A Hartbeespoort security officer saved the lives of three men when he accidently came across a hijacking and shot the armed hijacker who reportedly later died
Christopher Nicholson (26), a security officer at Fidelity in Hartbeespoort was on his way back from Pretoria to Hartbeespoort on Monday morning shortly after 08:00 when he happened to witness the attempted hijacking.
“We stopped at a red traffic light and I saw a white BMW stop behind a blue Mercedes. An armed man jumped from the BMW and ran to the front passenger side of the Mercedes, opened the door and shot at the driver,” Christopher told Kormorant.
Christopher immediately reacted and shot at the armed man and the bullet hit him in the neck.
“He ran back to the BMW and they made a U-turn and sped off. I shot and hit the vehicle’s front tyre.”
Christopher rushed to the victims’ vehicle to see how they were. “The shot from the armed man missed the driver and went through the windscreen. They were rattled, but no one was injured. I thought the suspects had gotten away,” Christopher said.
While he was on the scene a client of the security company called to report a suspicious vehicle in Schurveberg. “It was a white BMW and I rushed to the scene. It was the hijackers’ abandoned vehicle.”
The police were called and it was established that the vehicle was stolen during an armed robbery in Pretoria North two weeks ago.
“The police canine unit was called to try and track the suspects. It was later confirmed that the body of the suspect was found.”
Christopher said he was shaken afterwards, but at the time all he could think of was to save the victims’ lives.
“It was not a good experience and although it all happened in seconds, it felt like hours. The victims were just so grateful. They believe I had saved their lives.”
The police are still looking for the three men who got away. http://kormorant.co.za/12778/security-officer-shoots-hijacker/