South Africa is facing worst drought in 200 years, while the ANC Regime is plundering SA, refusing to assist farmers & pushing land grabs...
DROUGHT is one of the natural disasters that affect us all- irrespective of your political affiliation, race-or religion. Across the world drought is having an impact on our food supplies on a huge scale- so much that widespread water shortages caused by rising global temperatures could lead to food shortages and mass migration, an expert has warned.
The head of the World Meteorological Society, Michel Jarraud has warned that of all the threats posed by a warming climate, shrinking water supplies are the most serious. It is predicted that by 2025, some 2.8 billion people will live in ‘water scarce’ areas – a huge rise from the 1.6 billion who do now. (Link)
AND it’s not only our personal lives that will be affected directly by our own shortages of water in our homes by this looming catastrophe- but our existence in general as our food suppliers- the farmers- ALSOwill be affected. This means that the farmers- our food suppliers- will have to start scaling down their production- and in worst case scenarios- totally abandon farming in general. This means lesser and lesser farmers will supply the ever increasing demand- thus our shelves will become more and more empty and the price of even basic food commodities will start to rise far above the poor to middle class citizen. The aftermath you can figure out yourself – as it does not take a rocket scientist to calculate the terrible consequences that may follow such an event.
South Africa in particular has been hit very hard by one of the worst drought conditions in decades. A few weeks ago the South African Weather Serviceannounced that 2015 was the driest year on record and it shows no sign of abating. Those records date back to 1904. To make matters worse health officials say 11 people have died of heatstroke after a week-long heatwave across the country. Recent days have seen temperatures in North West province exceed40°C. According to the national weather Service, 32 temperature records have already been broken this year.The heat stretches far and wide across the country.
Just a week or two ago , Marico, in North West recorded temperatures of 45°C. The previous record high there, 43°C, was set on December 2 1990. The hot and dry conditions are expected to continue for at least another two months before autumn cooling can be expected to offer some relief. As has been well documented, the drought is being exacerbated by an exceptionally strong El Nino weather pattern.
As is typically the case, this El Nino has brought drier conditions to southern Africa and wetter ones to east Africa.
In the light of this farmers across the spectrum are battling to feed their livestock. The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has received emergency funding requests from five drought-stricken provinces. In a report to the agriculture committee in Parliament on Tuesday, the department broke down the numbers. North West province seems to be the worst off, requesting R2.9bn for feed andR179 425m for livestock water resources. This would be to cover almost 500 000 affected livestock. To counter this disaster- the ANC-led government has added R96.6 million to the initial R352.6 million set aside to support drought relief efforts.
DESPITE this noble gesture- it appears that this samegovernment- who is hell-bent on “race quotas”- nowALSO apply their “quota system” on the drought relief fund- and worst of all- base their quota system onRACE. Ons such example is the case of Marinda Grobbelaar– who registered and applied for drought relief assistance from the ANC-led government- BUTwas surprisingly TURNED DOWN because of her race!Sez Marinda:
” I phoned an official yesterday ( February 04 2016) – a girl by the name of “Mandy” at the Department of Agriculture on Calvinia. Mandy told me I am on the list to receive drought relieve aid for my animals and she will contact one “Micheal” – a colored official- to ascertain what is the next route to go to get feed for my animals. He is the person at the Department that finalizes the last forms and supply the feed to applicants that qualifies. I spoke to him on the telephone afterwards. He still was inFeaserburg. He said he will be coming to Willuston and I must meet him at 14h30 at the Agri-corporation. The feed for my animals could be obtained there.
It was just after two o’clock when he eventually arrived- and I went to introduce myself. He said that the feed was destined for “emerging ” farmers only. I then told him that I am one of them.Was I surprised when he told me Icannot obtain feed for my animals as the feed supplied by the government aid program only includes colored and black farmers! I asked him how THAT is supposed to work- and what if I were a hybrid? He then politely pointed out that the food program only concerns “previously disadvantaged” (black & colored) farmers- NOT whites. Well- I then contacted Mandy again. She then said she will find out what’s going on from her superior- one “Gert”- and will come back to me soon. When she did- she factually CONFIRMED what Michael just told me- WHITES DO NOT QUALIFY FOR DROUGHT RELIEF AT ALL!! “
NOW we have a problem. HOW can a so-called“government” be SO racist inclined as to even apply“race quotas” onto people who suffer the same natural famine as people of all other races. What is happening here is that the ANC-led regime now are playing” God”– deciding just WHO’s livestock can live- and who’s must starve to death. This now also is feed that were supplied from funds derived the mostly majority white tax payers. This is preposterous and cannot be tolerated anymore that the ANC-led regime keeps on with their hell-bent application of human rights atrocities and racist-based “laws” against whites in South Africa….even against their animals!

South Africans face deep trouble ahead with regard to food supplies. Where South Africa used to be a major exporter pre -1995 with a 37% export history- the country now face import as their only chance of survival due to the high rate of farm murders, the communist ANC.s draconian “land grab” laws- and now the drought.South Africa are fast moving down the Zimbabwean model where only the “selected” few on top that are fattened by corporate moguls such as the Guptas – will be able to afford a decent meal. Things are going so bad that even Transnet now increased it’s facilities at 5 ports to handle imports of grain. It also revamped it’s handling facilities in ports such as Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, East London and Durban. Grain-SA said that around 4 million tonnes of grain will have to be imported only to supply the current market demand due to the continuing drought,Transnet’s spoke person and chief manager for agriculture- Ulrico Davids – said that the company are gearing up to handle 6 million tonnes. (Link)
With all this facts on the table- one should think that it will be a logical assumption that every farmer- white or black- are very important to maintain our current food supplies and not have to revert to expensive low grade imported commodities. South Africa needMUCH more farmers to supply the ever increasing demand as the majority population expands with a birth-rate of around 80% every 5 years- excluding aliens and extra visitors to the country. White farmers -up until now- have been the BIGGEST suppliers of food to our market- and by DELIBERATELY alienate and shy white farmers from government aid- points to a pre-planned extinction program of white farmers in South Africa as a whole.
This devious operation by the ANC regime MUST be brought to the attention of the highest authority. The ANC already has made white farmers the “enemy” of the South African citizen by advocating in their hate speeches that white farmers are the “sole reason ” why South African blacks are still suffering due to “land been stolen”– and now they (ANC)- are taking this evil system a few steps further by DENYING white farmers much needed feed for their starving cattle. If South Africa will fall into a situation where food will become scarce- the devious ANC communists again will blame their incompetence , mismanagement and racist-based policies against white farmers that still “owe all the land” and thus ” restrict” the majority black farmers from owing enough land and producing enough food-PERIOD! How deviously low racist can they get? BUTthey are the ones pumping out one-after-the-other race-based “law” against whites? One just can shook your head in disbelief upon hearing that their race-mainiaeven stretches beyond human and animal suffering–and raw discrimination are imposed on mainly whites irrespective of the fact just how manyBLACK hands took products from the shelves this past years – placed there by this same white farmers now being denied of government aid. Does this not remind us EXACTLY what the despot Mugabe did as well?Truly IRONIC!.
SOURCE: White Nation.