" At the time, I did not know the two black men in the BMW were apparently fleeing from a house they had just invaded "
" I looked at him and noticed he had a gun.
He cocked it.... "
Before he could get out, the black robber shot at him twice
Johannesburg - It was Thursday night when Sam Draper, an operations manager at a security company heard a crash. He rushed to see whether he could help.
He drove to the site and spoke to the driver of a Mercedes-Benz who had gone through a red traffic light, crashing into a BMW with two occupants.
But unbeknownst to him, the men in BMW were actually robbers trying to make their escape in a getaway car.
They would later turn on him, opening fire and hijacking his vehicle.
Reliving the ordeal, Draper, the operations manager at Lionsgate said he had been attending to a matter at the Engen garage on the corner of Kloof and Van Buuren roads in Bedfordview when he heard the collision. When he arrived at the scene, he tried to assist and spoke to the driver of the Mercedes.
"The Mercedes driver was very confused. I went up to him and said, 'Just sit still and I will get emergency services'."
At the time, he did not know that two men in the BMW were apparently fleeing from a house they had just invaded.
"They thought I was there for them [to arrest them]. They didn't know I was just being a Good Samaritan... trying to help."
Shot just missed him
When Draper went back to his car to call for help, one man from the BMW came and stood next to him.
"I looked at him and noticed he had a gun. I hesitated. He cocked it. So that's when I thought, just let him take the car."
Before he could get out, the robber shot at him twice, just missing him.
Draper fired back with his own gun. The robber drove off with Draper's car and stopped to pick up his accomplice.
Draper said while security guards always tried to help, "yesterday was the wrong day".
"It's all in a day’s work," he said, but the incident had made him more wary.
"We are public servants. This is the job we chose to do. I'm definitely not going to stop working."
Police said the robbers were still at large. Earlier on Thursday, they allegedly broke into a house in Bedfordview and stole the owner's jewellery. Only the domestic worker was home. She was unharmed.
See video of the incident below:
● #ATTACK: SEVERELY INJURED: Bruce Marsh survives brutal attack after helping black attacker pretending to be injured in Rietfontein

Bruce Marsh en sy verloofde, Elinda Bosker