
May 9, 2016

There is no genocide in South Africa,.. you've said...? But YOU can't fake real... Because the REAL DEAD BODIES have awakened GENOCIDE WATCH in WASHINGTON

What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide?

What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide? What is Genocide? And are white South Africans vulnerable to genocide?
(Pictures of lists of the ANC-leadership's growing number of hatespeech incidents against whites on this page).. GenocideWatchNet says that White South Africans are in stage 6 out of the 8 stages of genocide - preparation for an all-out genocide. This is the stage where 'preparation' is made which could lead to an all-out genocide unless the South African government intervenes in this process very actively - for instance by discouraging leaders and followers to not engage in any activities such as anti-white hatespeech and incitements to kill whites ('Boers) which could lead to all-out genocide of this small 3,4-million minority in South Africa.

The Eight Stages of Genocide: Dr Gregory Stanton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU6bC2AYHt8
- website: http://www.genocidewatch.net 

Dr Gregory Stanton, news conference in Pretoria on 26 July 2012:
Pretoria, South Africa -- 26 July 2012 The Independent Afrikaner Self-determination Expedition (OASE) released this video of Dr. Gregory Stanton, Chairman of The Genocide Watch. News conference at the Transvaal Agricultural Union in Pretoria, South Africa, 2012/07/26

Dr. Stanton of Genocide Watch on Farm Murders in South Africa, 26 July 2012

Dr. Stanton – “Who is possibly behind the White farm murders in south Africa?” 26 July 2012

-- Dr Stanton: on Farm Murders in South Africa: 

-- Dr Stanton: Who is possibly behind the farm murders in South Africa?

-- Dr Stanton: Advice to South Africans: 

Dr Gregory Stanton on language rights in South Africa

Genocide Watch.net contact:

George Mason University. 
3351 North Fairfax Drive, 
MS4D3. Arlington, VA 22201
Tel - 1-202-643-1405
Email - communications@genocidewatch.org