
March 22, 2016

#ATTACK: Graphic designer hurt in jump to safety after being attacked by armed black intruders who threatened to kill him, he jumped 6m from his second-floor flat in Central yesterday

Tom Coyle flats in Deare street central where Boetie Anderson jumped from the second floor balcony to escape two home invaders. Picture Eugene CoetzeeTom Coyle flats in Deare street central where Boetie Anderson jumped from the second floor balcony to escape two home invaders. Picture: EUGENE COETZEE
Tom Coyle flats in Deare street central where Boetie Anderson jumped from the second floor balcony to escape two home invaders. Picture Eugene CoetzeeTom Coyle flats in Deare street central where Boetie Anderson jumped from the second floor balcony to escape two black home invaders

A PORT Elizabeth graphic designer narrowly cheated death when, confronted in his home by armed intruders who threatened to kill him, he jumped 6m from his second-floor flat in Central yesterday.
Boetie Andason, 44, who works in The Herald’s design and scanning division, injured his legs in the jump and had to undergo surgery at St George’s Hospital.
Still in agony, Andason said from his hospital bed that the incident happened in the early hours of the morning.
He had gone out with friends and was dropped off later by his girlfriend at Tomcoyle, the block of flats where he lives, in Deare Street.
Andason suspects the intruders gained entry through a window he had left slightly open.
“I went straight to bed after my girlfriend dropped me,” he said.
“Two hours later, I woke up and realised that the lights in the lounge and passage were on.
“I got up and went to switch them off, and discovered two men – one with a firearm and another with a knife in his hand – sitting there [in the lounge] smoking.