Chris Hani was a cowardly terrorist commander of a cowardly terrorist outfit named MK that could only plant bombs in shopping centres and bars blowing up innocent women and children.
He was no “innocent heroic freedom fighter”.
Chris Hani was a cowardly scumbag terrorist... Finish and klaar.
He even tortured his fellow terrorists in Angolan training camps...and by the way, while we are at it…You have been lied to about Santa, the Tokoloshe and the Tooth Fairy as well.
It is what Communists do…they lie to you. Get your head out your arse mate!
Nevertheless, the Young Communist League of SA (YCLSA) at least called for the reopening of the case on the death of Chris Hani like they do every year.
I fully agree with them…It is long overdue. Let us open ANOTHER Pandora's Box.
YCL: Reopen inquest to Hani’s death
I am sure we would all like to know who were the bastards really behind the assassination of Chris Hani and how deap the rabbit hole really goes.
For years now we have been told that two rightwingers, an Englishmen named Clive Derby-Lewis and a Polish immigrant named Januz Wallus in an amateuristic boy scout conspiracy killed Communist Party Leader Chris Hani.
The official story goes that Derby-Lewis borrowed Wallus his revolver and Wallus then went to Chris Hani’s house in Boksburg on exactly the day after Hani usually was with his mistress and sent his body-guard home…all purely by chance of course.
Wallus then went and shot Hani on his front lawn in full view of a mysterious “White Afrikaner woman” who somehow magically disappeared straight after the assassination, but who informed the police about Wallus driving in his own car, a red Ford Laser complete with his own registration numbers.
Wallus was apprehended by the police ten minutes after the assassination almost as if they were waiting for him.
They even found the murder weapon in his possession.
Either Januz Wallus was an extremely stupid assassin or we are extremely stupid and naive puppets.
I mean if you are going to commit such a murder, at least use a stolen car with stolen number plates and a stolen gun you bought off a guy in Gugulethu and at least chuck the murder weapon away after the assasination.
I am sorry but I simply cannot believe that junk.
The most accurate exposé about Hani’s assassination that I have ever read was in the book “South Africa’s brave new world; The beloved country since the end of Apartheid” by veteran journalist R.W. Johnson...who is a liberal by the by...
From pages 17-51 you can read all about who was really behind the Chris Hani assassination, namely ex President Thabo Mbeki and Defence Minister Joe Modise.
At the time, Chris Hani, whose real name was Martin (he stole his brother’s name to get a false passport…as you know they all look alike), was very popular amongst the masses as the leader of MK and the SACP.
He was going to become either the Vice President under Mandela instead of Mbeki and then succeed Mandela or he was going to become the Minister of Defence, snatching all the Arms Deal contracts to replace the Navy and Air Force’s old equipment to the tune of R70 Billion after years of sanctions.
Joe Modise, a ganster (The Spoilers) ran a stolen car racket between SA and Zambia at the time. He was also involved with diamond and money smuggling (arrested in Botswana) and drug smuggling (Cocaine, Mandrax and Ecstasy together with the Shariff Khan family of Johannesburg) and weapons smuggling ( 1985/6 he sold an ANC arms cache near Saurimo in Angola to Apartheid ally Dr. Jonas Savimbi who was also a sworn enemy of the ANC).
Joe Modise was also a feared double agent.
If you were from the ANC and you crossed him he would set the NIS agents on you.
If you were from the Police or National Intelligence Service and you crossed him, he would get the ANC terrorists or his township gansters to assassinate you.
Modise and Hani crossed swords long ago back in 1967 at the ill fated Wankie campaign in former Rhodesia when the ANC’s MK tried to set up a Ho-Chi-Min trail to South Africa through Rhodesia.
Chris Hani wrote a scathing attack to the ANC leadership, naming Modise by name as non-caring and an agent of the Apartheid regime.
Modise responded by trying to get Hani executed.
Hani survived only because Oliver Tambo saved his life.
So he already tried to execute Hani once.
There is an old saying that one always meets a rival twice in life, and so it was with Modise and Hani.
They met again in 1993 when Modise sold off another ANC arms cache to the tune of $2.5 million to criminals, pocketing the money himself and not telling the ANC.
Chris Hani found out about it, confronted Modise and said that if he was not going to inform the ANC, he (Hani) would. Two weeks later Hani was dead. Derby-Lewis and Januz Wallus were small cogs in this big machine.
They were first time amateurs and totally out of their depth in a time when the Stasi, the KGB, the ANC’s intelligence, the former NIS from SA and major Arm’s companies moved into South Africa and wanted to do business at the expense of us, the white taxpayers of South Africa.
Today, 20 years later we are still paying off this arms deal debt whilst our Grippen Fighters, Meko Class Frigates and 209 Class Submarines rust away under the corrupt ANC regime. Out of their indulgence, the ANC president Zuma has built himself a palace and an entire village for his five wives and 20 odd children, whilst we barely eek out a living and battle to keep our children in school.
Twenty years later, the echo of the shots that downed Chris Hani has not died away…
The President still has more than 700 cases of corruption against him about that arms deal, that was swept under the NPA carpet.
The clock is ticking and I can tell you one thing…the ghost of Chris Hani is still walking today and he will not rest until he has exposed his real assassins.
Walus-saak: Netwerk24 beskou Chris Hani as ‘held’
In sy berig van 15 April 2016, beskryf Netwerk24, die aanlynpublikasie van Media24 wat Die Burger, Beeld en Volksblad se nuusberigte insluit, die kommunistiese terroris Chris Hani met ‘n Engfrikaanse term, “struggle-held”. Hani was in die tagtiger- en vroeë negentigerjare betrokke by terreuraanvalle op onskuldige burgerlikes in Suid-Afrika. Indien hy dieselfde dade in die VSA of Europa gepleeg het, sou iemand soos Barack Obama of mev. Hillary Clinton die spesmagte afgevaardig het om hom te gaan “elimineer” soos wat die VSA met Osama bin Laden gedoen het. Beide Obama en Clinton het die teregstelling van Bin Laden intyds meegemaak, waarna die liberale mev. Clinton met ‘n kekkellaggie gesê het: “Ons het gekom, ons het gesien, ons het doodgemaak.”
Chris Hani is volgens ‘n oud-Weermaggeneraal byna deur die Suid-Afrikaanse spesmagte in Lesotho geneutraliseer, maar ná die sameswering tussen mnr. De Klerk, die Britse ambassade en die SAKP, is Hani toegelaat om as ‘n vry man Suid-Afrika te betree en steeds agter die skerms geweld en terreur te organiseer. In reaksie hierop het die Poolse Suid-Afrikaner, mnr. Janusz Walus, die reg in eie hande geneem en hom blykbaar sonder die medewete van sy vriend, Clive Derby-Lewis, met dié se pistool gaan doodskiet. Beide Walus en Derby-Lewis het aanvanklik die doodstraf ontvang, maar dit is later in lewenslange gevangenisstraf omgeskakel. Mnr. Derby-Lewis is verlede jaar in Junie op parool vrygelaat, ná ‘n jare lange hofstryd omdat die ANC-bewind onder invloed van die Kommunistiese Party hom strydig met toepaslike wetgewing en gevangenisreëls nie op gewone parool wou uitlaat nie.
Daar word ook gepoog om Walus tot sy dood in die tronk aan te hou. Die staat se advokaat, Marumo Moerane, het aangevoer dat daar “geen gronde vir regter Nicolene Janse van Nieuwenhuizen se bevinding was” dat Walus soos enige ander gevangene op parool geregtig is nie. Hy het ook verwys na die moordenaar van Robert Kennedy wat reeds 48 jaar in ‘n Amerikaanse gevangenis verkeer, met die implikasie dat Walus ook tot sy dood in die gevangenis behoort te sit.
In haar reaksie het Hani se weduwee, Limpho Hani, die regter aangeval en gesê dat sy “nie God is nie” en nie oor die mag beskik om “haar lewe” te besluit nie, nadat die regter gister verlof geweier het dat die staat teen haar bevinding appelleer.
Mev. Hani se reaksies, wat ook op minagting van die hof neerkom omdat sy openlik die bekwaamheid en integriteit van die regter bevraagteken, is op eensydige wyse deur Beeld en Netwerk 24 gepubliseer, sonder enige konteks. Mev. Hani het destyds reeds by ‘n ander man geslaap terwyl Chris Hani self ook reeds ‘n ander houvrou geneem het. Nietemin dring sy aan op ‘n soort “huweliksreg” om haar man se moordenaar in die tronk te hou. Daarbenewens is Suid-Afrika destyds in konflik en wanorde gedompel deur die NP se holderstebolder-oorgawe wat groot verwarring en vrees by die publiek geskep het.
Walus en sy familie het in Pole aan eie bas die verskrikking van kommunisme ervaar, ‘n totalitêre ideologie wat die dood van 100 miljoen mense in die twintigste eeu veroorsaak het.
Gevra om kommentaar oor Beeld se gebruik van die Engfrikaanse term, “struggle-held”, het dr. Dan Roodt van PRAAG gesê:
“Myns insiens het ons hier met twee elemente te make: die Engfrikaans en die bewondering vir Chris Hani. Beeld, asook Netwerk24, staan vyandig teenoor Standaardafrikaans, hoewel dié twee organe natuurlik self voorlopig nog in Afrikaans publiseer. Vele van hul rubriekskrywers verwerp ook Afrikaanse skole en universiteite en wil dat Engels nog meer as tans in die land oorheers. Dus verklaar dit die Engfrikaans. Wat die tweede element betref, bespeur ‘n mens gereeld simpatie vir ekstreme gelykheid of kommunisme by sommige Beeld-redaksielede en rubriekskrywers. Beeld het reeds voorheen simpatie vir Heleen Pastoors, die Belgiese vrou wat die Kerkstraatbom vervoer het, uitgespreek. Dus verbaas dit nie dat Beeld nou so ‘n bietjie mosterd-na-die-maal sy bewondering vir Chris Hani en SAKP-terreur betuig nie.”
Die staat en die minister van korrektiewe dienste, gaan nou ‘n petisie na die Appèlhof in Bloemfontein rig in ‘n verdere poging om teen Janse van Nieuwenhuizen se uitspraak te appelleer. Aanstaande week bring Walus egter nog ‘n hooggeregshofaansoek waarin hy vra dat hy ten minste tydelik vrygelaat moet word terwyl die staat die appèlproses uitput.
Stem hiernaas op die regterkant van die blad in ons meningsopname: “Beskou u, soos Netwerk24, Chris Hani as ‘n ‘struggle’-held?”
■ Former South African Communist Party leader Chris Hani was allegedly assassinated for fear he would expose former Defence Minister Joe Modise’s involvement in the multi-million rand arms deal. Placing the blame on Clive Derby-Lewis for Hani’s murder was merely a way to divert attention from the British arms industry.
He also claimed Modise was poisoned so that he could not reveal information:
□■ ‘Chris Hani was killed before he could expose Joe Modise’
■ Janusz Walus judge 'is not God'‚ says Hani's widow - Times LIVE
Court blocks appeal againstJanusz Walus parole order · Walus remains behind bars for now despite ...
■ Stay Strong Brother, dedicated to Janusz Waluś: ...
Feb 25, 2015 - Stay Strong Brother, dedicated to Janusz Waluś:
■ VIDEO: Political prisoner Janusz Walus in danger of assassination ...
Mar 18, 2016 - VIDEO: Political prisonerJanusz Walus in danger of assassination in Pretoria Central Prison: Parole Board grants his ...
How the Criminal and psychopathic ANC loves their Criminal and psychopathic friends