Tue-15-Mar-16 Escapees on the run from police in Modimolle, possibly in the direction of Braksloot. Jan van Deventers attackers may also have escaped . Will update
Die polisie op Modimolle waarsku inwoners om op die uitkyk te wees vir verdagte persone. Verskeie verhoorafwagtendes het vanmiddag uit die selle by die polisiestasie op die dorp ontsnap. Die vermeende aanvallers van Jakes van Deventer, wat in Maart 2015 op sy hoewe buite Bela-Bela vermoor is, is na wat verneem word ook in dié selle aangehou. Hul hofsaak is tans aan die gang. Die polisie kon nog nie die name van enige van die ontsnaptes bevestig nie. Daar is inwoners wat sê dat hulle verdagtes in die rigting van die braksloot op die dorp sien hardloop het.
UPDATE: Update: SA Rural Security edited their Facebook post... now they say: Jakes van Deventer's killers have not escaped !...
Tue-15-Mar-16 Escapees on the run from police in Modimolle, possibly in the direction of Braksloot. Jan van Deventers attackers have not escaped. Police say they still in custody. Will update.
UPDATE: Update: SA Rural Security edited their Facebook post... now they say: Jakes van Deventer's killers have not escaped !...
Tue-15-Mar-16 Escapees on the run from police in Modimolle, possibly in the direction of Braksloot. Jan van Deventers attackers have not escaped. Police say they still in custody. Will update.
Also read:
#FarmMurder: UPDATE: Court case to start this week for the 5 black terrorists after Afrikaner man, Jakes van Deventer, 35, was stabbed to death with a knife and a screwdriver at his farm in Warmbaths
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Genocide Victim: Jakes van Deventer, 35, was stabbed at least 21 times with a knife and screwdriver |
Black on White Genocide in South Africa #StopWhiteGenocideInSA