James Brewer after the assault
Chantal Beyers after the assault
GENOCIDE VICTIMS: James Brewer and Chantal Beyers after the assault
Pretoria couple attacked and assaulted by blacks at McDonald’s
The director of a Pretoria restaurant chain and his fiancé were viciously assaulted at a fastfood outlet on Wednesday.
James Brewer (50) said he and Chantal Beyers (27) worked late at a Brewers Family Restaurant on Tuesday night and were on their way home in the Moot when they stopped at a McDonalds to get something to eat.
“It was probably in the early morning hours when we arrived at the McDonalds in Sunnyside,” Beyers said.
She said there were crates stacked at the entrance of the drive-through and the couple went inside instead.
“We went up to the counter to order the food. The cashier wasn’t very friendly and even somewhat rude to us. When we got our food and sat down to eat, we noticed they forgot a chicken wrap that we ordered. So James went to the counter to tell the cashier.”
The cashier argued with him about the order, said Beyers.
Brewer said: “She had a bit of an attitude towards me, and then spoke to another customer who was standing next to me at the counter.”
A group of people was standing nearby.
“The cashier said something to one of the men who stood nearest to me and then he shouldered me, asking why I ‘bumped’ him,” said Brewer.
“I really didn’t bump into him, so I told him that. He kept shoving me with his shoulder and this led to us having a confrontation.”
Beyers said she watched from the table as a scuffle broke out between Brewer and the stranger.
“They grabbed each other by the shirt and that was when I stepped in to break up the fight,” she said. “I put my hand on James’ chest to push him away and I had barely touched the other man when he punched me in the face with his fist… that was the last I remembered before waking up on the floor covered in blood.”
James recalled the rest of the fight,
“Naturally I responded to the attack when the man had punched my Tallie in the face for no reason at all.”
Brewer said there was some confusion as fists flew and he couldn’t be certain how many people were attacking him and Beyers as she lay on the floor.
Pointing to the bruises on the back of her head, Beyers said: “They must’ve kicked me on the ground.”
Brewer got the worst of it as he was trying to protect Beyers.
“There were two hard blows to my head – I assume they hit me with something on the back of my head,” Brewer said, indicating a bruise.
“And then I got another knock to the side of my head, before the man (who had started the fight) grabbed me and bashed his skull into my face – probably trying to knock me out.”
Brewer’s swollen face, bruised jaw and damaged lips made it difficult for him speak as he continued the story.
After the attack, the assailants calmly walked out of the restaurant as if nothing had happened.
“There was a security guard at the door and all the staff members present… but nobody lifted a finger to help us or even call the cops,” Brewer stated bitterly.
As he was helping Beyers up from the floor, one of the staff members quickly hurried towards them only to mop up the blood on the floor, he said.
Brewer said the manager at the McDonalds branch did nothing to help. When he reported the attack to the chain’s head office, no one was immediately aware of the episode.
Rekord approached McDonald’s SA for comment, which said in a statement:
“McDonald’s SA can confirm that an incident of alleged assault between customers occurred at McDonald’s Hamilton and that it has been reported to and logged with our Customer Care portal.
“We have begun an internal investigation to determine the facts of the case and will cooperate fully with the relevant law enforcement authorities to assist them should we be required to assist with their investigation.
“The safety of our customers and crew is of paramount importance to us and this issue is receiving our full and urgent attention.”