Instead of crying “racist”, all Gillian Schutte had to do was ask herself how SA became the rape capital of the world or ask Sipho Singiswa, her black MK terrorist husband, what uKuthwala is
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(PHOTO) Judge Mabel Jansen
Gillian Schutte says "Fuck the Church!"...
Fugly fat mudshark @GillianSchutte says "Fuck the Church!".Her Noble Savage hubby -"circumcision originally African"— Exitness (@HisExitness) 11 May 2016
(PHOTO RIGHT) Gillian Schutte with her black boyfriend/husband Sipho Singiswa & their baby boy Kai
( @GillianSchutte )
By Mike Smith
In frenzied fits, some blacks claimed in the comments that they have never raped anybody and started calling for the judge to be fired.
10th of May 2016
In defence of the black racist idiot Ntokozo Qwabe who bragged about racially humiliating a white waitress, self-hating LWB extraordinaire Gillian Schutte, posted comments made to her by white High Court Judge Mabel Jansen a year ago to “expose society’s hypocrisy”
We will expose the REAL hypocrite shortly…but let us first look at what the judge actually said. The full text of what Judge Mabel Jansen said can be read here:
Here are some extracts:
- “In their culture, a woman is there to pleasure them. Period. It is seen as an absolute right on a women’s consent is not required”.
- “I still have to meet a black girl who was not raped at about 12”.
- “We are being hit by a veritable Tsunami of rape cases”.
- “Mothers are so brainwashed that they tell the children that it is the father’s birthright to be the first”
- “Gang rapes of baby, daughter and mother a pleasurable pastime”.
- “99% of the criminal cases I hear are of black fathers/uncles/brothers raping children as young as 5 years old.”
- “They do it to their own children, sisters and nieces, etc”
- “Apparently sex is simply to be had when required. And five years old, by the way, is old.”
- “Apparently it is not regarded as rape but the exertion of a male’s right”
In frenzied fits, some blacks claimed in the comments that they have never raped anybody and started calling for the judge to be fired.
Yes, some Afrikaners do not play Rugby, but you cannot deny that it is not part of their culture...
When Gillian Schutte doubted Judge Mabel Jansen’s integrity and said, without proof I must add, “But the majority of black fathers, husbands and uncles do not rape 5 year olds” and “Mable (she can’t even spell the judge’s name correctly) throwing figures like 99% in the context you have created is dangerous and the fuel that feeds the hardened white racial attitudes”…The judge invited her to have a look at her case files.
Of course Gillian never did and never would, because the truth may disturb the preconceived bollocks she believes and upsets her confirmation bias that all black men are innocent goody-two-shoes and all white men are evil scum.
In the entire hullabaloo nobody asked whether what the judge said was the truth; only if what she said was “racist”. (If you take their narrow-minded definition of what “racism” is).
I scrutinized the Judge’s comments and there is nothing there that is not the truth. Judge Mabel Jansen is a 100% right! Of course she is.
Instead of crying “racist”, all Gillian Schutte had to do was ask herself how SA became the rape capital of the world or ask Sipho Singiswa, her black MK terrorist husband, what uKuthwala is
Literally it means to “carry away”. It is the hunting, abduction and rape of young girls by much older men to force the girls into marriage. It IS part of their culture and even acknowledged so by the ANC government and several cultural organizations.
Several studies have been done on the African (Bantu) way of life, their initiation rites, their marriages, etc. All you have to do is read the book The Bantu Speaking tribes of South Africa and you will see how marriage is seen not as something romantic between two people, but more like a marriage between two groups and before you cry “racism” by white contributors to that book, read Vusamazulu “Credo” Mutwa’s, “Indaba, my children”. Same there.
You will see that it is quite common for Bantu men to sleep with their wives’ sisters and the daughters of their brothers. Incest is not only rife it is endemic and part of their culture.
Xhosa men have told me themselves how their father’s have the right to sleep with their wives first and that when men go on long trips it is the duty of his brother to service the wife. Children from such unions are classed as the same as your own, because you and your brother have the same blood. Same with when your father impregnates your wife.
These men have also told me how they spend their weekends in drunken debauchery in the townships. Friday and Saturday nights they BBQ a goat slaughtered in the back yard, alcohol flows freely and music is loud. Whenever you want sex you just take a woman and shag her behind the hut. Her consent is not needed and it is not seen as rape. Widows are seen as "Any man's women" and are free game. Raping them is considered doing them a favour.
Do I condemn their culture? No. Do I want to change it? No. Blacks have the right to practice their culture and their laws, no matter how abhorrent we find it from our White Western perspective. They must just do it separately from us, because our Roman Dutch laws and White Western cultures are incompatible with theirs. . .
I have touched on this subject before:
…Where I mentioned these two cases:
You can see how this man Jezile believed that he did nothing wrong. It is his culture. He was only practicing his constitutional right to uphold his culture and traditions. The Judge from European descent, practicing Roman Dutch Law, sent him to prison for 22 years.
Bantus buy their wives with cows, they sell their daughters into slavery, they have initiation “schools” where children get taught how to have sex without deflowering (basically with a soft goat skin over the vagina or anal sex) and girls are regularly inspected for virginity by their mothers and aunts.
Studies have shown that it is actually not the belief that raping a virgin will cure AIDS that is the cause of the rape pandemic in SA. Behind the scourge of child rape in South Africa
It is part of their culture. Fathers feel entitled to rape their daughters when their wives are away from home.
“Children as young as two were groomed in the minds of the perpetrators, practically considered to be adults, and often blamed for their own abuse because they were allegedly “seductive”. On the other hand, their vulnerability and gender often positioned them as powerless objects to be abused in the eyes of perpetrators.”
This is the stuff Judge Mabel Jansen sees every day. This is what she was talking about. It is the truth.
The state of rape in South Africa is shocking. An estimated 500,000 rape cases take place in the country, every year Bear in mind that there is a moratorium on crime statistics and only 1 in every 9 rapes are reported and only 14% of perpetrators of rape are convicted in South Africa.
In 2001, it was reported by the South African Police Service that children are the victims of 41 percent of all rapes reported in the country and of that about 15% of rapes are children under the age of 11.
More than 25% of a sample of 1,738 South African men from the KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape Provinces admitted to raping someone. The amount who did not admit to rape is unknown.
Then we're not even talking about the practice of “Corrective Rape” where blacks feel entitled to rape lesbian women to "correct them".
Where is feminist Gillian Schutte now? Why is she not condemning these heinous cultural practices of blacks against women? Her silence is deafening. . .
Judge Mabel Jansen was appointed by Jacob Zuma… himself a rapist. There is nothing “racist” about her at all. Everything she said came from her own experiences and the court cases she heard and it correlates 100% with crime statistics and facts about tribal culture.
Gillian Schutte is dishonest liberal idiot and deliberately turning a blind eye to the cultural violence of black men against girls and women in South Africa. Who is actually the hypocrite here? How are you ever going to solve the problem by ignoring it and shouting “racist”, Gillian? That is if you want to solve it. . .
Like I said, for me personally I do not see it as a problem at all, as long as it does not spill over into our culture and our way of life. If blacks believe that it is their culture and their right to rape their women and girls then they should carry on doing so. As long as they stay far away from our women and our girls, I am not going to stop them.
According to moral relativism we cannot judge people outside of their own ethical beliefs. It holds that a tribe of blood-thirsty cannibals and rapists is not morally worse than a civilized, peaceful nation. It holds that Stalin’s mass murdering USSR was the equivalent of the United States or Western Europe.
Multiculturalism manifests itself as anger at those willing to compare cultures. It claims that any culture is as good as another, as long as the culture does not claim its superiority. Any culture that believes in absolutes and is willing to measure itself to the rest of the world is evil. Mutliculturalism accepts slavery and freedom as equals. It accepts murder and rape as the equivalent of peace and prosperity.
So according to multicultural idiots like Gillian Schutte…in South Africa none of the two cultures (black or white) are “better” or “worse” than the other. I am not going to argue with that. They are simply incompatible. In fact the moment you try to convert blacks or want to change them into the other, you are a “racist”, because you are saying to them that their culture is wrong and yours is right and better and they should become more like you.
People like Gillian Schutte maybe want it the other way around…that whites should integrate with blacks, because their culture is better
. Surely that should then be equally “racist” to tell whites that their culture is wrong and they should be more like blacks.
Gillian Schutte is the worst racist I have ever come across. In fact everything she writes drips of hatred towards whites and white men in particular. Maybe it has something to do with her father who drank himself to death while he was still in his 40’s or her equally loser stepfather...God only knows what he did to Gillian that she hates white men so much. Gillian Schutte wants to be raped by filthy black men .
When Isaac Mutant of rap band Dookoom sang “Larney jou poes” (loosely translated as Boss you’re a cunt) inciting hate speech against whites (especially farmers) and calling on black farm workers to go burn down the white farms Gillian Schutte went a step further when she almost orgasmed in the Mail & Guardian and said that white women secretly have “darkest, deepest, anxious fantasies” about having sex with the “unwashed body of the worker “…“the black murderer, rapist and wild man”.
She reckons that Mutant is a “Dark Prince”:… “the fantasies of aristocratic girls and good women trapped in the sanitised world of whiteness.”… and that his “physicality resonates perfectly with the quintessential literary construction of the dark man of the libidinous colonial fantasy – swarthy, dangerous, scowling, barefooted, vulgar, in your face, looking back at the world in poetic defiance.”
It is not white girl’s fantasies. It is HER twisted fantasies, but like hypocritical liberals …They always think others are just like them.
■ If you are wondering what black male sadism Judge #MabelJansen was referring to, read this
~Dan Roodt
— Dj Kev (@djkevking) May 10, 2016
#StopWhiteGenocideInSA@AliceTeller It's a Bantu culture thing. They have no shame. But woe behold when it it mentioned... for then your are a "racist". #SickSA— Exitness (@HisExitness) 10 May 2016