Een van die mans wat ‘n boervrou van Theunissen vermoor het, gaan moontlik vandag skuld op die aanklagte teen hom beken.
Die 22-jarige Lekgotla Mabandla James Matatiele is een van twee vermeende moordenaars wat die 68-jarige Martie Bester van die plaas Erfbloem glo vermoor het.
Hulle sal vandag weer voor regterpresident Mahube Molemela op aanklagte van moord, huisbraak, verkragting, brandstigting en die onwettige besit van vuurwapens en ammunisie verskyn.
Netwerk24 berig Bester se verbrande naakte liggaam is op 12 Januarie vanjaar langs ’n bed in ’n slaapkamer van haar huis gekry nadat die polisie gehoor het die huis en ’n pakhuis, ’n entjie daarvandaan, is aan die brand.
Afrikaner, Kobus Bester (31) stands among the soot and ash which was his mother’s bedroom.
Early on Monday morning he had a call from Bloemfontein, South Africa and had to drive to Theunissen in a hurry with the knowledge: The farm house is burning down.
“Her body lay here. I found her when I picked up a piece of the burnt ceiling. ”
He pointed to a spot on the floor where a small Bible is thrown between parched corn cobs.
Martie Bester (66) lay there in a fetal position lying on her left side, her body wrapped in newspaper.
There were two bags of wood on the bed.
“The wood, the newspapers and the maize cobs were there so my mother could easily catch fire” said Kobus emotionally.
“But the fire never spread to her.”
And the Bible?
“They put it on her right hip. That’s where I got it. They wanted her Bible burned with her. ”
Martie was a Free State farmer’s wife in bone and marrow.
Her small farm, Erfbloem, almost ten miles out of town where she was a local farmer with a handful of sheep and cattle.
“After my father died four years ago, we could never get her away from here.” said John. “She loved the farm and decided to stay. ”
His mother was busy all day in the kitchen and especially her pantry making things.
“She loved to cook,” says John. “She was particularly love to lay in fruit and vegetables.
“Beans, fruits, anything that she could get her hands on.”
He points to a large burned wall that was part of the pantry, where there were shelves from floor to the ceiling.
Those shelves were crowded all kinds bottles and jars full of jams etc. self made” said John.
“She was a sentimental person that loved to collect things,” said Veronica, Kobus’s wife.
“In the bedroom, there was a wardrobe with all Kobus’s baby clothes, his puzzles of his childhood, and even his old linen.”
But Mary’s property is now crumbling between stinking black soot, ash and charcoal.
Everything in this house bear witness to horrific events: the burn marks, the holes in the roof, the ceiling charred wood littered all the floors in the house.
This is all that remains of Erfbloem.
Molelekoa Mothibeli (22, left) & Lekgotla Matatiele (22) who killed Afrikaner woman, Martie van Theunissen on a farm, was caught smiling in court!!!!
They are also charged with rape, robbery and arson.
The two men smiled for the media cameras in court, reported Beeld.
Capt. Francois Laux said, one of the suspects had taken him to the place to point out the crime.
“He was extremely arrogant,” said Laux.
“He said they had strangled her the previous Monday and went back all week, every day, to eat there.”
The man said there was “plenty of food” in Bester’s pantry.
According Laux wanted the men to destroy evidence and they all started last Friday to try to burn down the farm house.
They apparently struggled all weekend to flare up the house.
Kobus is still struggling to find meaning from the clumsy, senseless crime.
His mother’s black small chihuahuatjie, Gizmo, is still missing, but Kobus suspect he was killed in the fire.
Three bags full of stolen items remain on the stand because the thieves never come to claim it.
“They even stole her make-up.”
Kobus then show you what hangs next to the back door frame: a plastic little skeleton (a typical voodoo-like Halloween toy) bounce teasingly around on a string.
“I do not know how come it’s here,” said John. “It’s certainly not ours.”
The international legal definition of the crime of genocide is found in Articles II and III of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.
Article II describes two elements of the crime of genocide:
the mental element, meaning the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such, and
the physical element which includes five acts described in sections a, b, c, d and e. A crime must include both elements to be called GENOCIDE.
- Killing members of the group;
- Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
- includes inflicting trauma on members of the group through widespread torture, rape, sexual violence, forced or coerced use of drugs, and mutilation.
- Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
- Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
- Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.