3rd attack in less than two months in the Stoffberg District
Derde aanval in twee maande

Fanie Grobler (68) is op die plaas oorval waar hy besig was om te werk. Hy, sy vrou Corrie en hul twee kleinkinders wat op die plaas gekuier het, is in die plaasopstal aangehou.
Beide mnr. en mev. Grobler is herhaaldelik aangerand. ’n Werknemer kon daarin slaag om hulp te ontbied en boere het die aanvallers nog op die plaas betrap.
Hulle is ure later in die veld gearresteer.
Die Grobler egpaar is na Midmed Hospitaal se ongevalle eenheid geneem vir behandeling.
■ #FarmAttack: A gunfight broke out after 12 heavily armed black savages attacked a farmer on his Oostenwal farm
■ #FarmAttack: Update: 11 Black farm killer's with briefcases, armed with Uzis came to kill us
One of the men the black attackers asked for directions to the farm said, ...they asked him whether he works for white or black people. When he replied that he was working for white people, they became angry at him and told him: ' you are part of the problem, we are stuck with!'
■ #FarmAttack: A gunfight broke out after 12 heavily armed black savages attacked a farmer on his Oostenwal farm
■ #FarmAttack: Update: (Video) Update: Five black attackers arrested for farm attack