
October 11, 2015

#LandGrabsInSA: Willing buyer, willing seller policy out - ANC

Willing buyer, willing seller policy out - ANC

Johannesburg - The ANC has reaffirmed its intention of replacing the "willing buyer, willing seller" land redistribution policy.
"There was a very strong call for the removal of willing buyer as a policy [in 2005]... and [at] subsequent ANC conferences in 2007 and 2012 that matter came up sharply again," ANC national executive committee member Thoko Didiza told reporters.
She was speaking on Sunday at a briefing held on the sidelines of the party's National General Council in Midrand, Johannesburg.
"What we noted in that respect is that the Property Valuation Act of 2014, introduced by the Department of Land and Rural Development, will indeed replace such a policy area which was of concern."
This will ensure that there is just and equitable redress as stated in the Constitution.
The Act would regulate the valuation of property identified for land reform as well as property that was identified for acquisition or disposal by the department.
President Jacob Zuma announced in July that as of August 1 the Property Valuation Act of 2014 would come into operation.

Also read:

● If this trend continues SA could soon be facing an agricultural meltdown such as has been experienced in Zimbabwe http://stopwhitegenocideinsa.blogspot.com/2015/08/if-this-trend-continues-sa-could-soon.html

● #LandGrabsInSA: Land-grab by Stealth http://stopwhitegenocideinsa.blogspot.com/2015/09/landgrabsinsa-land-grab-by-stealth.html

● Land expropriation legislation paving the way for land grabbing http://stopwhitegenocideinsa.blogspot.com/2015/07/land-expropriation-legislation-paving.html

● THE ANC IS FINALISING THE ‘ZIM-STYLE’ LAND GRAB BILLhttps://stopwhitegenocideinsa.wordpress.com/category/landgrabbing/

● The new euphemism is ‘custodianship’ – where the government will own all the land in South Africahttp://stopwhitegenocideinsa.blogspot.co.za/search/label/%23LandGrabsInSA

● The Communist semantics of stealing your property http://mikesmithspoliticalcommentary.blogspot.co.za/2015/05/the-communist-semantics-of-stealing.html

☆ FARM GIVEN TO BLACKS UNDER “RESTITUTION” – NOW LIES ABANDONED AND DERELICThttp://stopwhitegenocideinsa.blogspot.com/2015/03/farm-given-to-blacks-under-restitution.html

☆ I’d ask, steal what? What was here to steal for White man back in the 1400’s ?https://stopwhitegenocideinsa.wordpress.com/2014/11/11/id-ask-steal-what-what-was-here-to-steal-for-white-man-back-in-the-1400s/

☆ Knock-knock anybody home? ANC’s new confiscation laws mean that any local-government official can decide to confiscate ‘white-owned’ properties anywhere in South Africa!https://stopwhitegenocideinsa.wordpress.com/2014/12/01/knock-knock-anybody-home-ancs-new-confiscation-laws-mean-that-any-local-government-official-can-decide-to-confiscate-white-owned-properties-anywhere-in-south-africa/

☆ Is SA the next Zimbabwe?: “Land expropriation will happen in 2015 in South Africa” ~Zumahttps://stopwhitegenocideinsa.wordpress.com/2015/01/12/is-sa-the-next-zimbabwe-land-expropriation-will-happen-in-south-africa-zuma/

☆ If this trend continues SA could soon be facing an agricultural meltdown such as has been experienced in Zimbabwehttp://stopwhitegenocideinsa.blogspot.com/2015/08/if-this-trend-continues-sa-could-soon.html

☆ Land expropriation legislation paving the way for land grabbinghttp://stopwhitegenocideinsa.blogspot.com/2015/07/land-expropriation-legislation-paving.html

☆ State ‘custodianship’ and control over all agricultural landhttp://stopwhitegenocideinsa.blogspot.com/2015/05/state-custodianship-and-control-over.html

☆ The Land Grabs end result in South Africa is going to be worse than in Zimbabwehttp://stopwhitegenocideinsa.blogspot.com/2015/04/land-grabs-end-result-in-south-africa.html

☆ WHY IS THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AGAINST THE TRUTH AND WHY ARE THEY BEING SO QUIET ABOUT SA GENOCIDE?  https://stopwhitegenocideinsa.wordpress.com/2015/02/06/why-is-the-mainstream-media-against-the-truth-and-why-are-they-being-so-quiet-about-sa-genocide/