
August 10, 2020

Our faith is found in the Words of Jesus which are written only in the New Testament


What is FAITH and who is the Holy Spirit? Jesus said in John 6:63 the words that He has spoken in the New Testament are the Spirit that gives us Eternal Life

June 14, 2020

When we deny Christ (by not following #HolySpirit) we defile God's #temple, which is us.

We need not to follow religion or people. Jesus instructed us to follow His Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit? 
The very WORDS of Jesus which are written ONLY in the New Testament is the Holy Spirit (see #John6verse63 and we will not see hell when we repent and read the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament and obey His #NewCovenant law of LOVE: #John13verse34to35 #LoveYourNeighbor including #LoveYourEnemies #Matt5verse43to46 = #WhereThereIsLoveThereIsNoLAW of Moses because #LOVEfulfillsTheLawOfMoses #Rom13verse8

June 5, 2019

#TrumpUKVisit: Celebrating #DDay is a day where people remember and honor soldiers fighting for the wrong kingdom...

Jesus says "go away, I don't know you, you are #LawBreakers, you violate My commands #Matt5verse43to46" 

Now I am left with the question: to whom are the world praying to? 🤔

April 3, 2019

Watch out the #ManOfSin calling out to the lost sheep by saying "Look, here is where you can find Jesus"

LOL... well I'm sorry that I'm going to burst your bubble but the only rapture you will ever experience is the #SecondComing of Jesus Christ...

And the #Antichrist(s) is here already and he is the #ManOfSin, the #LawLessOne who practice #Lawlessness.... by violating and wander from the #LawOfGod given by JESUS CHRIST in the New Testament / #2ndCovenant: #NewCommand: #John13verse34to35:

March 7, 2019

When Blindness Is in the Mind, and Not the Eyes...

Repent and wash yourselves in the living words of Jesus written only in the New Testament until we clearly see and live out the character of Jesus Christ....

March 6, 2019

#LawOfGod: #1John3verse23 believe in the NAME Jesus Christ and #SacrificialLOVE ALL people....

The Christians only commandment from God because 
we have died (#Matt3verse8: #Repent + #BornAgain = #1stResurrection ) with Christ and are no longer under the #1stCovenant of the Jews: #LawOfMoses / #Torah

#1John3verse23 believe in the NAME Jesus Christ and #SacrificialLOVE ALL people as per #Gal5verse22to23 even for our enemies #Matt5verse43to46 that is done via the Holy Spirit (#GodInUs) through our flesh to make us ChristLike in character ~》 #ScarOfService ~》 #ZealOfChrist ~》#SealOnForehead ~》 #TokenOfProof that we are God's children ~》 #ChosenPeopleOfGOD who follow Jesus in the New Testament / #2ndCovenant

January 27, 2019

Someone said to me "a FREEMASON can be either good or bad"... But I have learned in the scripture that to BETRAY Jesus Christ cannot be good at all.

One of the obligations entrants to the order of Freemasonary is to 
protect and defend the Jewish faith#1stCovenant delivered by Moses in the Old Testament: #LawOfMoses / #Torah / 1st five books of the bible = which became the harlot who deceived the whole world = 
666 number of the Beast

November 3, 2018

We will declare Jesus reigns.... cause it is time for the #Antichrist rule to cease

Jesus destroys the commandments in the Mosaic law & Jewish tradition to establish peace.... the Messiah's peace / the millennial kingdom: 1000-year reign of Jesus Christ in Spirit on earth
Ephesians 2:15  when He (Jesus) 
nullified in His flesh the law of commandments☚ in decrees. He did this to create in Himself one new man out of two, thus making peace (with reference to the two fold nature of man, the corrupt
and the truly Christian man, conformed to the nature / image / character of Jesus)