Reading answers to questions from pre prepared scripts he was clearly not taking anything seriously and seemed more intent on insisting that Mandela’s ANC party was more important than the country South Africa! Only in Totalitarian Communist regimes is this kind of thinking acceptable…
It is undoubtedly the worst time for South African morale with Rampant Crime, murder, collapsing Health System and non functional local municipalities causing untold disasters, corrupt police force, army with a high level of AIDS infections, student protests, economy in trouble, severe drought in parts of the country.
Maybe he was giggling at his latest salary increase? The Independent Commission for the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers has recommended a 5% increase on remuneration for Zuma for the 2015/16 financial year.
This will see the country’s leader receive an additional R100,000 annually, taking his salary from R2.75 million to R2.89 million, if approved.
Zuma’s salary is the not the only expense South African tax payers have to fork out for to keep the president comfortable, though.
Here’s how much is spent on President Zuma each year, based on available information.
What taxpayers spend on Zuma:
Salary – If the latest increase is approved, Zuma will take home R2.89 million in the next financial year.
Spousal support – Three of Zuma’s wives are supported, which reportedly cost R54.6 million during his first terms in office.
Residential maintenance – More than R3 million was spent to maintain Zuma’s residential homes in the 2014/15 financial year.
Official vehicles – Regulations set the amount at 70% of the annual salary and allow for two cars.
Nkandla – Over R200 million has been spent on the security upgrades to Zuma’s Nkandla homestead.
VIP protection, travel allowances, and hotel accommodation – figures not available.
But if President Jacob Zuma is feeling the heat, he did a good job of hiding it during his final Q&A session for the year in Parliament on Thursday. There were chuckles aplenty from President Zuma, while the message from the opposition was: We are not amused, says DM’s REBECCA DAVIS.
But if President Jacob Zuma is feeling the heat, he did a good job of hiding it during his final Q&A session for the year in Parliament on Thursday. There were chuckles aplenty from President Zuma, while the message from the opposition was: We are not amused, says DM’s REBECCA DAVIS.
Opposition parties have fought hard for President Jacob Zuma simply to appear in the National Assembly once per quarter and answer questions from Members of Parliament. Their motives are obvious: it is important for the President to be seen to account to Parliament and the nation. And while the questions on the order paper are determined and answered in advance – which means the President’s team has worked out uncontroversial answers for him long before he takes to the lectern – there is always the chance that something new, interesting or incriminating might arise from the supplementary questions that are permitted.
Except that nothing really ever does. As we’ve discussed before, the practice whereby the President takes oral questions in Parliament is promising on paper, but rarely satisfying in real life. If he dodges a question, or engages in evasive circumlocution, or laughs off an inquiry, there is no accountability for that at all. The Speaker of the House defends his dignity against all comers. For the important stuff, the President has answers painstakingly prepared; for the rest, there’s simply nothing forcing him to answer in any substantive way.
This was very much the case on Thursday afternoon, when Zuma graced Parliament with his final appearance for the year. Now that Parliament’s staff strike is over, there’s something of an end-of-term feel in the institution. Members go off to do constituency work shortly, and there is a sense of things winding down generally. Thursday’s National Assembly saw prominent figures like the Economic Freedom Fighters’ (EFF) Julius Malema absent, as well as several government ministers. No protesters lined the streets to Parliament.
The Jacob Zuma who appeared before the House seemed in fine fettle, perhaps relieved by the prospect of a respite as year-end looms. He was confident and jocular, punching back and laughing. Laughter was, in fact, the leitmotif of his appearance. The now trademark chuckling started early, and was sustained virtually all the way through, occasioning complaints from opposition MPs.
“The President answers the question, says absolutely nothing, and then he laughs,” protested EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi. “It means decisions are jokes!” He added that Zuma should not mistake himself to be on “Trevor Noah’s show”.
The President exhibited no self-doubt in response – but unusually chose to tackle the topic of his laughter, which has been a headline-grabber before, head-on.
“I don’t know how to stop my laughter. Is it hurting?” he asked. Later an EFF MP suggested that the president had been internalizing too sincerely the old maxim that “laughter is the best medicine”. Zuma jumped on this with alacrity.
“I will always laugh,” he said at one point.
So what exactly did the president communicate, other than a sense of jollity? The best it got in terms of the supply of concrete facts was arguably Zuma’s response to what measures were being put in place to address the country’s drought crisis – one of his prepared answers:
Zuma read a response that four provinces – North West, Limpopo, KwaZulu Natal and Free State – had been declared as being in a “state of disaster” as a result of the drought. He said that government has set aside water tanks for use, was drilling new boreholes, and working on rehabilitating water and augmenting existing water sources. Farmers would be assisted with the provision of feed, he said, as well as more boreholes from which livestock could drink.
Mayors had been ordered to take action, Zuma read, in terms of implementing water restrictions, monitoring water usage and applying penalties where necessary. He urged municipal managers to prioritise the repair of wasteful water leaks and the roll-out of low-flush toilets, and said that grey water should be used for irrigation where necessary.
Zuma’s sharpest answer came in response to a question from EFF MP, Hlengiwe Hlophe, about the legitimacy of appointing presidential adviser, Vuma Mashinini, as a commissioner of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), Clearly making fair elections questionable. Opposition parties have expressed concern that Mashinini’s proximity to the presidency amounts to a conflict of interests. The President pointed out that former IEC commissioners have included ex-Democratic Alliance MP, Raenette Taljaard, and ex-National Party MP, Sheila Camerer; both individuals with clear political affiliations.
On the matter of funding for higher education, President Zuma was vague and unconvincing. “There will be no [fee] rise, and there will be money,” he promised, without ever specifying the source of this money. He disagreed with IFP MP Mkhuleko Hlengwa’s suggestion that the issue of student fees had only been put on the agenda because of student protests. “I’m sure you will recall the matter of free education is a policy of the ruling party, established decades ago,” Zuma said. He said that government had already begun to implement it by means of no-fee schools.
He assured MPs that the forthcoming Higher Education Amendment Bill would not interfere with academic freedom, while addressing matters pertaining to institutional autonomy.
“There must be an autonomy of the institutions so they can do their work without much interference,” Zuma said. But he also conceded: “Politically, my own view – there is no autonomy that could be absolute. It’s relative. Everything is relative.”
One potentially interesting question from African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) leader, Kenneth Meshoe, about whether the ANC’s warm welcome of Palestinian organisation Hamas in South Africa recently could be viewed as a snub to Israel, was batted away diplomatically by Zuma. He said that the government had deployed Middle East envoys, and had close relations with both Israel and Palestine in their conflict.
The DA had indicated in advance that the party wanted to see Zuma address the reports a R4-billion jet will be purchased for his use. Speaker, Baleka Mbete, shut the topic down at the beginning and at the end of the session, despite DA speaker John Steenhuisen’s assertion that it was “in the nation’s interest” for Zuma to address it, and DA leader’s Mmusi Maimane’s last minute plea: “But the President is here!”
Zuma was, however, forced to tackle another contentious issue: the matter of comments he made to the ANC KwaZulu Natal elective congress recently to the effect that the ANC comes before the country. This came up twice during his question session on Thursday. Zuma said that the ANC literally “came first”, in the sense that it pre-existed democratic South Africa: “The ANC was born first”. He also reiterated a previous defence, that he had made the comments in his capacity as ANC leader rather than South Africa’s president. Pressed on the matter by the DA at the end of the session, Zuma went on the attack towards the opposition. “We pay no attention when the DA meets, where you say all sorts of funny things. Why are you so interested in the ANC? You love the ANC! You can’t stop talking about the ANC!”
The DA’s Maimane also got in one last-ditch reference to Nkandla, asking the ANC when it intended to pay for the upgrades to the president’s home. A more ruffled than usual Maimane shouted the question despite Speaker Mbete’s repeated requests for him to sit down. It provided a scene emblematic of the parliamentary year: President Zuma escaping directly answering the hard questions, while the opposition fruitlessly hollers at him to account.
Here is a partial list indicating just how severe the collapse of order and extent of institutional corruption is in the Abomination that is South Africa:
This indicates the scale of the pillaging going on in SA by the African National Congress (ANC) government… So far.
1. Multi-billion $ Arm’s deal
2. E-tolling
3. Jacob Zuma’s Nkandla Homestead Project (Project Prestige)
4. Nkandla Freeway Project
5. Misuse of the plastic bag levy funds
6. Police Buildings and the exorbitant lease saga
7. Travelgate
8. Tony Yengeni’s arrest
9. Jackie Selebi and everything about the trial
10. Jackie Selebi’s parole
11. Shabir Schaik’s trial, during which Zuma was implicated but no prosecution followed
12. Schabir Shaik’s parole on medical grounds, but suddenly, he has fully recovered
13. Richard Mdluli’s slush fund
14. Richard Mdluli’s abuse of safe houses
15. Richard Mdluli’s travel agency scam
16. Richard Mdluli’s abuse of state owned vehicles
17. Manto Tshabalala-Msimang’s liver transplant
18. Nathi Mtethwa’s private residence upgrade with public funds
19. Julius Malema’s Limpopo feeding programme
20. Ntau Letebele’s transport tender in Limpopo
21. Julius Malema’s transport tender in Limpopo
22. School feeding schemes in the Eastern Cape
23. Ms Dina Pule and the ITC Indaba
24. Limpopo textbooks saga
25. Moses Kotane Development Agency corruption
26. Msunduzi municipality officials using more than R1m of taxpayers’ money to fund an ANC rally.
27. Mthatha corruption case over fraudulent legal jobs didn’t exist
28. Ekurhuleni municipality corruption in awarding water meter contracts to Lesira-Teq
29. Thaba Chweu local municipality’s misuse of R3m in 2009
30. Endemic corruption at Nala Local Municipality to the point that treasury have cut them off
31. Desiree Tlhoaele’s axing after going after corrupt officials in sports, arts and culture
32. Viking testing station’s corrupt examiners
33. Police officers Linda Mlambo and Mahlang Shaku fraudulenty conning motorists out of cash
34. Sandton officers arrested for corruption after extorting money from a motorists
35. Willie Hofmeyer’s axing
36. Mvula Trust and the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs’ job creation fraud to the tune of hundreds of millions of rands
37. Government’s endemic over-use and over-pay of consultants
38. Glynnis Breytenbach’s axing
39. The spy-tape saga
40. Thosan Panday corruption in KZN
41. KZN’s misuse of R785m in 2011
42. Madibeng municipality awarding millions in tenders to its own employees
43. Madibeng municipality’s taxation scam with its employees
44. Madibeng municipality paying money to fictitious companies for fictitious work
45. Madibeng municipality paying for funerals that never took place
46. Madibeng municipality paying for home renovations for its employees
47. Taung municipality paying triple digit increases without consultation
48. Morake Incorporated Attorneys & the Rustenburg provincial department – R13m paid in fees for a disciplinary hearing
49. Endemic corruption at Mbhashe municipality to the point of the mayor and 7 others being fired
50. Corruption exposed by SIU at Rustenburg and Madibeng local municipalities
51. Corruption exposed by SIU at Moses Kotane
52. Corruption exposed by SIU at Bojanala District
53. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ventersdorp
54. Corruption exposed by SIU at Greater Taung
55. Corruption exposed by SIU at Tswaing
56. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ramotshere Moiloa
57. Corruption exposed by SIU at Mahikeng
58. Corruption exposed by SIU at Dr Kenneth Kaunda District
59. Corruption exposed by SIU at Maquassi Hill
60. Corruption exposed by SIU at Moretele
61. Corruption exposed by SIU at Lekwa-Teemane
62. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ngaka
63. Corruption exposed by SIU at Modiri Molema District
64. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ditsobotla
65. Corruption exposed by SIU at Kagisano
66. Corruption exposed by SIU at Kgetlengrivier
67. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ratlou
68. Corruption exposed by SIU at Dr Ruth Mompati District
69. Corruption exposed by SIU at Naledi Local Municipality
70. Awarding of tenders to Vivian Reddy following Zuma intervention
71. Twenty five cases, involving R768 827 043 in KZN in 2010 alone
72. The Glen Agliotti case
73. Diverting of public funds to Swazi King
74. Diverting of public funds to Robert Mugabe
75. Diverting of public funds to Zanu-PF
76. Funding of military equipment in Zimbabwe with SA public funds
77. Zuma’s corruption in numerous cases prior to his presidency
78. Fraud, corruption, tender-rigging, kickbacks and irregular appointments at Tshwane municipality
79. Endemic corruption at the heart of Mpumalanga municipality including physical violence to avoid publication of facts
80. Public Works’ endemic misuse of public funds for private residences of government officials, disguised as security upgrades.
81. Public Works leasing back property from its own employees for official use, while footing the initial bill too
82. BEE fronting for SAPS land deals outside of the main contract for PTA head office through Roux Shabangu
83. R2.4bn in improper bonuses paid out by SABC to directors
84. SABC paying fictitious staff
85. ANC controlling SABC with threats of fund withdrawals
86. SABC awarding tenders to its own employees
87. Ekurhuleni employees signing off on deals that do not exist
88. Land fraud in KZN worth R50m involving three officials and a businessman for farms and other properties
89. Department of arts and culture misuse of R42m during the soccer world cup
90. Loss of dockets relating to high profile corruption cases
91. Education department officials involved in examination selling
92. Parastatals’ inflated sponsorship of events hosted by the Guptas and New Age
93. New Age website having massive funds diverted its way from government budgets without readership stats to speak of
94. The City of Johannesburg rigging a large tender in favour of Regiments, an ANC-connected empowerment firm central to a consortium that made the JHB mayor’s wife a *multimillionaire.
95. On-Point Engineering securing Limpopo tenders through Julius Malema and his accomplices
96. Amathole district municipality awarding irregular tenders relating to vehicle tracking
97. John Block’s R112m tender fraud relating to water purification equipment
98. Gaston Savoi’s R112m tender fraud relating to water purification equipment
99. DoC official awarding R500k tender to his wife
100. Martin Masemola from Dept of Minerals & Energy receiving financial kickbacks and land for favours to friends and family
101. Bosasa and Correctional Services corruption to the tune of R3bn in tender rigging
102. Public Works corrupt relationship with Saab and the blacked out agreements that not even they are entitled to
103. R63 million tender fraud at Limpopo traffic department involving Mbhazima Sithole, 45, Felix Baloyi, 34, Mphateleni Musubu, 43, and Lufuno Muladi, 27, all directors of various companies that secured tenders illegally
104. Gauteng Finance dept awarding R23m in IT tenders fraudulently
105. Kelly Group securing labour broking tenders worth R372m by BEE fronting
106. Eastern Cape health department and their tender fraud worth over R800m in just one single case
107. Obed Mlaba securing tenders to the value of R3bn in KZN
108. KZN misuse of public money to the tune of R532m in 2009
109. Public Works in Limpopo involved in tender fraud for undisclosed sum late last year
110. Tshwane kickback scheme for tenders to the tune of R1b
111. Tshwane maladministration in their financial dept for undisclosed sum
112. Philemon Mohlahlane (ex Land Bank CEO) embezzling R19m out of the Land Bank for his personal and business use
113. Prestige Portfolio tender corruption at Public Works as investigated by SIU (this appears to be linked to Project prestige – Zuma’s development)
114. Bobby Motaung’s multi-million rand fraud involving stadium tenders
115. Ekurhuleni Metro IT tender for R21m that was used to buy Porsches and Mercs
116. Limpopo transport tender fraud of R63m
117. Limpopo Premier Cassel Mathale’s influence in awarding tenders
118. Buffalo City Metro tender fraud of R12m
119. Ekurhuleni Chief Financial Officer Mr Zakes Myeza, Chief Director Water and Sanitation Mr Slindokuhle Hadebe, Acting Head of Department of then Roads and Stormwater Mr Moses Maliba, Junior Official Water and Sanitation Ms Nomusa Malimabe and Independent Contractor Mr Miyelani Holeni’s all involved in tender fraud worth R166m
120. Julius’ cousing Tshepo Malema involved in corruption and fraud through the government worth R63m
121. Pikitup tender fraud relating to contracts awarded through City of Johannesburg for undisclosed sum
122. Vivian Reddy’s company awarded an inflated contract of R1.25bn for smart electricity meter reading in Joburg despite never having done anything like it before
123. Xhariep district mayor Mongi Ntwanambi’s fraudulent travel expenses claims costing half a million rand a year
124. Free State Government paying R140 million for their website created with a $40 WordPress template
125. Limpopo Health’s unaccounted for R739m tender spend for 2012
126. Gauteng Health’s R1bn corruption in 2010
127. ANC’s investment body, Chancellor House, receiving yet another state tender worth billions of rands
128. ANC’s investment arm, Chancellor House, receiving millions from the Medupi and Kusile deals
129. ANC’s investment arm, Chancellor House, to benefit significantly from R40bn Eskom tenders
130. The spending of more than R13.5m on Nomvula Mokonyane’s home. A home that was purchased for R11.5m
Zuma’s position weakens as he loses battle to keep ‘spy tapes’ under wraps
131. Bankrupt SAA (National Airline)
132. Bankrupt Post Office (National Post Office)
133. Bankrupt SABC (National Broadcaster)
134. Corruption and takeover of the Media
135. The Gupta’s
136. FIFA
137 Bankrupt Eskom
138 Al Bashir saga…
2. E-tolling
3. Jacob Zuma’s Nkandla Homestead Project (Project Prestige)
4. Nkandla Freeway Project
5. Misuse of the plastic bag levy funds
6. Police Buildings and the exorbitant lease saga
7. Travelgate
8. Tony Yengeni’s arrest
9. Jackie Selebi and everything about the trial
10. Jackie Selebi’s parole
11. Shabir Schaik’s trial, during which Zuma was implicated but no prosecution followed
12. Schabir Shaik’s parole on medical grounds, but suddenly, he has fully recovered
13. Richard Mdluli’s slush fund
14. Richard Mdluli’s abuse of safe houses
15. Richard Mdluli’s travel agency scam
16. Richard Mdluli’s abuse of state owned vehicles
17. Manto Tshabalala-Msimang’s liver transplant
18. Nathi Mtethwa’s private residence upgrade with public funds
19. Julius Malema’s Limpopo feeding programme
20. Ntau Letebele’s transport tender in Limpopo
21. Julius Malema’s transport tender in Limpopo
22. School feeding schemes in the Eastern Cape
23. Ms Dina Pule and the ITC Indaba
24. Limpopo textbooks saga
25. Moses Kotane Development Agency corruption
26. Msunduzi municipality officials using more than R1m of taxpayers’ money to fund an ANC rally.
27. Mthatha corruption case over fraudulent legal jobs didn’t exist
28. Ekurhuleni municipality corruption in awarding water meter contracts to Lesira-Teq
29. Thaba Chweu local municipality’s misuse of R3m in 2009
30. Endemic corruption at Nala Local Municipality to the point that treasury have cut them off
31. Desiree Tlhoaele’s axing after going after corrupt officials in sports, arts and culture
32. Viking testing station’s corrupt examiners
33. Police officers Linda Mlambo and Mahlang Shaku fraudulenty conning motorists out of cash
34. Sandton officers arrested for corruption after extorting money from a motorists
35. Willie Hofmeyer’s axing
36. Mvula Trust and the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs’ job creation fraud to the tune of hundreds of millions of rands
37. Government’s endemic over-use and over-pay of consultants
38. Glynnis Breytenbach’s axing
39. The spy-tape saga
40. Thosan Panday corruption in KZN
41. KZN’s misuse of R785m in 2011
42. Madibeng municipality awarding millions in tenders to its own employees
43. Madibeng municipality’s taxation scam with its employees
44. Madibeng municipality paying money to fictitious companies for fictitious work
45. Madibeng municipality paying for funerals that never took place
46. Madibeng municipality paying for home renovations for its employees
47. Taung municipality paying triple digit increases without consultation
48. Morake Incorporated Attorneys & the Rustenburg provincial department – R13m paid in fees for a disciplinary hearing
49. Endemic corruption at Mbhashe municipality to the point of the mayor and 7 others being fired
50. Corruption exposed by SIU at Rustenburg and Madibeng local municipalities
51. Corruption exposed by SIU at Moses Kotane
52. Corruption exposed by SIU at Bojanala District
53. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ventersdorp
54. Corruption exposed by SIU at Greater Taung
55. Corruption exposed by SIU at Tswaing
56. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ramotshere Moiloa
57. Corruption exposed by SIU at Mahikeng
58. Corruption exposed by SIU at Dr Kenneth Kaunda District
59. Corruption exposed by SIU at Maquassi Hill
60. Corruption exposed by SIU at Moretele
61. Corruption exposed by SIU at Lekwa-Teemane
62. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ngaka
63. Corruption exposed by SIU at Modiri Molema District
64. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ditsobotla
65. Corruption exposed by SIU at Kagisano
66. Corruption exposed by SIU at Kgetlengrivier
67. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ratlou
68. Corruption exposed by SIU at Dr Ruth Mompati District
69. Corruption exposed by SIU at Naledi Local Municipality
70. Awarding of tenders to Vivian Reddy following Zuma intervention
71. Twenty five cases, involving R768 827 043 in KZN in 2010 alone
72. The Glen Agliotti case
73. Diverting of public funds to Swazi King
74. Diverting of public funds to Robert Mugabe
75. Diverting of public funds to Zanu-PF
76. Funding of military equipment in Zimbabwe with SA public funds
77. Zuma’s corruption in numerous cases prior to his presidency
78. Fraud, corruption, tender-rigging, kickbacks and irregular appointments at Tshwane municipality
79. Endemic corruption at the heart of Mpumalanga municipality including physical violence to avoid publication of facts
80. Public Works’ endemic misuse of public funds for private residences of government officials, disguised as security upgrades.
81. Public Works leasing back property from its own employees for official use, while footing the initial bill too
82. BEE fronting for SAPS land deals outside of the main contract for PTA head office through Roux Shabangu
83. R2.4bn in improper bonuses paid out by SABC to directors
84. SABC paying fictitious staff
85. ANC controlling SABC with threats of fund withdrawals
86. SABC awarding tenders to its own employees
87. Ekurhuleni employees signing off on deals that do not exist
88. Land fraud in KZN worth R50m involving three officials and a businessman for farms and other properties
89. Department of arts and culture misuse of R42m during the soccer world cup
90. Loss of dockets relating to high profile corruption cases
91. Education department officials involved in examination selling
92. Parastatals’ inflated sponsorship of events hosted by the Guptas and New Age
93. New Age website having massive funds diverted its way from government budgets without readership stats to speak of
94. The City of Johannesburg rigging a large tender in favour of Regiments, an ANC-connected empowerment firm central to a consortium that made the JHB mayor’s wife a *multimillionaire.
95. On-Point Engineering securing Limpopo tenders through Julius Malema and his accomplices
96. Amathole district municipality awarding irregular tenders relating to vehicle tracking
97. John Block’s R112m tender fraud relating to water purification equipment
98. Gaston Savoi’s R112m tender fraud relating to water purification equipment
99. DoC official awarding R500k tender to his wife
100. Martin Masemola from Dept of Minerals & Energy receiving financial kickbacks and land for favours to friends and family
101. Bosasa and Correctional Services corruption to the tune of R3bn in tender rigging
102. Public Works corrupt relationship with Saab and the blacked out agreements that not even they are entitled to
103. R63 million tender fraud at Limpopo traffic department involving Mbhazima Sithole, 45, Felix Baloyi, 34, Mphateleni Musubu, 43, and Lufuno Muladi, 27, all directors of various companies that secured tenders illegally
104. Gauteng Finance dept awarding R23m in IT tenders fraudulently
105. Kelly Group securing labour broking tenders worth R372m by BEE fronting
106. Eastern Cape health department and their tender fraud worth over R800m in just one single case
107. Obed Mlaba securing tenders to the value of R3bn in KZN
108. KZN misuse of public money to the tune of R532m in 2009
109. Public Works in Limpopo involved in tender fraud for undisclosed sum late last year
110. Tshwane kickback scheme for tenders to the tune of R1b
111. Tshwane maladministration in their financial dept for undisclosed sum
112. Philemon Mohlahlane (ex Land Bank CEO) embezzling R19m out of the Land Bank for his personal and business use
113. Prestige Portfolio tender corruption at Public Works as investigated by SIU (this appears to be linked to Project prestige – Zuma’s development)
114. Bobby Motaung’s multi-million rand fraud involving stadium tenders
115. Ekurhuleni Metro IT tender for R21m that was used to buy Porsches and Mercs
116. Limpopo transport tender fraud of R63m
117. Limpopo Premier Cassel Mathale’s influence in awarding tenders
118. Buffalo City Metro tender fraud of R12m
119. Ekurhuleni Chief Financial Officer Mr Zakes Myeza, Chief Director Water and Sanitation Mr Slindokuhle Hadebe, Acting Head of Department of then Roads and Stormwater Mr Moses Maliba, Junior Official Water and Sanitation Ms Nomusa Malimabe and Independent Contractor Mr Miyelani Holeni’s all involved in tender fraud worth R166m
120. Julius’ cousing Tshepo Malema involved in corruption and fraud through the government worth R63m
121. Pikitup tender fraud relating to contracts awarded through City of Johannesburg for undisclosed sum
122. Vivian Reddy’s company awarded an inflated contract of R1.25bn for smart electricity meter reading in Joburg despite never having done anything like it before
123. Xhariep district mayor Mongi Ntwanambi’s fraudulent travel expenses claims costing half a million rand a year
124. Free State Government paying R140 million for their website created with a $40 WordPress template
125. Limpopo Health’s unaccounted for R739m tender spend for 2012
126. Gauteng Health’s R1bn corruption in 2010
127. ANC’s investment body, Chancellor House, receiving yet another state tender worth billions of rands
128. ANC’s investment arm, Chancellor House, receiving millions from the Medupi and Kusile deals
129. ANC’s investment arm, Chancellor House, to benefit significantly from R40bn Eskom tenders
130. The spending of more than R13.5m on Nomvula Mokonyane’s home. A home that was purchased for R11.5m
Zuma’s position weakens as he loses battle to keep ‘spy tapes’ under wraps
131. Bankrupt SAA (National Airline)
132. Bankrupt Post Office (National Post Office)
133. Bankrupt SABC (National Broadcaster)
134. Corruption and takeover of the Media
135. The Gupta’s
136. FIFA
137 Bankrupt Eskom
138 Al Bashir saga…
In short, nothing works…
Surely the globalist money powers that devised the destruction of South Africa through the manipulation of “politically correct” liberals and democrats worldwide, are also giggling all the way to Marxist World Supremacy…
■ South Africa: Where is the water??
Seeing as South Africa already suffers from electricity shortages, errr.... I mean "load-shedding".... on a regular basis, why wouldn't water be next?
Makes sense, huh?
Yup, the ANC has said that they will be implementing "water shedding measures" across the country if people don't stop wasting water. By wasting, they mean using water.
And by 'water shedding' they mean, cut off supply. Turn the taps off. Withhold essential services from the citizens of the country. Especially those who actually pay for them.....
.......government has warned that consumers can be penalised for not conserving the precious resource
Big Brother has arrived as a weapon to protect out of control government incompetence.
What is it with commies and the vague, distorted language they use? Are they scared to say what they mean, by hiding the truth behind some warm and fuzzy term, such as 'water shedding'?
That would be a YES. You see, water shedding sounds so much better than 'we will cut off your supply' because there is no more water. Of course, 'water shedding' would imply there is water to shed. Which there isn't.
Just like electricity 'load shedding' sounds as if there's an abundance of electricity to shed. Which there isn't. It actually means demand outstrips supply. Which happens when you don't plan properly......
Here's a little tip: anytime a commie speaks, just flip what they say around and you'll have the truth. When they say they want peace, they want war. When they say they want equality, they want inequality. When they say 'trust us', then know you have to count your fingers after you shake their hands. And when they say they are good at governing, laugh hysterically and get the heck out of Dodge.
Bit I digress.
South Africa, it would appear, is slowly running out of water. And to what do the geniuses in the ANC government blame this on? Haha. Apartheid of course (as if you couldn't guess): urgent overhaul of apartheid-era infrastructure is needed.
Let's just dissect that loaded statement for a moment. The term 'urgent' would imply that this is a catastrophe that was only now realised. However, let me remind readers that Apartheid fell in 1994, when the majority of the population - that would be the 30-odd million Blacks - outvoted the Whites and gifted the country with a government made-up of terrorist liberation 'fighters' from the ANC, headed by the murdering Dead Terrorist himself, Nelson Mandela.
So what the ANC geniuses are actually saying is that it's taken them 21 years to suddenly realise that infrastructure built a minimum of 21 years ago, URGENTLY needs to be overhauled.
It sounds as if the entire bunch of clown-nincompoops fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down. Now that would be something they'd excel at.
So, let's go to some expert advice as to the real reason why there is this 'sudden' crisis - which isn't so sudden it seems:
Water expert Dr Anthony Turton says that South Africa’s water shortage is not simply the result of the current drought, but that a lack of strategic planning, the loss of skills to transformation, poorly-functioning waste-water treatment plants which are spewing some four billion litres of untreated or partially-treated sewage into rivers every day, have contributed to the looming water disaster.
So, there you have the truth. Due to purging government departments of the competent White engineers, all in the name of 'transformation', there is now unskilled IQ67's running the show, and the end result is a lack of competent strategic planning, which has lead to no new infrastructure - even though the population has increased by nearly 20 million over the last 21 years. And what infrastructure is still hanging on, is now crumbling. There is also a lack of waste-water management, including sewage disposal.
Just as suspected.
So there goes the myth of all the blame falling on Apartheid infrastructure. During Apartheid, we had some of the best technology, infrastructure and ability. The ANC should be rejoicing that there is any infrastructure in place at all seeing as they can't even keep pavements free of grass. That takes too much brain power. At least they've had water for the last 21 years as a result. But no, they still have the hide to say the following in defence of their incompetence:
ANC MPS hit back, saying many millions more people now had access to water but that water infrastructure was initially built to serve just a privileged few.
Privileged few? You mean the people who actually paid for and built the infrastructure where there were planned houses, businesses and development, and not where the IQ67's would build their shacks overnight - illegally? You mean those privileged few?
How much infrastructure was built by Blacks in the Black homelands during Apartheid? How many pipes did their tribal leaders think to put in the ground? How many sewerage lines did they build under their mansions, schools, hospitals, airports? That would be a big fat zero. Know why? Because IQ67s' wouldn't know why it would be necessary to have pipes in the first place, let alone sewerage lines. They'd still be crapping in the bushes if it wasn't for the Whites.
Bottom line is that South Africa doesn't have an electricity crisis, a water crisis, a crime crisis, a health system crisis, an unemployment simply has an ANC crisis - and more importantly, a too-farking-stupid-to-understand-voter crisis.
ANC mentality:
Johannesburg - The reality of the water crisis in the country hit home on Tuesday, with some Joburg schools sending their pupils back home and some parts of Gauteng running dry.
Numerous southern and south-western suburbs had no water on Tuesday, leading to residents believing that water rationing had started.
The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality issued a red alert on residents, warning them to use water sparingly as many suburbs in and around Germiston experienced water shortages.
It warned that levels in the reservoirs supplying certain areas were at a critical level which could lead to low water pressure.
“If the situation in all of the areas above deteriorates further, the EMM will implement water shedding measures and shut off supply from 10am-3pm,” the municipality warned on Tuesday.
In KwaZulu-Natal large parts of the North Coast and Zululand are under severe water restrictions, with many residents relying on supply from water tankers, while parts of the Ugu District Municipality on the South Coast are being serviced with salty water, as the main reservoir has run dry and a key river has been flooded with seawater.
As authorities grapple with the problem, it emerged on Tuesday that a lack of strategic planning, the loss of skills to transformation, poorly-functioning waste-water treatment plants which are spewing some four billion litres of untreated or partially-treated sewage into rivers every day, have contributed to the looming water disaster.
And this disaster is one that that could easily have been avoided, according to water expert Dr Anthony Turton, in an analysis published this week in @Liberty - the policy bulletin of the Institute of Race Relations.
In a damning article, Turton said South Africa’s water shortage is not simply the result of the current drought.
“The water shortage is also an induced one. It stems from a lack of strategic planning, a loss of skills to transformation and the fact that poorly functioning wastewater treatment plants are spewing close on four billion litres of untreated or partially-treated sewage into the country’s dams and rivers every day,” he said.
These sewage spills are the most serious of the many problems in the water sector.
“Just as a small volume of oil destroys the quality of a large volume of water, so a small source of persistent sewage has essentially the same effect.”
Sewage discharges are also driving the eutrophication of most major dams. Eutrophic water is characterised by the presence of high levels of nutrients, which, in turn promote, the growth of cyanobacteria, commonly known as blue-green algae.
One very common species of cyanobacteria produces a potent toxin known as microcystin. This is chemically similar to cobra venom. It is also carcinogenic (cancer-producing) and damages the liver and central nervous system.
“The microcystin levels found in a number of major dams - including the Hartbeespoort, Hazelmere, Midmar and Vaal dams - are amongst the highest ever measured in the world. Microcystin toxin levels become a concern in developed countries at far below the levels commonly found in South Africa. Moreover, nothing is being done here to remove the toxin,” said Turton.
There are only two known technologies capable of neutralising microcystin, and neither is in mainstream use in any of the country’s bulk potable water treatment plants.
“Worse still, no one knows whether these technologies can, in fact, neutralise microcystin at the concentrations found in South Africa. In this regard, we are truly flying blind.”
Instead of dealing with these difficult issues, the Government is under-reporting the extent of eutrophication. Official reports suggest that only percent of the national water resource is at risk, but a recent study by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has found that at least two-thirds of South Africa’s largest dams are already eutrophic, he said.
The more eutrophication proceeds, the more the 38 billion cubic metres of water in our dams are likely to become unusable.
“This looming disaster could have been avoided if a rigid concept of transformation had not been allowed to trump the imperative to safeguard public health,” says Turton.
On Tuesday, two schools in the south of Joburg sent pupils home because the institutions had no water. However, Joburg Water managing director Lungelo Dlamini said City Power had experienced a two-hour power outage, so Eikenhof power station was not able to pump water. This, he said, left many suburbs without water, among them Lenasia, Brixton, Crowns Gardens, Robertsham, Ridgeway, Little Falls and Radiokop.
On Monday, Joburg Water said Rand Water had notified them of a further deterioration in the bulk supply system, recommending a high level of restrictions.
■ Water restrictions begin in Gauteng | News | Environment | M&G
Oct 28, 2015 - This has traditionally pushed South Africa to engineer itself out of water problems . Large-scale water ...
■ Drought hits SA wheat farmers hard - Eyewitness News
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Oct 29, 2015 - Durban - South Africa's water woes are reaching a breaking point, ... Water supply will therefore be reduced. ... “As KZN Cogta we maintain that the current drought crisis requires all ...
■ Dam levels drop as drought is set to worsen | eNCA
Nov 3, 2015 - The water crisis in South Africa is set to deepen as El Niño is expected to enhance the drought this ...
Kimberley runs out of water
By Mike Smith
19th of November 2015
It is official now. For the first time in its history, the city of Kimberley has literally run out of water.
Kimberley has no water
“In one of the biggest disasters to hit Kimberley, the city has literally run out of water and by Wednesday afternoon there was no water left in the dams at the Newton Reservoir.”
The hospitals and the firebrigade are on their reserve tanks. Hotels have no water.
O well I guess they can just buy some water machines and they will have unlimited water forever .