The political party that controls a country, controls the media,
and subsequently, they control the minds of the masses. . .
July 12, 2016
#MURDER: UPDATE: Four black killers arrested for brutal Hate-murder against Afrikaans man: Pierre Etienne de Necker (24)
"I am particularly disturbed first of all by the horrific cruelty of this murder -- but that one of the black killers then took this picture of the victim and sent it to his family. We have many reports very similar to this, where the families of murdered whites were phoned and taunted in many ways..." ~ Johanna Stuijt VanDokkum
Hate-murder against Afrikaner:
Pierre Etienne de Necker 24 died in beating/kicking attack by 12-15 blacks shouting
' You Are White ... '
"this is a horrific murder, organised by twelve blacks in four cars who followed this young Afrikaans guy from a Shell service station and beat him to death"
ALSO READ: ■ All over the world, black people are being told that 'millions of blacks were killed by whites during apartheid'. They feel a sense of 'entitlement' when they kill whites as a result. Every white person who was ever born in the world is being blamed for 'apartheid'. And if not 'apartheid' they are blamed for 'slavery' even though it was the whites who ended the slavery started by the Arabs in Africa.... However - in South Africa, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission made a very intensive effort to find out the exact truth about 'apartheid' under the enthusiastic chairmanship of Archbishop Desmond Tutu - a personal friend of the Mandela family. Their investigators even went looking for rumoured 'mass-graves' and found one - an old Boer-War era British military cemetery where white British soldiers had been buried after they returned from the war in the old Transvaal... . A huge uproar was made in the news media when the 'mass-grave' was first discovered near Sea Point in the Western Cape. But when archeologists started finding military buttons and realised the truth, nothing was ever heard of this 'mass grave' again. The story just died... . After their long investigation the Truth and Reconcilitiion Commission finally published their findings. And these are the facts they themselves published after several years of investigations -- this is how many people really 'were murdered by whites' during apartheid. These findings will amaze you...
■ #Apartheid in South Africa took NOTHING from the blacks, it simply EXCLUDED them from what was NEVER theirs to begin with...
“[Apartheid] is a policy which sets itself the task of preserving and safeguarding the racial identity of the White population of the country, of likewise preserving and safeguarding the identity of the indigenous people’s as separate racial groups....... The choice before us is one of these two divergent courses: either that of integration, which would in the long run amount to national suicide on the part of the Whites; or that of apartheid ... to preserve the identity and safeguard the future of every race....” -- Dr. Malan's National Party, 1947, as referenced in 10 January 1964 Counter-Memorial filed by Apartheid Gov. of the Rep. of S. Africa (Books I-IV), p.463/473; International Court of Justice(
The Radical Honesty-RSA Amicus Curiae to the Constitutional Court (PDF), in the matter of The Citizen v. Robert McBride, finds the TRC's alleged 'crime of apartheid' conclusion to be a falsification of history. -- Guerrylla Law ( -- CENSORED BY SA MEDIA; ARGUMENT IGNORED BY CONSTITUTIONAL COURT --
In 1962 Liberia and Ethiopia accused South Africa of committing ‘crimes of apartheid’ in South West Africa, at the International Court of Justice in the Hague.
“No one was prosecuted for the crime of apartheid while apartheid lasted in South Africa. And no one has since been prosecuted for the crime.” -- John Dugard, Prof. of International Law, University of Leiden (PDF)
UPDATE - Three black men and a woman were arrested by Belfast police and expected in Belfast magistrate's court on Tuesday 12 July 2016. The police reportedly have also opened a murder-docket investigating the lynching by a large group of irate black people on Friday evening 8 July 2016 of a young Afrikaner esident, Pierre Etienne de Necker, 24, in Extention 2, Belfast, Mpumalanga, South Africa. NOTE: The Afriforum civil-rights group 's online publication Maroela Media s report however has repeated the claims made by the lynch-mob that the young man was 'driving a stolen car'. This detail was not verified as yet and will have to be further investigated by the police. Maroela Media sanitised the report and the picture showing the young man's injuries: they also left out all the earlier-reported hatespeech details and also ignored the questions which have arisen about the mystery-gun photographed with the young Afrikaner's body during the assault on Friday 8 July 2016.Maroela Media has published a heavily-censored version of the picture and blotched-up all evidence of any blood including the sight of his bloodied face which the father reported had been 'beaten into an unrecognisable pulp. The father also told Maroela Media that the young man's hands and arms were injured as he was trying to defend himself against blows with sticks, bottles and other blunt-objects from the mob surrounding him. Other family members had earlier told censorbugbear archivist Adriana Stuijt that the murder-victim had never owned a gun; that he was a gentle person who abhorred violence. Details of how the photograph ended up with family-members were explained in the Maroela Media report : the gun was apparently placed there before the scene was photographed during the gruesome assault by an unknown person who had then placed it on the internet via an WhatsApp group - and one of its members who still has to come forward, had then forwarded the photograph to the father of the murdered man, Mr Lion de Necker.REPORT: 11 July 2016 - Maroela Media: "my son was beaten to death like a dog,' said the heart-broken father of Afrikaner man Pierre Etienne de Necker of Belfast to journalist Phillip Bruwer.The father still has to come to terms with the cruel way in which his son, *24, was assaulted so badly on Friday-evening 8 July 2016 in Belfast, Mpumalanga by a group (*black) people who claimed he had stolen something, that he died of his injuries Saturday. His father Lion de Necker told Maroela Media that he was called at his workplace around 21h30 that Pierre was in hospital. When he arrived there he recognised him from his tall stature: his feet were sticking out from the bed. 'I could not recognise his face, he was beaten into an unrecognisable pulp.'Lion said according to the information he received, his son and a friend travelled to the Shell petrol station 'to buy cigarettes'. The father said his information was that a row broke out at the petrol station between Pierre and a group of black people. One of those people had a firearm with them. Pierre and his friend fled in the Golf trying to flee. Four motor-vehicles amongst which was a minibus-taxi, chased the car and cornered them in a dead-end street in Belfast Extention 2. "A group of 15 to 20 people dragged Pierre from the car and beat him into a coma with bottles, stones and sticks. The friend was able to flee while the blacks concentrated on Pierre.He was taken to the Belfast hospital where he was declared braindead on Saturday around 15h00.SAPS Kwapa MacDonald of the Belfast police confirmed that they have opened a murder-docket. MacDonald repeated the claim by the killer-group that the young Afrikaner was driving a 'stolen car' and that they took 'justice into their own hands and assaulted the driver'. The police arrested three black men and a woman who are expected to appear in Belfast Magistrate's court on Tuesday, 12 July 2016. His father described Pierre as 'a beautiful son, a hard worker who always smiled and loved animals. "He was very happy go lucky and a free spirit. He was a great artist and animal lover, gentle by nature and a sweet human being. He was not someone who incited trouble. He wasn't a racist and had no racist tendencies. This was all so unnecessary'. One of Pierre's attackers sent a photograph taken during the mass-assault showing him bloodied and comatose - and sent the photograph to a person via WhatsApp who sent the photograph 'which was brought to the attention of the grieving family,' claimed Maroela Media. The father said: 'I want the world to see how they have beaten to death my child like a dg in the street.I remember the marks on his face, the wounds to his hands and arms as he hopelessly tried to stop them,' said Lion, reported to be very emotional during the interview. He said it's possible that his son was also stabbed with a knife, but they are waiting for the most mortem results (carried out in Middelburg) before getting the confirmation of the injuries and the death-cause. Pierre leaves his mother, father, Katryn, younger brothers Jan-Lion 21, and Dieter 15. The family intends hlding a memorial service this Friday.Note: Maroela Media censored out details of his face and did not mention the gun which was left next to the body. They also made no mention of the fact that the young Afrikaner did not own a gun. OWN REPORT EARLIER: - verified by archivist Adriana Stuijt from four reliable sources. Please note: the interviewed persons, family members, were in a very badly traumatised state but wanted to tell the story and wanted to have the picture of the young man's injuries published uncensored so that 'the world could see what had been done to him'. --- #Hate-murder: Afrikaner man Pierre Etienne de Necker 23, died after a brutal beating/kicking by twelve blacks shouting "You are White and White People Did This To Our People'. Mr De Necker was left lying on the street in a large blood-puddle, one of the killers apparently took a picture of the Afrikaner victim with an unknown gun to his body. The picture was sent from a WhatsApp source to the family. The gun has not been found by the police at the scene. Mr De Necker's family said he never owned any guns and never used them.Fri 8 July 2016: A young #Afrikaner man named Pierre Etienne de Necker, 23, died on Saturday pm from a brutal beating and kicking by twelve to 15 blacks in Belfast the previous evening, who had followed him from the Shell fuel station after claiming that he was driving a 'stolen car', and who according to bystanders, reportedly shouted.. "You are white and white people did this to our people...' Photographs which were taken by members of the black murder-gang - showing a small Luger handgun placed on top of the blood-puddle which had formed underneath the young Afrikaner, then were sent to the De Necker family via a cellphone from a WhatsApp source. The gun has since then disappeared. The family said that Pierre de Necker had never owned any firearm whatsoever.The youth's father runs a small pub in Belfast, other family members run the Belfast Bricks works in the small agricultural/mining town. The extended family is deeply upset and traumatised by the event. It was reported to us that Belfast's only white police officer who reportedly went to the crime scene on Friday evening after he was alerted to the lynching-scene nearby - was chased away by the black mob. The family believe that the black killers had put the small firearm atop the puddle of blood while photographing the comatose young Afrikaner for unknown reasons. Other news media such as Maroela Media which reported about the black-racist lynching on 11 July 2016, have ignored the questions arising over the placement of the gun next to the body of a young man who never owned a gun. Young De Necker's cellphone has apparently disappeared, said the family. The young man died after suffering severe brain-injuries, in the local Belfast public hospital the following afternoon. Mr De Necker 's death certificate was signed by a black female doctor at the Belfast Hospital on Saturday-afternoon after the young man was declared brain-dead. .A post-mortem is expected to be performed on his body in Middelburg to determine the exact cause of death because an inquest will have to be held into the circumstances. At the moment, it's not known if the police have opened a murder-docket although they have reportedly been at the crime scene, cars reportedly are driving across it in the busy street so the police must not consider it a crime scene any longer. Reportedly, workers from Belfast Brick who tried to rescue the young man were kept back from the scene and were unable to help him. There thus were many witnesses to the murder as well as to the hatespeech which was being shouted. Mr De Necker was reportedly followed by the twelve to 16 black people which followed him in four cars after he had been at the local Shell station (with a friend) and was driving home at around 8pm on Friday. His friend managed to flee while Pierre reportedly had been dragged from his car and beaten and kicked him until he was comatose, while also shouting the reported hatespeech. The hatespeech details were left out in the Maroela Media article which appeared on 11 July 2016. Mr de Necker was totally unable to defend himself . ■■