Searching for the truth on Farm murders and the horrendous black on white crime in SA
Dr. Johan Burger, Menseregtekommissie Dr Danny Titus en Radio Sonder Grense het nou weer vanoggend n hele uur lank gebruik om die volk verder te verblind en uitgesaai om ons te probeer "oortuig" dat plaasmoorde absolute net krimenele oortredings is want daar is nie werk in die land nie en di hele land loop 'OOK' deur met sulke aanvalle...
Libtards Indoctrinating People To Believe That Farm Murders Are Absolutely Only Criminal Offences
Dr. Johan Burger, Human Rights Commission, Dr Danny Titus and Radio Without Borders this morning once again spent a whole hour to further trying to indoctrinate and "convince" people that farm murders were absolutely only criminal offences, as there are not enough work opportunities in the country and that the whole country is suffering under this scourge of brutal attacks. Lord, please open the peoples' eyes to see the light!!!!!!!
Listen to Rian van der Walt's video (producer of the documentary on farm murders, War of the Flea) on farm murders
Dr. Johan Burger, Menseregtekommissie Dr Danny Titus en Radio Sonder Grense het nou weer vanoggend n hele uur lank gebruik om die volk verder te verblind en uitgesaai om ons te probeer "oortuig" dat plaasmoorde absolute net krimenele oortredings is want daar is nie werk in die land nie en di hele land loop 'OOK' deur met sulke aanvalle...
Oh nee ek het nie meer woorde nie, Here maak asb. die volk se oë oop!!!
Luister wat sê Rian van der Walt (vervaardiger van die dokumentêr oor plaasmoorde, War of the Flea) oor plaasmoorde in Suid-Afrika:
■ Watch Video:
■ South African farm murders are indeed
Suddenly liberals admit, after 21 years, that South African farm murders are indeed the result of Black-on-White RACE HATE
■Clearly something is wrong with TLU/Afriforum's latest statistics in SA
Apparently there are various statistics on Farm murders that are confusing people in SA, as it is designed to do. To create a cognitive dissonance in the minds of the people to direct them away from the truth of what is going on. A trick normally masterfully played by stage magicians all over the world.
■Africa may be higher than we know
■ Black on White Genocide in South Africa #StopWhiteGenocideInSA: 2015 farm murders
■ ANC regime's war on accurate statistics leads to dramatic 'reset' of Farm Murder stats from 3,500+ to 1,133 murdered farmers challenged by archivist |Stop White Genocide In SA
■Clearly something is wrong with TLU/Afriforum's latest statistics in SA
Apparently there are various statistics on Farm murders that are confusing people in SA, as it is designed to do. To create a cognitive dissonance in the minds of the people to direct them away from the truth of what is going on. A trick normally masterfully played by stage magicians all over the world.
■Africa may be higher than we know
■ Black on White Genocide in South Africa #StopWhiteGenocideInSA: 2015 farm murders
■ ANC regime's war on accurate statistics leads to dramatic 'reset' of Farm Murder stats from 3,500+ to 1,133 murdered farmers challenged by archivist |Stop White Genocide In SA