(Pictures of lists of the ANC-leadership's growing number of hatespeech incidents against whites on this page).. GenocideWatchNet says that White South Africans are in stage 6 out of the 8 stages of genocide - preparation for an all-out genocide. This is the stage where 'preparation' is made which could lead to an all-out genocide unless the South African government intervenes in this process very actively - for instance by discouraging leaders and followers to not engage in any activities such as anti-white hatespeech and incitements to kill whites ('Boers) which could lead to all-out genocide of this small 3,4-million minority in South Africa.
The Eight Stages of Genocide: Dr Gregory Stanton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU6bC2AYHt8
- website: http://www.genocidewatch.net
Dr Gregory Stanton, news conference in Pretoria on 26 July 2012:
Pretoria, South Africa -- 26 July 2012 The Independent Afrikaner Self-determination Expedition (OASE) released this video of Dr. Gregory Stanton, Chairman of The Genocide Watch. News conference at the Transvaal Agricultural Union in Pretoria, South Africa, 2012/07/26
Dr. Stanton of Genocide Watch on Farm Murders in South Africa, 26 July 2012
Dr. Stanton – “Who is possibly behind the White farm murders in south Africa?” 26 July 2012
Dr. Stanton’s Advice to South Africans, 26 July 2012
-- Dr Stanton: on Farm Murders in South Africa:
-- Dr Stanton: Who is possibly behind the farm murders in South Africa?
-- Dr Stanton: Advice to South Africans:
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