
October 8, 2015

#ATTACK: Afrikaner, Colin Strydom (22) repeatedly robbed & assaulted by the same black man. He now fears for his life after police refuse to help

22-year-old Colin Strydom fears for his life as police apparently fail to arrest his alleged attacker.

Man fears for his life

22-year-old Colin Strydom fears for his life as police apparently fail to arrest his alleged attacker.
A man from Proclamation Hill can no longer live a normal life for fear he could be killed.

Colin Strydom (22) has repeatedly been robbed and assaulted, apparently by the same man.

He was assaulted for the first time in April last year for which he opened a case but police apparently closed it.

During the latest assault in August, Strydom almost lost his eye; again he opened a case.

His mother, Judith Strydom, told Rekord that for the past year and couple of months the assault and robbing have been taking place, police have failed to do anything.

“The first case was closed without an explanation and even the case we opened in August has been closed,” Judith said.

She was at the Pretoria West police station on Tuesday, when a warrant officer told her their case had been closed because police failed to arrest the man.

“We gave the police everything about the man to make it easy for them to arrest him but we fail to understand why they did not,” said Judith.

“We once called the police while the man was here at our flat and they did not come out until after he had left.”

The man who is accused of the assaults apparently does not live in Proclamation Hill but visits family there.

Judith said her son was now afraid of doing anything.

She said it was a struggle for him to go to work because he was afraid of the man and what he might do to him.

“My son has said that he does not want to live anymore because he cannot enjoy his life with this man around,” she said.

Apparently there is a warrant of arrest issued against the man for failing to appear in court.

Judith said she was in court the day the warrant was issued by the judge.

“The man is not arrested and we see him very often around our flat.

“Something needs to be done about him because I cannot have my son live in fear like this,” said the worried mother.

Police had failed to respond to several requests for comment at the time of going to press. http://rekordmoot.co.za/53086/man-fears-for-his-life/