~Black Terrorist
I caught this guy breaking and entering at my home. Whilst awaiting the cops (not to mention it took them over an hour and a half to attend), I went into conversation with him - this after I had to take time out to catch my breath after the struggle to cuff him.
This intruder said at some stage that he hated me.
Why?, I asked him then, stroking my Boerbull next to me whom I thanked by giving him biscuits, for alarming me on this intruder/ robber/ thief.
Because you are white; he said.
So, why did you climb over my fence and tried to steal the stuff I found on you?, I asked him.
Because I wanted the stuff he replied and shifted a bit, for a more comfortable position on the ground. Complaining also that the handcuffs are hurting him.
The fact that I am white, gives you the reason to take my hard earned articles found on you?
"Yes", he replied "and I hate you white man!!"
"Well, I do not hate you, I hate your act", I said.
~ My conclusion was this:
This guy did not know me and if he did, he would have known that I am unemployed and I have a wife and two kids to support. And because of the enforced, BEE structures I am denied a respectful job.
I am white and this gives him the right or reason, to burglar me?
Political Motivated Attempted Burglary.
- a Racist crime?
Being a black racist is merely based on
"I want what is yours".
The police van came, took my statement, loaded the criminal in the back of their vehicle and drove off.
I will not allow anyone to take what is mine.
- May it be my belongings, my heritage, my future, my culture, my language, or my rights.
Bill Harington