The South african police just sits and watches while the private land owner rushed to the police station with his legal land-registry documents, asking that the police
remove the illegal squatters who simply showed up on wednesday 9 June 2016, started cutting down trees, removing protected bush and levelling the land to build houses on it.
■ More land invasion in HAMMANSKRAAL, DINOKENG game reserve fences have been destroyed, on a piece of Tshwane owned land that is both inside and outside the reserve
■ Vermeende grondbesetters naby die Kwalata Lodge in die Dinokeng-wildsreservaat noord van Pretoria, het nog nie gehoor gegee aan ʼn tussentydse hofbevel wat Vrydag in die Gautengse hooggeregshof uitgereik is nie. Lees meer: http://maroelamedia.co.za/nuus/sa-nuus/kwalata-grondbesetting-motoriste-versoek-om-pad-te-vermy/
■ Grondbesetters steeds in reservaat; paaie afgesper | Maroela Media
News24-11 May 2014
Pretoria - The Dinokeng Game Reserve, north of Pretoria, secured an urgent interdict against land ...
Police in Hammanskraal, north of Pretoria have dispersed a group of people who tried to invade land in the Dinokeng ...