
November 11, 2015

#BlackViolenceContinuesInSA: WATCH: Stun grenades fired on striking black workers at Parliament

Welcome to SA Parliament:

Source: News24

Riot police have moved in on striking workers on the steps of Parliament, firing stun grenades and ordering them to leave the grounds.
The strike began on Friday when hundreds of Nehawu employees downed tools over various issues, including the payment structure of bonuses and vetting of staff. These included committee secretaries, content advisors, cleaners and communication liaisons.

Parliament - Stun grenades were used to disperse around 200 striking parliamentary workers outside the National Council of Provinces on Wednesday morning.
A long line of riot police pushed their shields against singing and dancing workers on the steps and started removing them, warning them over a loud hailer to get out and leave the precinct.
- Follow the Live Update here.

Also read:

■ Cape Town - Five protesting students have been arrested at the University of the Western Cape after setting a number of campus buildings alight.
Riot police were called onto the UWC campus around noon on Wednesday, after reports on social media showed student protesters attacking non-protesting students.
- PICS: Mayhem at UWC
The students reportedly started setting bins alight in residences on the campus on Wednesday morning, calling for all exams to be cancelled.
“A campus fire and medical officer responded to the fire-alarms set off by the protesting students, and upon his arrival at the residences he was attacked and badly assaulted by the protesting group,” said UWC spokesperson Luthando Tyhalibongo. 
One Twitter user said that about 15 students had "beaten up" her paramedic brother.
“My brother-in-law is a paramedic at UWC. He got beat up by 15 protesters earlier... the very people he is employed to assist!” said Lindsay Pietesen.
Exams halted
Afternoon exams were then halted in the Main Hall at the Bellville, Cape Town university after fire extinguishers were let off in the hall.
Riot police used stun grenades to disperse the students, and many of the campus staff have left the premises.
The finance office on campus was set alight, reports News24's Tammy Petersen. Fire services were on sight to extinguish the flames.
"The protesting students were carrying sjamboks, bricks, knob-kieries and some were wearing balaclavas. One female safety officer was assaulted and threatened at knife-point," Tyhalibongo added.
Students say they were supposed to write their exams at 12:30.
"But before midday, things just went crazy," one student said.
"Bricks were flying and we were locked in the library. I tried to hide because I was afraid I would get hurt. I just want to get home now. It’s too volatile here."
This is what social media has been saying at #UWCShutDown:
