanted to kill BOERS in 2012, again INCITING GENOCIDE WITH his WORDS (banned by TWO South African high courts as HATE SPEECH) by using his twitter handle to kill BOERS


This is a direct and public incitement to genocide: A crime under South African & International Law:
'Incitement to genocide' 
means encouraging or persuading another to commit an offense by way of communication,

Dubula ibhunu (KILL THE BOER / WHITE FARMER) the High Court ruled out the use of the words “dubula ibhunu” were unconstitutional and unlawful... 

The song/words was TWICE ruled out as hatespeech: song/words inciting genocide against the BOER NATION of South Africa

☆ The murder rate of white South African Farmers (BOERS) is the HIGHEST in the world...

■ 2016: Dubula ibhunu!! #YoungLionOfPeterMokaba #ANCYLRally #YouthMonthRally 
Thamsanqa MthimKhulu

■ 2012: If I don’t kill a Boer tonight an Indian will do:
Thamsanqa MthimKhulu


☆ The  first  type  of genocide  was  the total  or near  annihilation  of  a  group  and  the  second  was  the  combination  of massacre  and eliminating a culture.
☆ Destruction  of  culture  a  second  type  of  genocide,  later  known  as  ethnocide

This is a direct and public incitement to genocide: A crime under South African & International Law:
'Incitement to genocide' 
means encouraging or persuading another to commit an offense by way of communication, 
for example by employing broadcasts, publications, drawings, images, or speeches. It is “public” under international law if it is communicated to a number of individuals in a public place or to members of a population at large by such means as the mass media. Among other things, its "public" nature distinguishes it from an act of private incitement, which is punishable under the Genocide Convention as “complicity in genocide” 
Public incitement to genocide can be prosecuted even if genocide is never perpetrated. Lawyers therefore classify the infraction an “inchoate crime”: a proof of result is not necessary for the crime to have been committed, only that it had the potential to spur genocidal violence. It is intent of the speaker that matters, not the effectiveness of the speech in causing criminal action. 
Genocide does not arise in a vacuum, nor is it an absolutely spontaneous event. 
It builds momentum over many years in a process driven by complex historical and political causes. In the build-up to genocide it is typical for messages of hate to precede calls to action. . .
The lack of true social reconciliation and the contemporary relevance of the crime of incitement to commit genocide are exemplified by an ongoing debate surrounding the existence of a so-called"Boer genocide" in South Africa. Those who argue in favour of its existence frequently cite crime statistics (the high murder rate among white South African farmers relative to other population groups) along with the failure to act preventatively on the part of the South African government as proof of an ongoing genocide...

The prosecution of incitement to commit genocide does not require proof of the existence of a current or completed genocide. According to the Trial Chamber"
the fact that [inchoate offences] are in themselves particularly dangerous because of the high risk they carry for society, even if they fail to produce results, warrants that they be punished as an exceptional measure. The Chamber holds that genocide clearly falls within the category of crimes so serious that direct and public incitement to commit such a crime must be punished as such, even where such incitement failed to produce the result expected by the perpetrator.
More recently, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination listed the following as "factors known to be important components of situations leading to conflict and genocide": "Systematic and widespread use and acceptance of speech or propaganda promoting hatred and/or inciting violence against minority groups, particularly in the media", as well as "[g]rave statements by political leaders/prominent people that express support for affirmation of superiority of a race or an ethnic group, dehumanize and demonize minorities, or condone or justify violence against a minority."
An understanding of the trends preceding genocide remains somewhat underdeveloped. This is largely due to the fact that they can be identified through the post facto study of the build-up to genocide within a specific context only. It may also be attributable to the fact that the prosecution of the perpetrators of genocide has hitherto been directed mostly at the so-called "big fish" perpetrators or architects of genocide, which most often involves the determination of liability in respect of completed acts of genocide.
South Africa acceded to the Genocide Convention in 1998. Accordingly, South Africa has an international legal obligation to prosecute or extradite (aud dedere aut judicare) perpetrators of genocide as well as of direct and public incitement to commit genocide. Under the rules governing state responsibility, South Africa may incur international responsibility for a failure to do so.
read more here
