
June 10, 2016

The mysterious "#PennySparrow " to be tried in absentia

" Just watch…If a woman eventually does pitch up she will have her head covered, etc. It can be anybody. Probably a paid intelligence agent. It is all a showtrial farce for the prolls. 
Nevertheless, the question is, “Was the monkey statement true? ...” 

By Mike Smith
8th of June 2016

I see that the “racist woman” who called black beachgoers monkeys for making a mess on New Years Day, “Penny Sparrow” (what a ridiculous name), should appear in court on Friday and the journalists are not sure if she will pitch up. She might be tried in absentia. 

Of course she won’t appear in court, because she doesn’t exist. 

It is all an ANC intelligence psyops creation. Till this day they couldn’t find her or serve any court papers on her. Apparently “She has gone to ground”. 

In January 2016 I reported that Penny Sparrow doesn’t exist.

The fall of Penny Sparrow is highly symbolic. The two sparrows appear on the ¼ Penny or “Farthing” from our colonial SA coins, and come from the Bible that said that a sparrow will not fall without the will of God. 

Mathew 10:29, KJV. “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.” 

By bringing “Penny Sparrow” down, making her fall or “going to ground”, these Communist pieces of trash elevate themselves above God. It is a mockery of us and our God alike. 

That is why I am so anxious to see if she does appear. Just watch…If a woman eventually does pitch up she will have her head covered, etc. It can be anybody. Probably a paid intelligence agent. It is all a showtrial farce for the prolls. 

Nevertheless, the question is, “Was the monkey statement true?” 

Now when you look at The Durban ANC Chimpout over their own candidates list andhow they are killing their own councilors andsetting churches alight then I must say that Penny Sparrow’s statement is not accurate. 

Monkeys do not evince this kind of behaviour. Only savages lower than monkey's shit do. 

Black South Africans are far more violent and racist towards their white compatriots than vice versa, the FW de Klerk Foundation claimed 
