By Mike Smith8th of May 2016
The ANC is doing their darnest to steal the land of white farm owners and claim that this is what “the people” (read ANC) wants. They do the same with white businesses through the Employment Equity laws, BEE and Affirmative Action.
The common lie perpetuated by the ANC is that blacks want farm land, but this is false. They want jobs and they want the best person to get the job not BEE or AA.
Like I have said many times in the past, Black Economic Empowerment has nothing to do with empowering blacks economically. It is all about de-empowering whites economically.
To a Communist there are basically three hills to conquer on the battlefield; The Political one, the Military one and the Economic one.
The ANC already conquered the first two, but they feel that the last one is not fully in their power yet and therefore their “revolution” is not complete.
That is why they don’t care if SA is relegated to junk status or the currency collapses. It is all part of their ultimate plan. The revolution will only be complete after the total and utter economical destruction of the whites and they don’t care if they bring the entire country down with it and how many blacks will suffer because of it. It is all just collateral damage to them.
People make the mistake of thinking the ANC care only about blacks and not about whites. They don’t. The ANC care only about themselves. To the ANC blacks are just pawns and voting fodder. Blacks are just a means of keeping them in power forever so they can steal as much as possible.
The only way they can do this is to play on black’s emotions about whites who have stolen their land, their wealth, etc. Of course all lies, but it works.
However the truth is much different. Last year during September, the South African Institute of Race Relations did an elaborate survey amongst South Africans and the results are now out and published by Dr. Anthea Jeffery
EED (Economic Empowerment for the Disadvantaged)
Here are some of the surprising results of the survey that exposes all the lies of the ANC about BEE,AA and land reform:
78% of blacks said that more jobs and better education will improve their lives and only 2% felt that more Land Reform would.
85% of Blacks felt that the best person should be given the job regardless of race and only 54% felt that AA has helped black South Africans in general. 37% believed it improved their own communities and only 17% felt that they personally benefitted from AA.
In Municipal appointments 93% of blacks felt that the ability to do the job should be the main criteria and only 1% felt that these appointments should be based on race.
In the appointment of senior jobs in Business, 92% of blacks felt that the ability to the job should be the main criteria and only 3% felt it should be based on race.
94% of blacks felt that people should get government tenders based on their ability to do the job and only 2% felt it should be based on race.
88% of blacks felt that they have personally benefitted from Land Reform and given the choice between Urban and Farm land only 40% would prefer farm land.
▶The race dialogue can not start before you explain to the poor in South Africa how policy based on skin colour is not racist...◀
■ #LandGrabsInSA: White farmers only farm on less than 0,5% of entire SA land surface...
Full-scale famine creeps ever-closer: Three years ago,the South African regime already owned 64,976 of the registered 85,000 Boers' former commercial farms...so why is the regime really killing off its best food-producing farmers?
■ Arrogant porch monkey gloats after racially humiliating a white waitress

Big shot Ntokozo Qwabe |
I couldn’t help but smile when I read this:
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Ashleigh Schultz (23) |
“In a Facebook post on Thursday Ntokozo Qwabe - a co-founder of the Rhodes Must Fall movement at Oxford University - gleefully recounted how he and his group (actually they were just two, Qwabe and his transgender girlfriend Wandile Dlamini) had reduced a waitress to tears at Obz Café in Observatory Cape Town. He then launched into a racial diatribe against South Africa’s minority white population saying they must not be allowed to rest – or get any tips apparently - until they have given the land back.”
Why did I smile? I don’t get upset anymore. I want to thank Qwabe. He just cured another hundred liberals or so. Seriously I want more Ntokozo Qwabe’s to open up and speak their minds...
You want land back? You’ve got the land already. All of it. The country is yours. Your leaders are in charge and fucking it all up for the whole world to see. What more do you want? You want land? Go ask Zuma for land. Don’t come with bullshit and bully 23yo white waitresses. Speak the truth. You don’t want any land. You want the blood of whites to flow in the streets. That is what you want. Bring it on...
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Dan Roodt |
As everyone knows, at the beginning of 2016 South Africa burst into a pronounced racial consciousness, with blacks openly proclaiming their racial solidarity and hostility towards their white compatriots. But even using a term such as “compatriots” negates the radicalism of what I would call “Bantu imperialism”, as many blacks no longer recognise the right of Afrikaners – or whites generally – to remain in the country...