Amidst an explosive atmosphere of anti-white violence, black Pretoria student Kabelo Mahlobogwane placed a mass-murder incitement 'The White Human Race Must Die' on his facebook. (pagegrab attached).
Kabelo purportedly also is the Economic Freedom Fighters' so-named "student-commando'leader on the Pretoria University campus.
A Pretoria University spokeswoman seems rather reluctant to take steps: she said that ' 'they will investigate" claims first, that one of their students, Kabelo Mahlobogwane,had written on his personal facebook before they can take discliplinary steps against him.
He wrote pan-africanists slogans with his call that 'The White Human Race Must Die' namely: (*page grab attached): writing:
-- "The White Human Race Must Die'.'we must kill White supremacy, arrogance and privilege now. The time for the Revolution is now.There's only 1 race: the human race.' #AfrikaansMustFall." --
He claims to be living at the university's Docendo Residence where he is into 'marketing, web-management and social networking'. He also claims to be a student-laboratory-technician.'
AfriforumYouth group at the university also said that Mahlobogwane is also the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters' student-commando at the campus and 'was one of the students who were involved last month in the violence and strikes on campus'
University spokeswoman Anna-Retha Bouwer said 'the case will only be investigated - before we can take discliplinary steps'- although admitting that 'hatespeech and incitement to violence are against the university's code of behaviour'.
Afriforum Pretoria coordinator Jaco Grobbelaar said they demand that Mahlobogwane must be discliplined in an internal investigation by the university --
but that he also face criminal charges (*Under the Rome Convention, co-signed by the ANC regime: they are actually required to charge him with "incitement to cause the mass-murder of a small minority group; and can also lodge crimen injuria" charges against him. If found guilty, he will have a criminal record.)
Afriforum was quoted as insisting that 'these charges must be investigated by the local police." If this is not done, they threaten to go to the (toothless, ANC-run) Human Rights commission to lodge a demand to investigate Mahlobogwane and the university for hatecrimes.'
■ Boer traitors and how to deal with them...
You know…When you read Albert Blake’s book “Boereverraaier” about Boers shooting traitors during the Anglo-Boer War, then you will see that towards the middle of the war, already 40% of Boers were either “Hensoppers” (those who swore an oath of neutrality to the Queen) or downright “Joiners” (those who swore full allegiance to the Queen and actively joined the British army raping Boer women on farms, murdering old Boers on their farms, stealing and plundering the Boer farms, etc.) It is a part of history people like to forget. Better to remember the “Bitterenders” who fought the British to a standstill...
■ Boer traitors and how to deal with them...
You know…When you read Albert Blake’s book “Boereverraaier” about Boers shooting traitors during the Anglo-Boer War, then you will see that towards the middle of the war, already 40% of Boers were either “Hensoppers” (those who swore an oath of neutrality to the Queen) or downright “Joiners” (those who swore full allegiance to the Queen and actively joined the British army raping Boer women on farms, murdering old Boers on their farms, stealing and plundering the Boer farms, etc.) It is a part of history people like to forget. Better to remember the “Bitterenders” who fought the British to a standstill...