
January 24, 2016

New act will allow traditional healers to register as professionals and issue off sick medical letters. ‪#‎SouthAfrica‬

Muti is the Zulu word for medicine, but black South Africans believe that the most powerful Muti are the ones that contain human body parts.

■  Muti Killings in South Africa: What blacks do not want whites to know

In the past I have reported on the subject of Muti Killings many times. Muti is the Zulu word for medicine, but black South Africans believe that the most powerful Muti are the ones that contain human body parts.

It is a nightmare for white liberals, racial egalitarians and cultural relativists who cringe when you mention this. They want to pretend as if these are isolated incidents, because they cannot face reality that their beloved noble savages are in fact nothing but uncivilized beasts.

Blacks hate it when we find out about it and hold up a mirror to them so they can see their superstitious backwardness and primitive savagery. 

Yet the truth is there for all to see…All one has to do is spend five minutes searching “Muti Killings” on the internet.

Here is just one link on Muti Murders …look at how they say that 70% of blacks believe that human body parts makes the muti stronger…hence its popularity and the massive market for it. Remember that the Sangoma serves a community. If they did not believe in the muti, they would not buy it and there would be no market. The fact that the market exists tells me that the blacks are all into strong muti with human body parts.

Look also how they say that Muti Murders are shrouded in a “Code of silence”. Despite that there are almost daily reports in main stream newspapers on Muti murders and on Youtube you can watch videos about it.

In 2008 a study came out about Trafficking body parts in South Africa and Mozambiqueand the the full study can be downloaded in pdf format at the link provided.

It found that Muti killings is a way of life in rural areas in South Africa

“Between the two countries, 19 different body parts were mentioned as missing from bodies. They included heads, female genital organs, breasts, tongues, ears, eyes, hands, legs, lungs, guts, skin, arms, jaws, lips and fingers.”

Here is a link to educate you with several resources at the bottom Muti Killings . Note how they mention the killing of 30 Albinos per year alone as conservative estimates. What about all the other black children being killed literally daily?

The BBC on Muti Killings
Sky News on Muti Killings

“A recent survey in the country showed that a staggering 80% of the population believed in Sangomas.”

Blacks make up 80% of South Africa’s population. That means just about 100% of blacks believe in Muti and Sangomas. Each one of these links provide spine chilling accounts of organ harvesting while the victims are still alive.

CNN on Muti Murders
“There are no statistics for the number of muti murders in South Africa and estimates vary from one a month to 300 a year, according to Gerard Labuschagne, commander of the South African Police Service's investigative psychology unit.”

South Africa is the only country in the world with a specialized Muti Murder unit
As Dr Labuschagne says, there is a moratorium on crime statistics. Nobody knows for sure how many people get killed like this every year.

What do they believe this Muti can do? Here are some excerpts from the articles above…

• “Two men and a woman recently appeared in Khayekutsha Magistrates’ Court, outside Cape Town, charged with killing a baby and frying her intestines to make muti to help them to find a job.”

• But the sangomas also specialise in making potions for everything from the removal of evil spirits to increasing income, bringing good luck, boosting fertility, passing examinations and preventing cars from being hijacked. 

• A traditional healer will describe what body parts are needed — testicles for virility, breasts for luck or a tongue to smooth the path to a girl’s heart — and how they are to be harvested. The parts are obtained while the victim is alive, supposedly to increase their potency. 

• …a case in Bloemspruit where a woman who wanted to fall pregnant went to a sangoma and was advised to wear a belt with children's fingers and penises hanging from it. She was made to drink a concoction she believed contained human blood and fat and she was given a piece of flesh which she believed to be a human organ, perhaps a heart. She sliced small pieces from the flesh each night and fried them on a stove.

• Fellows related stories of fishermen in Mozambique who use children's belly buttons in their nets to improve their catch. It is also believed that children's body parts bring more luck and prosperity than those of adults. 

• For those who still believe in this gruesome tradition, each severed body part has a different function: lips in a potion will help promote the popularity and importance of a person; genitals will cure infertility; a human arm planted outside a business will draw in customers. 

• Severed hands: buried under the door of a shop or business these would bring customers to the premises, making the owner wealthy.

• Breasts: widely regarded in African traditional culture as the source of “mother luck”, which would be used in magic potions to bring good fortune .

• Genitals: both male and female are in demand, used by sangomas to boost virility in men and fertility in women .

• Adam’s apple: would be used to silence a witness who was intending to testify against a sangoma’s client in court .

• Skull: used to protect members of one tribe from another by burying the enemy victim’s head in the tribe’s village .

• Eyes: supposed to confer far-sightedness .

• Tongue: used to smooth the path to a girl’s heart for a prospective lover .

• Body fat: usually taken from the stomach, the fat is regarded by some people, especially the Venda, as the source of a good harvest. 

• Sperm and urine: also widely seen as a source of good luck .

• Atlas bone: regarded as powerful muti because of the belief that the circulatory and nervous systems run through it. 

• Brains: would help to confer intelligence.


■ SA & regulating traditional healers: it’s not easy

South African traditional healers play a significant role for people who follow African cultural beliefs. There are more than 200,000traditional healers across the country.
Until recently, traditional healers have operated relatively freely from government interference, though many work under governing structures such as the Traditional Healers Organisation, which has more than 29,000 members.
In 2014, the Traditional Health Practitioners Actwas passed to standardise and regulate the affairs of all traditional healers. Late last yearadditional regulations were published to give effect to the act. The government has invited public comment on the regulations.
Both the act and the proposed regulations have been criticised by some traditional healers who believe they are unrealistic and unworkable.
Protection for practitioners and users
The act has established an interim council to provide a regulatory framework. This allows for traditional healers to be registered and categorised according to their different healingspecialities. These include:
-        a diviner (those who have a calling from ancestral spirits);
-        a herbalist (someone practising herbalism);
-        student (someone training to be a traditional healer);
-        traditional birth attendant (a midwife);
-        traditional tutor (a traditional healer trainer); and
-        traditional surgeon (someone performing cultural operations such as circumcision).
The proposed regulations would require all traditional healers to register before being able to practice. This means all traditional healers will have to apply to the council to be registered. They will also have to pay R200 for a practicing certificate.
This will only be issued if the registrar, who is appointed by the health minister after consulting with the council, is satisfied that they meet the requirements. These include:
-        being a South African citizen;
-        providing character references from people unrelated to the applicant; and
-        proof of qualifications.
There are several advantages to registering traditional healers. Aside from the government being able to exercise greater control over the quality of the profession, the public will also be protected from swindlers.
Although legislation is not always the best way to address problems, it might be the only way to provide protection to both the profession and its users.
Regulations need to be realistic
The regulations place several additional responsibilities on traditional healers, which could be costly and time consuming.
As a start, the proposed regulations will require traditional healers to undergo education or training at an accredited training institution or educational authority. This is to ensure that the profession complies with universally accepted health care norms.
But the practicalities of how, when or where this training will take place remains indeterminate. This will be particularly challenging as there are currently no accredited training institutions.
A prospective trainer will have to register at a cost of R500. They would need to provide a list of their qualifications and details of the course modules, practical skill that would be acquired and duration. But the minimum skills or qualifications are not defined in the regulations.
One of the most bizarre requests is for trainers to produce copies of their teaching or learning materials. This may have serious implications for intellectual property rights. The tutors or training institutions will also need to keep in mind that there are different categories of traditional healers that are recognised in terms of the Act. Each category has different training needs.
For students to be considered, they would need an Adult Basic Education Training certificate level 1. This amounts to basic numeracy and literacy skills. The regulations also propose an age restriction of at least 18 years for student diviners and herbalists. Traditional birth attendants and traditional surgeons would need to be 25 years old before they can be registered to practice.
Diviners, herbalists and traditional birth attendants need to train for a minimum of one year while traditional surgeons need to train for at least five years.
The onus will be on trainers to ensure that their students are registered with the council. At the end of their training, students need to submit a log book to the council, providing details of the observations and procedures they undertook during their training.
Better cover for employees
Employment laws in South Africa require employees absent for more than two consecutive days to provide a valid medical certificate. This certificate must be issued and signed by a medical practitioner, registered with a professional council. If this does not happen, the employer has the right not to pay the employee.
As none of the traditional healers associations in the past were registered with a professional council, employers were not obligated to acceptmedical certificates from traditional healers.
The introduction of the act means that traditional healers would be registered by a professional council and employers would no longer be able to refuse a valid medical certificate issued by the traditional healer.
